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Everything posted by froggie

  1. i've heard rumours that Paul James will be joining the band this tour. he's played with bob as a guest since 1996. we'll see!
  2. i'll be happy with anything that doesnt sound like AGIB
  3. which Some Girls, Beast of Burden is my favourite Stones song, but i could never get into the album as a whole... dunno why
  4. sorry, got mixed up - i meant that 5 of the NYC songs were used on the official release, whereas the rest were re-recorded in minneapolis. its my fave Dylan album by a long shot
  5. i heard on the radio this morning that the coach was back in australia and he spoke about the matter on air this morning about what happened which is similar to whats described above... pretty low stuff
  6. happy birthday fellow ex-dylanpooler!
  7. i dont see the point of this when about 5 songs are the same between each sessions, arent they?. they could have made it and extended single disk
  8. either Let it bleed or Exile for me
  9. it depends what you want to know about Dylan. Shelton and Scaduto concentrate more on his music and professional career. Heylin (Behind the shades) concentrates more on his personal life and gossip (like which girls he's been banging!)
  10. > He did one song with a female that can be found on the Singles compilation i think it was 'TB is whipping me'
  11. i love his version of Downtown train more than Tom Waits' one
  12. froggie

    LeRoy Bach

    i loved that period of the band when he and jeff would do guitar/piano duties before mikael came in
  13. ps: i wasnt there obviously, but i heard from an internet buddy of mine that went to both shows and that the 2nd show was better, but he played TB-Sheets at the first show
  14. it's been posted before but there's no harm in another thank-you to the owl! great archive for the people that cant do torrents to download stuff!
  15. are we talking in Pink Floyd cover terms with Comfortably Numb? (i'm only a greatest hits Van person)
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