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Everything posted by LouieB

  1. Roger Daltry's solo albums are going for big money? Amazing. This record collecting thing is out of control. LouieB
  2. What does it all mean? Everyone take a deep breath now. How many months until the general election? Plenty of time for the GOP to broker a convention and install Mitt Romney again? Suddenly the old Mitt is looking pretty good. Edit - I guess I was wrong about Rubio. Then again you never know. LouieB
  3. this should be cool. LouieB
  4. Kurt Vile is an okay act (I saw him at Riot Fest a couple summers ago) but he is really not special. I would suspect that the special guests will be Chicago based folks that are friends with Wilco and also worth the time, not unlike the show at the Kane County ball park a couple summers ago. But let's see, as I recall Dr. Dog opened the last time Wilco played the Pritzger; they were just okay in my opinion. LouieB
  5. It's a good thing we have all seen Wilco lots of times before. As with the last time they played Pritzger (we can disagree about the band's performance which is nearly always great and was decent the last time) these events attract more non-fans than other shows. That's great for the band. So if anyone has an extra ticket come August I'll take it, but not for 250 to 500 bucks. I love Wilco as well as the next guy, but no fucking way I'm paying that. (and honestly I am not sure these large venues do them justice although the Kane County show was pretty good.) LouieB
  6. Anyone see Neko last night in Downers Grove? LouieB
  7. Sorry I missed this one. The clips are hilarious though. LouieB
  8. in a couple months there will be plenty of CD copies I am sure. LouieB
  9. It wasn't a bad show, I have seen better....and now I forgot to get tix. Oh well. LouieB
  10. I can't think of a single performer who has bad a better late career resurgence than Mavis. Starting with "Have a Little Faith" on Alligator and produced by Jim Tullio in 2004, she has had a string of winners over the last decade. May the string continue. LouieB
  11. Thanks for posting the actual question. That does muddy the waters a bit I suppose (as I suspected.) Couching it as a states rights issue will catch a lot of people disagreeing with the federal government/executive branch taking action. Of course not understanding that slavery was just flat out wrong seems like a no brainer to most people, but who knows. LouieB
  12. I must have been at a different show at Pritzger. The band was just okay and the audience kind of sucked. (Sorry to be snarky, but that's how I remember it.) LouieB
  13. David Duke - see it doesn't matter. The right wing always comes around to anyone who shades their point of view. Only the left is going to split ideological hairs and stay home. Edit- and one more thing...... While the media continues to say that the millennials are trending Bernie, it seems like the footage from the Trump rallies features quite a few folks from this demographic. LouieB
  14. I saw this poll the other night. One has to wonder how this question was phrased. I mean if they left out the Lincoln and the historical context it is possible (as crazy as it seems) that the respondents were doing the usual "no executive order is justified" routine. But let's be honest, we all know racism is alive and well, and while the left is wringing it's hands over "micro-aggressions", "trigger warnings" and "white privilege", the folks who don't give a shit about these more subtle issues are just flat out bigots and hatemongers. While the left wing debates our issues, the right wing
  15. Has anyone checkout Au Pair yet? I have not, nor am I that interested, but curious if someone has. LouieB
  16. I am back on Classical and Beyond this Saturday at 1 PM- 4PM central time, WNUR.org. But here's the thing, this week is phonathon for the station. As with every not for profit venture we are going to ask for a bit of money. Please tune me in for this purpose if you like. If not try me next time. However a bit of help on the funding would be greatly appreciated and worth a shout out. As I approach retirement I hope to be on more often on subbing on different shows and maybe get my own show someday. Thanks in advance. LouieB
  17. Thanks, kinda lame, but what the hell. I have noticed that the new Mavis album is getting a lot of online advertising. LouieB
  18. You got that right. This is super painful. LouieB
  19. This entire election cycle can't end soon enough. Glad the bulk of the primaries are finally around the corner. I am tired of both parties and all the candidates, even the one I plan to vote for. LouieB
  20. The Bob Dylan proposal story is fairly well known and a staple of Mavis' interviews. Its cool and weird that Mavis won a Grammy for a very old song on a one off EP that seems sort of lack luster to me. I just bought a copy and listened a couple times and figure it will be sitting gathering dust on the shelf for a long time. Looking forward to the M. Ward album when it finally shows up on LP though. LouieB
  21. I doubt there will be a second show, but only the band knows. Since this is a big show with expensive tickets I am guessing this is about what they can do. I am personally thinking of just waiting and seeing who has an extra closer to the show. Maybe not the best tactic if you are from out of town, but not even sure I am going to be in town when this show occurs. Kudos to Wilco for going big time. LouieB
  22. Conspiracy? There is no conspiracy. It's all out in the open. Aside from the super delegate issue (remember Bernie is not a member of the Democratic Party), Hillary is going to do reasonably well in many of the primaries coming up. Everyone needs to get out and vote and not be cowed by what seems to be any candidate's momentum or lack thereof. It is important that Bernie supporters vote; his influence on this race even if he doesn't win, is terribly important. BTW being president of the US of A is a shitty job. It is a no win situation. LouieB
  23. Wow dissing Richard Thompson. LouieB
  24. The album could come out before Christmas next year too. LouieB
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