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Everything posted by froggie

  1. > (I realize this makes me sound very old and curmudgeonly.) i still do the snail mail trading and not afraid to mention to A-man that i dont know or care about using torrents! it's much less a hassle to get a few shows on a few data-dvd's from the postman, convert the flacs to wave format and burn to cd if you dont have unlimited bandwidth. and being in australia, we have to wait (gasp) 7-10 days for the package to arrive! (personal to Bridget for helping along the way!!)
  2. i'm also looking for jobs at the moment.. its hard down here as well. they're predicting the rate to jump to 8% next year, when it was only 4% a couple of years ago. most things i've applied for label me as either over or under-qualified for the position
  3. i came up to sydney to see the boys, so now you can come down here!
  4. well i'm definately going to the National gallery show! maybe you ask him about the guitar tips again!
  5. thats all we've heard so far... a new blaze started overnight, even though the weather is cooler i'm not the biggest animal lover, but seeing the image above makes you feel sorry
  6. froggie

    One Song

    AM - Too far apart BT - Misunderstood ST - Via chicago YHF - War on war AGIB - Muzzle of bees KT - Airline to heaven SBS - What light
  7. i was sleeping i didnt believe it at first, so i sent him and email asking 1st may will be great - Ed and Nels in one evening he toured with Cave last year in Europe as well..... here's the 3 stooges backstage: http://www.fasterlouder.com.au/news/local/...-a-Bad-Seed.htm
  8. i also like Modern Times, but i hope he doesnt re-hash it. he seems to like switching between laid back jazzy/waltzy songs and (errrm, borrowed) blues
  9. seems like Nels likes Melbourne quite a bit! the 1st of May seems weird with 2 slots in the same place on the same day. the Laugh clowns are meant to headline that night
  10. they'd better hurry cause he's getting on a bit..
  11. from what i've heard, the news has made the globe.... if you have some spare $$$ to help by donating, just follow the link below: http://www.samthekoala.com.au/
  12. i love the demo version more than the orginal loose fur one
  13. i remember the first time i heard the sax solo in Baker St.... lying in bed on a stinking hot night 20 years ago
  14. i've become lazy but i used to go for 2 hour bike rides along a trail beside the river. even though we're so close to the city, it makes you feel like you're in the country. how's this for being less than 5km from the city centre?!:
  15. http://www.nme.com/news/various-artists/42815 "The singer had checked himself into the hospital on July 25 in a bid to combat liver problems caused by alcohol abuse." i thought was going to buy some land, give up the booze and the one night stands?
  16. i was going to go for the Laughing Clowns alone (big fan of Ed Kuepper)! - let alone the bonus act!
  17. if the uncompressed youtube files are better quality, howsabout passing them on to Jesse for another DVD?... just a thought
  18. Melbourne is already confirmed by the looks of it... he'll be supporting the Laughing Clowns. If the Clowns do other shows around the country he might be might be there as well, considering wilco arent doing much around early May: Melbourne International Jazz Festival Just announced ...Laughing Clowns to play the Melbourne International Jazz Festival check out their site below for further info http://www.melbournejazz.com/v2009/webpage...tist.php?aid=47 LAUGHING CLOWNS Opening Act: Nels Cline Solo (USA) Presented in Association with RRR 1 MAY Friday May 1 2009 8:30pm The
  19. we usually allow a week or so before asking for recordings while the tapers get their recording ready (if they post it)... it could be days, it could be months
  20. > Both at the same time. The JJ Tweedy band. will there be guest appearances from lou reed and mo tucker?
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