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Everything posted by DAngerer09

  1. Have you had a look at OSU's schedule? Unless Michigan beats them (Lloyd Carr has sucked against Tressel OSU), they will not lose any of their remaining games. USF has a good shot to run the table in the Big East. If you win AT Auburn, you can beat any Big East team. BC has a lot of tough games left, so I think they will lose. What I am hoping for is like 10 teams with one loss so the BCS looks horrendous.
  2. Can anyone else not stand those Dane Cook commercials where he is screaming about baseball? you may enjoy this:http://thebiglead.com/?p=3406
  3. See, that's the problem with college football. OU has already lost, therefore you are almost completely eliminated from any chance at a national title. I know it is still possible for them to make it, but unlikely. Playoff, please.
  4. If I had a vote, I'd go USF #1, BC, #2, and then OSU #3. Kansas would be my #4. USF has the most quality wins- beat Auburn on the road and took care of WV easily at home. 2 impressive wins BC gets the 2 slot just based upon OSU's HORRIBLE schedule. They play no one. When you are a top tier team, why do you feel the need to schedule 2 MAC teams and a D1AA opponent when you are already in a weaker BCS conference? Yes, I am calling the Big Ten weak, because it really is a weak conference. The SEC, Big East, Pac 10, Big 12 are all miles ahead of the Big 10 this season.
  5. I was thinking Avett Bros. and Old Crow too. Those guys are so great live.
  6. I thought it came off pretty bland live, and it was kind of an encore snoozer. Setlist from last night looks terrific. I'm sure everyone had a great time.
  7. Hey, it's what the Reds do best. Let's sign Mike Stanton. Let's pay Ryan Freel 3-4 million dollars per year to be a 4th outfielder. Let's not bring up young players and get their feet wet when we are 20 games out of the playoff hunt. Let's sign Chris Hammond. Let's give Eric Milton 9 million dollars to give up more homeruns than anyone else. I have a lot of problems with a lot of the moves my favorite team makes. I just hope Walt Jockety accepts the Reds offer to become CEO and head of baseball operations. That would offset the Dusty Baker move.
  8. Man, all these 25 song setlists of late making me really excited. I hope a curfew doesn't cut it real short....
  9. in no order: -Wilco -Andrew Bird -Ben Folds/Five -Beck -The Shins -Spoon -Beatles -Page France -Guster -The National -Sufjan Stevens -Iron and Wine -Adam Torres -Coldplay -Phonograph -Jim O'Rourke -Josh Ritter -Radiohead -Ray LaMontagne
  10. Yeah, my thoughts exactly. We have a really young team and Baker is not a good fit for this club.
  11. Wow. Ever since Gagne's been off the roids, he just hasn't been as good.
  12. Without the roots of rock n roll back in the 50s and 60s, you would have no bands like the ones you like, and guys like ABird, Sufjan, Iron and Wine, etc would not be the same. Sam Beam cites his biggest musical influence as The Beatles. "Rock" is such a broad term and it is a constantly evolving genre with many many many faces to it.
  13. I can't stand these AL 4.5 hour games. After watching so much exciting college football, baseball is just drags. Also, the Reds hired Dusty Baker today. As a Reds, I don't think it is a great fit, but hopefully he does well.
  14. exactly. there is so much great music out there that doesn't ROCK. Andrew Bird, Sufjan Stevens, Iron and Wine, Radiohead, Sigur Ros. I'm more interested in well crafted songs and new ideas than just a band sitting around and rocking out to chords I've heard a thousand times.
  15. I feel the same way. I wasn't expecting that much because I'm not a huge Radiohead fan and didn't like Hail to the Thief at all and only really liked OK Computer and The Bends. I really have never liked Yorke's voice either. But, this album is terrific. Far exceeded my expectations.
  16. Josh Ritter would be a great opener too.
  17. Iron and Wine would be a great opener/double bill with Wilco
  18. DAngerer09


    I think Wilco tours more than enough.
  19. So far, I think their peak was Rubber Factory. The Lengths is one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard. I'm glad they can rock out, but they can also craft a beautiful, textured song. I loved Rubber Factory, the EP that followed was solid, but Magic Potion didn't do much for me.
  20. I'd probably miss Wilco if the Reds were in the NLCS......but we don't seem to ever have that problem.
  21. I heard one of JB's songs on NPR's All Songs Considered. It was off the Magcificent Defeat, but I don't remember the name. It sounded really really busy and had way too much going on it, too many layers.
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