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Everything posted by froggie

  1. > For me 2008 was a great year..got married, bought a house and finally made it to Australia! and you forgot someone for me, i should be getting my phd thesis corrections back next. nervous, but looking forward to fixing some loose ends and be done with it
  2. a friend of mine is gonna cream his pants when he hears about the reunion
  3. PS Cortez, Pendulum is CCR's most underrated album
  4. I am trying to break your heart Kamera Impossible Germany Sky Blue Sky Hummingbird Handshake drugs (The YHF version) Heavy metal drummer Company in my back Pot Kettle Black Theologians What Light On and on and on
  5. http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2009/feb/2...ichard-tributes R.I.P Miss Brahams...
  6. i never saw the point of that one... maybe george martin needed some money! did macca and thomas the tank engine have any input in it at all?
  7. Macca wrote one of their hits (Come and get it), but this is my fave, which another Beatle played on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dclISza-DJ0
  8. the Oils are quite big, but MAW only had 3 big hits here its the same with Flaming Lips.... if it wasnt for this site, i wouldnt see past She Dont Use Jelly!
  9. have they actually had a career after Push the little daises?. they're referred to as one hit wonders in Australia
  10. this is off topic, but when Jeff played at Park West in 2000, he opened both shows with "this aint no lounge ax".... i've always wondered whether he's saying good or bad about the venue, compared to the then recently defunct lounge ax???
  11. End of the innocence is one of my favourite songs of all time!. and INXS were great!. Kiss the dirt and Beautiful girl are other top favourite tunes of mine
  12. http://www.thedvdproject.net our own Jesse runs the site and does a damn good job at making the dvds!!. there's over 100 volumes covering wilco/tweedy/tupelo/son volt, ect
  13. 100 reasons to watch the Oscars: Toronto Star: 100 reasons to watch the Oscars Feb 21, 2009 04:30 AM Malene Arpe 1. You can't wait to hear Jerry Lewis offend six to eight different races, religions and sexual orientations when accepting the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award. 2. Your doctor told you to keep the bandage on for six-and-a-half hours, which just happens to be the exact duration of the telecast. 3. Philip. Seymour. Hoffman. You know you want some. 4. If you don't watch, Mickey Rourke will come to your house and never leave. 5. You can't wait to see if John Travol
  14. Backstage with Bob Dylan, Tom Waites and Popeye http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZ4ZXsyqsWo
  15. for a minute i thought that was Andrea Corr on the Jolie Holland album!
  16. froggie

    One Song

    > YHF: Ashes of American Flags (perfect song for the perfect post 9/11 album) might be a good song for 911, but it was played as early as 1999
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