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Everything posted by IRememberDBoon

  1. is it wrong to think that jumping jack flash is the most "groundbreaking" song in rock history?
  2. im not one to poo poo but that was the exact first thing i thought
  3. his performance was unreal in sundays episode i thought. best yet. he was about to break down and now it looks like his stress level should be x10 to me a few episodes back when there was that silent moment in the gettysburg store with Quinn and then those guys came busting in i about had a stroke. i thought that was as good a tense moment as ive seen in any tv show or movie ever.
  4. van alden is the absolute bomb. i love it when he went apeshit in the office. yeah the womens clinic is a bit slow. there has never been a nastier woman on tv than jimmys mom. good lord. i couldnt see how Homeland could go any furhter after last season but i think things are coming around nicely. all kinds of good stuff. I'll look into hunted but i dont get Cin with hbo and sho.
  5. discuss. I cant believe how im into both of them as much as i was into the wire and the sopranos. TV does not get any better than these two.
  6. November 29, 2012 - Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN Dirty Baby: Nels Cline/David Breskin/Ed Ruscha Personnel: Yuka C. Honda (electric piano, samples), Scott Amendola (percussion, drums, electronics), Devin Hoff (bass), Bill Barrett (harmonica), Jeremy Drake (guitars), Danny Frankel (percussion), Wayne Peet (organ), and Glenn Taylor (pedal steel). Ed Ruscha??
  7. Can we at least get past the idea that whoever voted for The President is someone that is on Govt assistance and wants more?? Seriously. Do you realize how flipping insulting and snot nosed that is?? Like you have all the money and all the lowely Obama voters want your $$$$. FING RIDICULOUS!
  8. "And while Romney is once again campaigning, the President is there doing his job. Anyone who tries to tell me this man is not sincere, don't waste your breath."
  9. you guys wanna hear something mind blowing try this I dont care if you absolutely hate Donna she works great here. Let Me Roll it is one of the best covers ever but the sound and playing on this is as good as it possibly gets. IMO Disc One "Mystery Train" (Junior Parker, Sam Phillips) — 10:19 "Russian Lullaby" (Irving Berlin) — 12:52 "That's What Love Will Make You Do" (James Banks, Eddie Marion, Henderson Thigpen) — 11:33 "Stir It Up" (Bob Marley) — 12:41 "Simple Twist of Fate" (Bob Dylan) — 9:29 "The Way You Do the Things You Do" (Smokey Robinson, Bobby Rogers) — 9:51 "C
  10. President came off as reasoned, serious, compassionate, articulate and presidential. Romney came off as well-coached, clear of his script, revisionist with his history, disrespectful to both Schieffer and the President, and slightly out of his league
  11. hope everyone saw this. not long and a must see. no sparky crap here. something interesting. http://gawker.com/5953357/missouri-pastors-fiery-speech-against-equal-rights-for-homosexuals-has-stunning-twist-ending
  12. great band. they played the local night out at the mall here a couple of months ago??!! i missed it but it seemed like a big turnout
  13. BWAHAA! Remember the guy whos video I posted about the President being gay. From World Net Daily. He was credentialed and put on the Romney plane yesterday
  14. "He's also one of the nation's leading constitutional experts and someone who exposes those out to destroy our liberties no matter what party they belong to" No hes not. Hes a blovating arsehole Andrew Napolitano smeared the Obama administration as being "in tight" with the New Black Panther Party, citing the myth that the Obama Justice Department would not prosecute a party member for "ntimidating voters with a weapon." In fact, the decision to not pursue criminal charges was made by the Bush DOJ, and the Obama administration won an injunction against the party member who carried a weapon
  15. Did anyone ever hear Sec Rumsfeld or Rice or President Bush take responsibility for any mistake?
  16. This is a little off topic, but something I heard on CNN before the debate last night really bothered me. One of the analysts said about Obama: "Well, the President needs to focus on civility. He has to be very careful not to appear rude or too aggressive during the debate." I couldn't help but wonder, why didn't she say that BOTH candidates need to "focus on civility" or that BOTH candidates have to "be very careful not to appear rude or too aggressive during the debate"? Now the analyst who made the observation about what Obama needed to do was not some right wing, racist blowhard, but a nor
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