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Everything posted by LouieB

  1. They are. Bernie is our coin, but both camps are ever so slightly (or not so slightly) bat shit crazy. I admire Bernie and certainly agree with some of the sentiment about Hillary, but the job remains President of the US of A, not some benevolent and all knowing Greek god that can do no wrong. Bernie needs to stay in until the end and then read his minions the fucking riot act. Trump is a genuine shit show. At least Hillary is somewhat concerned about her image and constituency and will be subject to the opinions and pressure from that constituency. While Trump is not a real conservative
  2. I am hardly making sense. This is a horrible election and every time I see Hillary I get a little more down on her and the entire process, although honestly I don't think she is all that bad, compared to the rest of the boys who did or continue to run. Someone posted a really stupid and dishonest internet meme of a woman with a basked of skulls saying this is what you are buying if you vote for Hillary. Yea, sure Hillary is a bit hawkish for my taste, but let's be honest, if she didn't act bad ass no one would take the first serious woman running for president seriously. They don't call th
  3. Sick of me yet? Well if not, give me a listen this Saturday May 7 at 7-9 AM central time. I am doing a Mixtape show with lots of faves for folks on this board. I am going to play lots of new releases by the Waco Brothers, Robbie Fulks, The Jayhawks, Sturgill Simpson,, Mavis STaples, Tom Waits, John Renbourn, as well as Record store day releases from EmmyLou, Mathew Sweet, Nuggets, the original Son Volt and older stuff from Aretha, Bert Jansch, The Mekons, as well as some wacky singles and whatever else I wrestle up. All on WNUR.org (TuneIn works for this) or 89.3 FM in Chicago. I know thi
  4. Needless to say I was venting my frustration, but trust me, plenty of folks think voting for Clinton is a cop out. Someone I know posted on Facebook that Hillary flip flopped on coal (she definitely did, after fucking up in front of one group she tried to mend a fence or two in WV.), but then went on to say he wasn't voting for her anyway. The supposed polls that Bernie would beat Trump easier than Hillary I believe are bullshit at this point. No one has actually gone after Bernie in the way they have gone after Hillary since he isn't nearly as big a public figure as she is and hasn't had t
  5. Well no, Recently I read that old music is outselling new music, so you are correct, plenty of younger people are going to go see the end of an era I guess. The new New Yorker features and article about the new Paul Simon album. They should throw him on the pile as an opener. LouieB
  6. Nice or not, much of those who are leftish really don't give a shit. Clinton is as much a devil as Trump and look for Bernie supporters to stay home in droves or vote Green or vote for Trump. It seems unreal, but I do believe this may be the lowest voter turnout for a very long time. Plenty of people are in the Susan Sarandon camp and figure that a Trump presidency will be a good thing for progress. Personally I don't get it, but I am sure there are plenty of people on this board who will tell you they were only in it for Bernie and not for the Democrats. So who got the contested conventi
  7. I'm not going and it is aimed squarely at my demographic (me not going has nothing to do with it), but it does seem like alot of bother for a bunch of oldesters like this. LouieB
  8. Yea, I want to see Miles but it doesn't sound all that enticing on some levels. Thanks for tuning in. I was a bit off, with one of the CD players eating one of my CDs. Hope to get it back. LouieB
  9. Saw the LP and picked it up. Hope it's good. I guess the name hooked me, plus is was way cheaper than many new LPs. LouieB
  10. Nearly forgot. I am doing a jazz show May 1 at 4-6 PM Central time on WNUR.org (as usual) or 89.3 in Chicago. Tune In is a good way to get this. Today I am playing an hour of bebop and and hour of AACM, with a Gil Scott-Heron chaser for the electoral season. Tune me in if you can. The first hour includes Bird and Diz along with Monk, Milt Jackson, Dexter Gordon, etc. and the second hour includes the Art Ensemble of Chicago and its members, as well as Henry Threadgill, Anthony Braxton, Leo Smith, Richard Abrams. Should be a good time. LouieB
  11. They think, "wow another way to get fans to cough up some money." Nothing at this point matters. Neil gets to put out whatever he wants because people continue to buy his music, maybe not as much as they did in the past, but they buy what is new and then think, damn that's not as good as the old stuff and go buy the old stuff too. LouieB
  12. Just checking in here to see if there is buzz about a Chicago subway (mostly above ground) series. LouieB
  13. Susan B Anthony too....on another lost cause dollar coin. LouieB
  14. Fuck Ted.....what a douche. Sorry to be so crude, but really? LouieB
  15. Well that was interesting; one step closer to Trump - Clinton faceoff. Why on earth is the California primary so damn late? LouieB
  16. Sure. I have no ticket for Millennium Park, but there is plenty of other stuff. LouieB
  17. I can't wait for the end of the primary season. This has gone on too long and clearly the November election, still 6 months off, is coming into focus. LouieB
  18. Since we are using screen names here - Did I see you? (I hate that.) homme was quite good, considering. I have not seen Tweedy unfortunately so I have nothing to compare it to. The headliners were well rehearsed or appeared to be (did I say that.) and it hung together very well. LouieB
  19. Maybe if they pop for a ticket from Japan. LouieB
  20. It sold out by show time. There were still tickets left at the door but they all were sold. It was great. The chemistry with the group actually jelled, considering it was really two duos playing together. It was evident they actually rehearsed or if they didn't they sure seemed like they knew what they were doing. LouieB
  21. Earnest indeed. I guess we can leave it at that. LouieB
  22. BTW the Hideout show this weekend was excellent. LouieB
  23. As a Sanders supporter I find the Sanders supporters who are still bashing Clinton to be totally irritating. Sorry guys it's about over and even Bernie is going to have to figure out how to cruise into the convention, get his time, and exit gracefully and support the ticket. Okay so Hillary can be a pain in the butt, but let's face it, she isn't all that different from Bernie, or the Bernie that would eventually be as the elected president. He seems to have a bit of a dog whistle himself when it comes to African Americans too. Cool it Bern. LouieB
  24. I can't see any way that Trump is NOT going to be the nominee. The GOP will figure that they need to re-entrench Congress so they can thwart Hillary when she wins. LouieB
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