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Everything posted by LouieB

  1. So here is the deal......in my humble opinion. Because the primaries were so close and the further left feels so alienated by Hillary, she has to out Bernie, Bernie by appearing to be all up in the left wing. This is the same reaction Donald had so he is now Mr. Boring and Reasonable. I don't know what the answer is honestly. Ugly indeed. Where is the fucking time machine so we can all go back and start over?? LouieB
  2. Just bought a brick of tapes so I am ready. LouieB
  3. Good question. is there an answer? LouieB
  4. The vast majority of the general public has no idea cassettes are a thing, even those who still buy physical music. Hell most people don't even know LPs are a thing. LouieB
  5. Did I say this already? We do have a third party, it is called the Libertarians. Of all the other parties, it is the biggest and strongest and has the most recognizable presidential candidate (if you call someone I can't name recognizable.) They have the clearest and most identifiable platform though. Meanwhile Jill Stein and the Green (white) party certainly get some traction for having little to show for their infrequent efforts in local elections and a nebulous platform and a super snarky entry into presidential politics every 4 years. LouieB
  6. Finally gave Calling Mr. Proust a listen yesterday in anticipation of seeing the Jayhawks tonight. It's a good album, some songs better than others (what else is new.) I felt the vinyl pressing was sub-par, but that is just something that happens these days I guess. LouieB
  7. Wow, nice. Big Time. Should be great. And once again proving that standards still have legs. LouieB
  8. Kirk is facing elimination by Duckworth, so he wants to appear as liberal as is humanly possible. I don't think the GOP is finished, but it sure is out this next electoral cycle. It could come roaring back in two or four years. Of course the Dems aren't exactly unified. There continues to be an anyone but Hillary movement which includes progressives who plan to vote for Trump. The world turned upside down. LouieB
  9. This election isn't even about ideology for the Republicans. There is nothing ideological about Trump. He is simply a racist and a bigot. This election may be the first one ever to be simply about the Supreme Court and both sides know it (at least most on the left know it too.) Just wait for Judge Garland to get approved before this thing is over in November. White America is back to freaking out and Trump holds out the last hope to keep this country as white as possible. And Trump is betting he can win by telling everyone he is going to bring jobs back to the US of A, but he has as li
  10. Sad day to be sure. The guy was very disabled for a very long time now. It was so sad. Strangely I was in Louisville a few weeks back. LouieB
  11. Cassettes are a weird thing. Lots of bands do put out prerecorded cassettes, but honestly I am not sure who is playing them; mostly people with really old cars I guess and the people who saved their players (I am one.) I would say that if you have old mixtapes those are still not going to sell, but I do pick up new ones at garage sales which are still dirt cheap. I bought one from a member of a band a while back and played the first side and before I got back to play the second side a few months later, the thing malfunctioned, proving that the technology is pretty much crap still. LouieB
  12. Trump is a proto-fascist bigot (maybe that is redundant I don't know.) Voting for him is voting for fascism and is clearly un-American. When he used the term "my African American" I totally lost it. LouieB
  13. More Classical and Beyond this weekend at 1-4 PM Central on WNUR.org or 89.3 FM. This week are French composers including Messiaen, Boulez, Butilleuex, Debussy, Satie, Faure, and others. Should be a fun time on a nice day. Tune on in from anywhere. LouieB
  14. Could there be a worse song than Kokomo? LouieB
  15. Seems pointless but a lot of pointless shit is green lighted these days. LouieB
  16. Playing some Glenn Kotche on Saturday during Classical and Beyond. LouieB
  17. Back at you twice this weekend on WNUR.org or 89.3 FM in Chicago. First it's Classical and Beyond on Saturday May 21 from 1-4 PM, with John Martin and I picking some leftovers from past shows we didn't get to play on past shows and some new acquisitions. I'm picking Irving Fine, Ben Johnston, Milton Babbitt, Morton Feldman, and Ernst Krenek. Tune in to hear John's picks (always great.) If you like jazz better, check me out Sunday at 4-6 PM. I am subbing on Jazz Impressions with a mix of jazz including old and new. John Coltrane and Miles Davis, Sun Ra, flute jazz (Kirk, Sam Most, James Mood
  18. This is very sad. Guy was a great songwriter and a great supporter of songwriters. He will definitely be missed. Got to see him a few years back and have lots and lots of his records. LouieB
  19. LouieB


    Yea I suppose. If I have enough energy. LouieB
  20. LouieB


    Thanks. May 31 is my official last day, but that's just basically turning stuff in. LouieB
  21. LouieB


    Seems like I will. So far so good. Thanks, I am retiring actually, so not exactly quitting. This has been planned for three years. LouieB
  22. LouieB


    Today is my last real work day. LouieB
  23. Okay, so this is a bit weird, but I am helping on a video shoot of Beach Slang this weekend. This means I may be in your town doing this. My old friend John Boston has gotten a jones about this group and is making a concert/interview film, so I agreed to do transportation and be the second shooter as we follow them to Nashville this Saturday May 14, St. Louis May 15 and Chicago May 16. If anyone is going to any of those shows, tap me on the shoulder. I will be the older of the two (or more in Chicago) camera folks at these shows. I have listened to their recent album a number of times and
  24. What may be more amazing is that a song originally from the folk revival still has impact over 50 years later. LouieB
  25. Well that's strange. Despite everything Bernie is just a politician, not a savior. Beware of false prophets. Once again, this stupid ass election can't be over soon enough and we still have a couple months until the conventions. This fall is going to be some ugly shit. LouieB
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