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Everything posted by LouieB

  1. Rubio is their best bet all the way around. He appears reasonable (although he isn't that reasonable), he is young, and he is Hispanic. When Hillary picks Julio Castro (did I get his name right) for VP it will give Rubio a run for his money. The over riding thing will be that everyone on the right will eventually fall in line and vote for the GOP candidate. The left is not such a sure thing. The Bernie fans are going to have to get over their wide eyed optimism (I'm a Bernie supporter but have no illusions of him or where he will eventually end up - not VP) and realize that this electio
  2. Although this is a year off, I think it is safe to assume the race will be Clinton and Rubio. Even the Republicans will have to come to their senses and put up someone who is a regular politician, rather than a sideshow. LouieB
  3. I was lucky enough to see a couple dates on the original Trace tour. I think I will pass on any 20 year nostalgia for this. I suspect the wounds of that period will never heal. LouieB
  4. Will listen to it more. Have not heard the new one LouieB
  5. Repeating myself. I was happier when the other feed was on during the power outage.than when the regular feed was on. Again I am not the most knowledgeable sports fan(ish), but they weren't saying a thing interesting as far as I was concerned and most of the time they were talking complete bullshit I thought. At least if you are going to talk bullshit it might just as well be totally outlandish, rather then stupid and boring. I'm going to see the Old 97s tonight and miss the whole thing. LouieB
  6. Well I am just fine with watching sports with the sound off. Except for a few obscure calls in any sports (and I'm not that much of a sports nut) you can easily watch a game and know what is going on and not have the intrusion of the announcers killing time. I know everyone is partisan to certain announcers but honestly they add very little in my opinion, unless they are announcing on radio, at which point they are obviously important. And I heard the entire Dark Knight exchange too and could have cared less, but then again I like the World Series for what it is (the end of a long season)
  7. It started off better than okay and then got repetitious I thought. LouieB
  8. Got her double EP and listened to it the other day. It's okay. LouieB
  9. Back in the old days, lots of people met their mates right here (and at Wilco shows.) LouieB
  10. I think the main announcing for the game last night was horrible, but the guys who were on the other feed who filled in while the main feed was out were way way better. Meanwhile I only made it into the 12th inning before hitting the sack. Go KC. LouieB
  11. The internet sucks. A friend posted this on Facebook and I didn't notice the date. Sorry mates. My bad. LouieB
  12. Jack Bruce and Cream were a large part of my youthful musical listening. Sadly he passed. I guess most people don't remember him anymore. See below. I am a really out of it. LouieB
  13. Wilco has definitely played here this year. Will they come back? Maybe, but it's not like they ignored the home town. LouieB
  14. Saw her years ago, have her first album, read the article in the NY Times and just simply can't get interested in her any more. LouieB
  15. Because R&B Flashback is gone, I am starting a new thread so if there is anyone interested in checking out my radio shows I will post the info here. I am doing a free form show I am calling the Sunday Afternoon Mixtape Show this Sunday at 4 PM Central (until 5:30 PM) on WNUR.org or 89.3 FM on the north side of Chicago. I am going to sneak in a Wilco song as well as new Bottle Rockets, Yo La Tengo, Jesse Malin, some things from or about the Band, Errol Garner, Miles Davis, Roscoe Mitchell, maybe some acoustic guitar, crazy 45s, and who knows what else as the time allows. The set list is
  16. Hey sorry. I could delete my comments, but clearly I was being a dick. It's been a bad week for some shit. I take back what I said. That's it. LouieB
  17. Yea, a bit cranky. Not because I don't think Jeff supports good things (I have been to many benefits at which he has played either entirely or partial sets) , but because going blindly to an expensive benefit to watch him do 20 minutes seems a waste of time and money. There are also benefits he plays I don't attend and I give money to any number of the organizations listed on WilcoWorld that I don't need Wilco to tell me to support, but I support on my own volition. So sorry if I offended anyone, but pick your causes to support not because someone tells you to, but because you believe in
  18. I am not questioning what Jeff is doing at all. It's great he does this. But that doesn't automatically mean I need to give my time and money to an event simply because he supports it. I was just saying I don't understand what this event is and what it will look like if one goes, that's all. And if you support everything Wilco does, get out your checkbooks....its a long list. See Wilcoworld since it won't let me cut and paste. LouiieB
  19. What is this benefit for? Seems like a lot of money for a short solo set from Jeff. Glad he is giving his time, but I can't figure out what the money is for. Jeff may sing for 20 or 30 minutes tops. LouieB
  20. I'm not, but it is very well reasoned and reasonable. His basic point is that if guns were less easier to get and there were more responsibility put on gun owners, then gun owners would actually have more status not less. (Also that if 2nd amendment freaks stood up for the rest of the constitution including the 1st amendment in the same way they stand up for the 2nd they would also get more respect.) LouieB
  21. I highly recommend Dan Savage's opening rant on his podcast this week regarding guns. Maybe even those with gun fetishes here will understand what he is talking about. LouieB
  22. Did anyone mention the IBM Watson ad yet? LouieB
  23. Who is Bull Moose? Record store or some other outlet. LouieB
  24. Reading past postings on this thread was what convinced me that guns are here to stay. Gun owners and the politicians that answer to them are far more powerful than the vast majority of people who want further sensible gun restrictions. The argument that there are plenty of laws on the books to restrict gun ownership may be true, but as with all ideas coming from the right wing, there is not the will or the support of the federal government (or the funding) to make sure that even the current gun laws can be enforced. There will have to be a major sea change in this country and a re-interpre
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