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Everything posted by LouieB

  1. Neil managed to reissue the lost LPs on vinyl without anyone noticing. Now everyone can get On the Beach on LP. LouieB
  2. Guess I missed posting a week. This week I am on Tuesday September 6, 12-2 PM Central time on WNUR.org with a bunch of crazy odds and ends, lots of labor songs (Guthrie, Seeger,Phillips, Elliot, Ochs, and many others), some jazz (Coleman and Evans), some rockabilly, Allen Ginsburg with and without music and a few surprises (the Tim Hardin and Okkerville River versions of Black Sheep Boy for the heck of it.) As always it is going to be fun. Give me a listen if you have time. Thanks. LouieB
  3. Honestly I didn't think I was being a troll. The name is not that great, but then good names are hard to find, I saw them and they sounded okay (didn't complain about their voices), they were pleasant enough, and I stand by my statement that they will have lost their buzz before long. Let's discuss this again in a year. LouieB
  4. RVG had a great life and made records that will be listened to for hundreds of years. A true pioneer. LouieB
  5. Actually Hillary should hang on to the mic and do some free style. LouieB
  6. Hey all, Tomorrow is Tuesday again and i will be in my usual slot at 12-2 for the Mixtape show and 11-12 for an hour of jazz. WNUR.org. I will try and make it entertaining. This week I am doing a set of Shel Silverstein songs, some soul, some songs about the devil, some fun odds and ends, and a hunk of poetry by myself, a friend and Jack Kerouac. Not sure what is on the jazz segment yet, but it will be okay. Thanks in advance for tuning in. LouieB
  7. This is too bad. Another lose for that generation. LouieB
  8. That's right, tomorrow is Tuesday. so I am back on the air at 11 AM Central August 16 to play an hour of jazz and 12-2 Central for the Midday Mixtape show. WNUR.org or TuneIn as usual. The jazz segment will include Charlie Hayden, Joseph Jarman, John Carter, Clifford Brown, Meade Lux Lewis, among others. The Mixtape will include a healthy half to 3/4 of an hour of Brazilian music (Jobim, the Gilbertos, Tom Ze, Os Mutantes, Nascimento, and others) and then the majority of the rest will be live cuts from folks you all know (Harrison, Dylan, the Clash, Wilco, The Beach Boys, Ray Charles, The B
  9. The sad part of all this is, is that the majority of folks DO think there should be more gun control, but if Hillary is characterized as being anti-2nd amendment the pro folks are going to come out in droves. I have a friend who predicted that if this race comes down to gun control Hillary will lose. From my Facebook feed there are a large(ish) group of anti Trump and also anti Hillary folks who believe that voting third party (although the Greens are only on the ballot in 23 states at the moment I believe) is the way to go. Adding up all of Hillary's deficits seems like a better idea th
  10. Here is a one off. I am joining Rosie (formerly TweedysGurl) on her show, the Devil's Radio August 11, 2016 on WDBX.org at 10-12 PM Central with a family show (all my immediate family playing stuff and talking about a trip some of them just took down south.) If you want to hear Rosie and I together again after a long break tune us in. Lots of blues and country and other stuff I do believe. LouieB
  11. Okay back on track. Maybe Shoshtakovich wasn't for everyone but this Tuesday August j9, should have something for everyone. I am doing three hours starting at 11 AM to 2 PM on WNUR.org, TuneIn or 89.3 in Chicago. The first hour will be all jazz because that is usually what the station plays during the morning. The jazz segment will have Keith Jarrett, Fred Anderson, two versions of Cherokee including the original by Charlie Barnett and the new one by Kamasi Washington, Dylan tunes done jazz style, and some odds and ends. The two hours of the MIdday Mixtape will include Robyn Hitchcock,
  12. I constantly feel like I have to preface everything with the fact that I voted for and gave money to Bernie (but won't to Hillary). But I never had any Bernie or Bust feelings at any point in the process. Bernie knew going in what the game was (agreeing with KevinG) and his so quickly dropping his party affiliation seems like a cheap shot now. So he both knew the uphill climb going in and proved to be lacking in any long term dedication or identification with the DNC. So he was just using them (wham bam thank you ma'am.) and then moving on. Yea sure the early super delegate's decision to
  13. Alot of this isn't actually alt.country, it's either country rock (before it was called alt.country) or just plain country or just plain rock. LouieB
  14. OH crap I forgot to mention my Tuesday show. It was fun. Will post up again next week. Also there is a Classical show this Saturday at 1-4 PM. Dimitri Shoshtakovich anyone? LouieB
  15. The point that the parties are not public, but private organizations is well taken. All four of the major (??!?!?!) candidates have said or are saying totally wacky shit, particularly the third party candidates who have even less to lose than the Dems and GOP. I'm going to admit to something; I never had strong feelings about either of the Democratic candidates, yet voted for Bernie because I figured an insurgent was just what the party needed since Hillary was certainly being favored and Bernie was saying things that seemed reasonable and more progressive. Had I known that there would b
  16. There is an article in the NY Times about how only about 9% of the electorate chose the candidates. If I have time later to find this I will or someone more intrepid than me can find it. Either way it is clear that no matter which candidate you are willing to die for, they are chosen by a very small number of people. LouieB
  17. As a simple tally Hillary won the popular vote. Without the superdelegates (which I think eveyone now thinks is goofy), she still would have won. The fact that there is a combo of primaries and caucuses and sometimes both is also ridiculous. If only there were straight up voting, all within a relatively short period of time instead of spread out over months and months, all this talk about fixed elections would be gone. The US of A is looking so stupid for dragging this shit out endlessly. The entire process and where and when it starts and ends needs to be rethought, but I doubt that will e
  18. He's made it this far, he is going on the way to election day which is just about 100 days from now. He is going to lose, not for lack of those supporting him and those not supporting Hillary trying to make him president. Remember there are people on this very message board, Wilco fans, that back him. Maybe a few can stand up and say why they support him now, including the horrible things he said this weekend, which should have been enough to do him totally in. LouieB
  19. I suspect you should listen to it now, because a few months from now it might not be interesting anymore. Things change so fast and these guys buzz may be gone. LouieB
  20. Back on this Saturday July 30 at 7-9 AM Central for an early Mixtape Show. This one is with my record collecting friend Chris Perry and he has a great list to play including Bowie, Prince, Laura Nyro, Beach Boys and a bunch of other stuff that's newer and further out. Check out out. WNUR.org or TuneIn. LouieB
  21. Damn that was fun. I'm back on Saturday at 7-9 AM with fellow record collector Chris Perry. LouieB
  22. Bernie turned out to be the mensch I always knew he was, even if his followers are not. He can now go into the history books as an heroic figure. Kudos to him. LouieB
  23. Wow, next June for Glenn in Chicago? That's planning ahead. LouieB
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