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Everything posted by LouieB

  1. Tuesday July 26 12-2 PM CT on WNUR.org or TuneIn....Lots of alt.country, no depression, insurgent country this week. Making it easy on myself and everyone else. Jayhawks, UT, Joe Henry, Neko Case, DBT, Robbie Fulks, Jon Langford, Old 97s, Golden Smog, lots of other folks you all know. Since I have only two hours someone's faves will be left out. So feel free to give requests for next time. LouieB
  2. He pandered to everyone and will in fact pick up some Bernie or Bust folks who believe that Hillary is worse than he is. The worse was pandering to the LGBTQ community though, after the RNC adopted the most anti LGBTQ platform ever. . LouieB
  3. Trump cribbed ideas from the far right to the far left. Seems like he is trying to appeal to everyone who is freaked out. LouieB
  4. Saturday July 23rd at 1-4 PM is the third and last part (I think) of the Kurt Weill retrospective. You know where WNUR.org or TuneIn or 89.3 This is going to be the songs of Weill sung b the likes of Maryanne Faithful, Maria Stratta , Ute Lemper, Lotte Lenya, Tom Waits, Lou Reed, Boz Scaggs, and others. It's going to be a great time. Please join us. Thanks. (Has there ever been a better time for music from the pre and post WWII era?) LouieB
  5. Twin Peaks is an excellent local band that killed at Pitchfork again this year. Good opener. LouieB
  6. Actually I thought they were good, but Twin Peaks I thought kicked ass at Pitchfork. LouieB
  7. I didn't really watch any of it, but I did watch some with the sound off and the visual was bad enough. LouieB
  8. It's a Jewish joke. A Yiddishism actually. Adding the schm to the beginning of a word is a term of derision. An interesting decision for a name? For more details no one cares about..... http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/1997/yiddish-shmiddish-why-do-we-repeat-a-word-but-start-it-with-shm LouieB
  9. Trying to lighten everyone's loads in this dark hour, I am taking back to the airwaves (WNUR.org 89.3 and TuneIn) on July 19 at 12-2 PM central time; I will do my best to make you forget the world's troubles. This week I have invited in my record selling buddy Carter to help me spin crazy 45s for two straight hours. We have collected the "cream " of the vinyl detritus and will play lots of crazy material you have never heard before and may never want to hear again. This is going to be some raucous fun with little or unknown artists from the soul, funk, rockabilly, pop, novelty, and other genre
  10. The center can not hold, but honestly it is looking like Hillary being a centrist is at least reasonable. This shit from the RNC is just beyond belief and the convention and fall campaign have not yet started. Woe to anyone voting for these clowns (and you know who you are that are.) LouieB
  11. Saw them at Pitchfork. Enjoyable enough. Still one of the worst band names ever. They were early in the day and did a good job. LouieB
  12. I'm totally interested. Will pay for them soon. Let's talk next week. LouieB
  13. Well I think we all saw that coming. LouieB
  14. One more thing about Bernie that I don't think has been discussed enough. Having lived through the sectarian left conflicts of the 60s and 70s, I am not sure that when push came to shove people would support Bernie either. Bernie has deep roots in the radical politics of that era and while I don't have a problem with the fact that he is basically a communist, and maybe plenty of young people don't either since they were not alive during the cold war, if he had become the nominee, alot of that part of his life would be taken out and examined in some detail. Yea, the common refrain about B
  15. I think my point is more general and more boring. This entire campaign seems to have been predicated on the belief that either Bernie or Trump will get into office and suddenly transform the US of A into either a Socialist Utopia or a white people's paradise simply by either one of them getting elected. I really believe that is what is fueling the Bernie or bust crowd (that an thinking that Hillary is a world class criminal who simply should not be President.) and the support for Trump as well. What else would account for the fact that everyone is willing to die for Bernie, but the thought
  16. I guess all the good band names are taken. LouieB
  17. Nod indeed, but she was never "against" raising he minimum wage. As per usual, raising the minimum wage is a legislative duty, not something the President can unilaterally do. LouieB
  18. Hillary was never against any of those things,they differed on the slant of the ramp up to them. LouieB
  19. Absolutely. I am hoping we find a young Bernie that has the time and the fortitude to pound away at this until it gets somewhere. My problem with the Bernie or Bust crowd is that they look at it as an all or nothing right now, rather than take the long view, which is what a struggle like this demands. Party platforms are basically BS; the rubber meets the road in actual legislatures, both local, state, and federal. That's where leadership is needed. Pushing back against the forces of reaction is a long term goal, not an immediate win and Presidents rarely move policy more than inches at a
  20. Some people will be mad at Bernie if he doesn't go to the Green party; and those folks don't understand politics either. LouieB
  21. Back at you again today July 12 at 12-2 PM Central time on WNUR.org or 89.3 I got requests and I'm dipping back into Zappa (saw the movie), Bowie (by request), new music from case,lang, viers, as well as brand new music from Lydia Loveless and pretty new music from White Mystery. Also it's the 37th anniversary of Disco Demolition so I unearthed a few favorite (???!!?!) disco songs (tune in to find out what on earth I actually like), jazz from Stan Getz and Gil Evans, and maybe the Banditos doing Put a Spell on You. This is going to be a load of fun including some surprises of different
  22. It's really a fun movie and I helped film some of it. It was a long time coming. LouieB
  23. http://nodepression.com/video/welcome-our-movie-bottle-rockets-live-person The Bottle Rockets movie has finally surfaced with a premier on No Depression. All those interested in these guys and Uncle Tupelo need to watch this. I hope the link works, but if not check out no No Depression - Welcome to Our Movie. So fun. LouieB
  24. Just gave it a first listen. Pleasant record. LouieB
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