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Everything posted by LouieB

  1. More guns, less refugees. All simple isn't it? The folks who shot up the center in California were not refugees. One was from Chicago (watch those guys) and the wife was on a visa which was not a refugee visa. Actually we screen the shit out of refugees, but let in tourists, students, future spouses and spouses with little screening. And honestly for the life of me I can't figure out why responsible gun owners want more irresponsible gun owners to own more guns. What's the problem with closing gun show loop-holes, better background checks, and other common sense measures (are these ava
  2. Hey, I'm good with that. Just my bad spelling that's all, but not unbelievable is it? I think I'll leave it for laughs. The business of government is pretty much warfare isn't it? Where would we be without it?? You have solicited a smile from me. I may be the one of the last people to read a daily newspaper; and every morning it is a dreadful experience. We are most certainly at war with each other if nothing else. LoueB
  3. Every election has the "if so and so is elected I am moving" routine, both left and right and no one really leaves. (Well maybe a handful do.) As we all know, the president really doesn't do nearly as much as anyone thinks they do (or can or wants to or is capable of.) Ultimately the government is run by the government. It can be helped or hindered by the chief executive and the congress, but ultimately it plods along in it's own fashion. Neither the left or the right want a smaller government, they just want the same large government but maybe regulating different things. And everyone w
  4. If anyone has no chance it is probably (besides Bush) Ted Cruz; he's just as much a loose cannon as Trump. Even Christie has a chance of gaining some momentum from establishment types, but ultimately it is going to be Rubio against Clinton. Now that we are at the 11 month mark it's going to get serious for both parties. And with the world in turmoil, Bernie Sanders is also going to start to fade because his main appeal is his positions on domestic issues. This entire campaign is ridiculously long and when push comes to shove, everyone is going to shove closer to the center leaving little r
  5. I really hope Donald Trump takes the GOP nomination. I still suspect that either Rubio or Cruz will be the nominee, but what the heck, that will be super boring. Sure not all Republicans are bigots, but damn, a whole lot of them apparently are. Carson is finished. He just wanted to sell a few more books anyway, before he goes back to the lecture circuit. LouieB
  6. Maybe groups like the Fugees and Tribe Called Quest are interesting to adults, but I doubt any kid will go for that. Then again I don't like rap all that much (with the exception of old timers PE), so what do I know. It seems to me the main attraction for most kids is the sheer nastiness of the whole thing. You could try the original cast recording of Hamilton - it's sort of rap and a history lesson all in one. LouieB
  7. Did anyone hear Paul on the radio? His selections were excellent. LouieB
  8. Brian- Skip the political discussions and stay for the Wilco and music. The political discussions are super toxic. Some of us find it difficult to believe that Wilco fans can be so regressive in their thinking (not aimed at anyone in particular although if the shoe fits). We all know that for everyone who is safe there are thousands who die at the hands of those holding guns and lots of animals die who really don't need to be killed for food. Yea, take out a few harmless bunnies or a deer or two if you must but honestly you don't need a big honking firearm to do it. LouieB
  9. I'm not calling anyone names, I just think this discussion is pointless on guns. Guns are here to stay until the vast majority of the US population gets sick of the slaughter. So far they haven't. Pretty much end of discussion. LouieB
  10. I can't believe you guys are still talking to Hixtler at all. There is simply no point to it. He's not going to change his mind. (Cue the Beatles - Happiness is a Warm Gun. It could have been written expressly for him. Bang Bang Shoot shoot,) Really I have nothing to say about guns. We've said it all. We are going to keep slaughtering each other and totally helpless animals until there are simply none of us left. The gun nuts believe they are entitled to every type of fire arm and ammo under all conditions. Some day after all of us are gone this nation may come to it's senses, but
  11. Hope you enjoyed it. It was fun, but more technical issues than I would have liked. Oh well. Next show December 20. LouieB
  12. I am totally bumping this thing. Today is your chance to hear me and BBop (Paul Suwan) on the radio (see above.) We are starting at just after 5 PM central time on WNUR.org. Paul is playing a bunch of stuff from his record collection, mainly French influenced material, but other stuff as well, and I am doing a short tribute to Billy Strayhorn, who's 100 birthday is today and a cut from the Mini-Mekons/Robbie Fulks LP that came out on Black Friday. We are also joined by John Laurie of Laurie's Planet of Sound, who is playing some crazy stuff from his record collection. If you have not bothere
  13. Clearly some people are more paranoid than others. LouieB
  14. Not sure why are guys are still arguing about this. Americans are going to own and use guns until every last one of us is dead: it's our constitutional right to blow the shit out of each other. Let it go. Happy fucking Thanksgiving. LouieB
  15. 1. I know she is on anti now. She pulled her early records from Bloodshot and is now marketing them through anti, which is her right. 2. Considering how slowly she has been working of late I guess I am not surprised. 3. Good to know, they area great combo. LouieB
  16. I am pretty sure Neko is still against taping and video too; why would she change. She has also taken back all her early work from Bloodshot and releases it under her own label these days. Isn't it time for her to get out a new album? Is Kelly still singing back-up for her? Just curious LouieB
  17. Yea, sorry I didn't see someone else say the same thing. Insulting Jesus seems to be the norm anymore. But I suppose everyone gets to have their own personal Jesus, so the bigoted, homophobic, violent, intolerant, xenophobic, gun totting Jesus seems to be the norm anymore. LouieB
  18. He would have to insult Jesus. That's about it and maybe even that wouldn't get people to dump him. LouieB
  19. I got a copy of that as a cut out in the bookstore of my college. What I did stupid was actually play it a lot on cheap stereos. LouieB
  20. Yea let's talk about guns more because everyone is going to change their minds the more we talk Meanwhile people die from being shot by others or themselves everyday including people killing each other on the streets, in their homes, both intentionally and by accident; oh yea and every once in a while a police officer actually kills someone really threatening them. Meanwhile Chicago has a case to beat all; a cop who pumped 15 more bullets into a suspect once they were on the ground and incapacitated. I suggest everyone watch the footage of this. Despite it being nauseating, it is just unbel
  21. the Bottle Rockets are notoriously slow at pulling stuff together. When it is finally posted I will let everyone know. LouieB
  22. Posting early this week. I am back on this Sunday November 29 at 5:30 PM central on WNUR.org doing the Mixtape show again. You can also listen through TuneIn. This week I am inviting in some of my friends from Laurie's Planet of Sound including BBop (Paul) who is a fierce record collector, to play some of their faves. This is become a lot of fun for me and I also hope for listeners. If you already tuned me in at some point, come on back. LouieB
  23. Of all the remnants of Uncle Tupelo, The Bottle Rockets get the least play. But after seeing them the other night, I highly recommend their new album and if they come to your town you go check them out. I'm not saying that what they do isn't somewhat derivative, but as derivation goes, their brand is highly entertaining and energetic. This is a bunch of guys who have persevered over the last 20 years and are finally getting some due. Also when the movie of their show of the Champaign High Dive show is finally released give that a look. I did some camera work on it, but the whole packag
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