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Everything posted by anthony

  1. I enjoyed the show very much. Wilco is (if noting else) a great live band. Glenn is ridiculously fun. Nels is more impressive live than on record. They can reproduce new songs an breath life into old songs better than most, it seems. Great setlist, IMHO. I was hoping for Ghost songs and got quite a few (Muzzle!). I requested ALTWYS (several times) so I kinda hope they played it for me! (anyone else request songs? get played?). I was surprised no ITMWLY. Does JT not play this every show anymore? The mix was a little muddy from my seat (Mikael seemed to high; JT too low), but only minor gr
  2. I heard IATTBYH on XM Radio sometime between YHF and AGiB and was immediately hooked.
  3. anthony


    I was thinking of having Version 1 Version 2, etc. for different arrangements. For example, check out ALTWYS: http://radiocure.wikispaces.com/A+Ghost+Is+Born BTW, I got a couple of requests for access, but I want to make sure only VC people are allowed (for now). So if you did (or want to), please PM me here. Thanks.
  4. anthony


    Thanks for your contributions, G&S. I added a few miscellaneous songs today (Loose Fur, Golden Smog, etc.).
  5. I went to Amoeba Music in Hollywood over the weekend and pickup up these two on vinyl:
  6. The venue is in the "Gaslamp District" that has tons of great restaurants, bars, etc. Really nice down-town area.
  7. English Bulldog Maine Coon (stray rescue) Genetically Diverse Cat (stray rescue) here is the Bully: [ here are the cats:
  8. I am pretty excited for this weekends show in SD. My 2nd Wilco show. Hoping for a lot of AGiB songs!
  9. An interesting read, for sure. Thanks for the link-y
  10. anthony


    I understand your concern, but I still like the idea of a central place. As for policing, I do not intend to let the general public edit. I was thinking that just our VC community (and those who who shown a historical interest in tabs) be allowed to edit. I love VC and its dedication to tabs (that is why I joined), but it can still be difficult. For example, try to find Late Greats tab here. There is a great thread and conversation about it, but no ultimate definitive version ( i pieced one together for radiocure wiki), but it would be nice to have quick access. I don't intend for the wiki
  11. anthony


    I decided I would put my collection of Wilco tabs/chords into a Wiki. I agree with the poster above: while it is true that they are all out there (and a google search can find just about anything); however, it would be nice if they were all collected in a convenient location like a wiki. I was inspired by http://avettbrotherstabs.com/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=start I would like to thank all of you who have posted tabs here at VC since most of the collected stuff is from here (and gumbopages). It is a work in progress and I plan on fine-tuning them. If anyone had feedback on any of them, please
  12. That is a terrible song. Sounds like a joke ... like Flight of the Concords.
  13. Hilarious. Is Carrie the coolest person around or what?
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQttrkzWOo4
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lcu7OCIqlqE
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPudE8nDog0&ob=av2e
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inrEPapTtMM
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