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Everything posted by LouieB

  1. Dude this is a fan site, so expect a bit of push back. If you don't care, go somewhere that people like selling memorabilia. LouieB
  2. Selling band memorabilia is really kind of goofy thing to do. The band is kindly giving a fan something nice for free and then they turn around and try to sell it makes no sense. That's my opinion though. And clearly the original poster is NOT a fan. LouieB
  3. I was at Farm Aid this weekend. Neil Young rocked hard. LouieB
  4. Yea, why would you care how much it is worth. Everyone is alive and they signed tons of these. My son has one with everyone's signatures and I am sure he isn't selling anyway, but just in case... LouieB
  5. Really guys, this is going to be a bunch of fun (see above). I am going to play a bunch of Dylan covers, some blues, some jazz, some new releases (some you know some you don't). Tune in . WNUR.org tomorrow Sunday at 4. LouieB
  6. I have to say, I really hope Trump doesn't fade too fast. He needs to stick around to give this thing some interest for awhile. Meanwhile Rand Paul made the most sense, but that is only because he really didn't get to talk to long. After awhile he stops making sense too. Even Christie looked pretty good the other night by contrast to some others. Ben Carson is done. LouieB
  7. One more change. This week I am doing a free form show. This week is Sunday September 20 from 4-530 Central time on WNUR.org or 89.3 FM in Chicago. So rather than stick to one genre I will be playing a bit of everything (no metal or rap though). While I enjoy the genre shows, I am really looking forward to playing a mix of things. This is going to be a regular gig, the third Sunday of each month for the moment. I am subbing in for the south Asian show so who knows, I may play some Indian music just for the heck of it. Will be happy to play some requests in the future. LouieB
  8. So apparently this reviewer has also never seen Wilco in concert either, because Misunderstood is a fairly common feature of live shows. LouieB
  9. Everyone here loves Being There but calling it their best album is certainly up for debate. Good luck with this. LouieB
  10. It would be great if great if Jay were playing on AM, but he wasn't. That soulful guitar playing was Brian Hennemann of the Bottle Rockets. LouieB
  11. Actually most of the centers I go to call themselves day care, so it isn't a totally pejorative term. But then again a lot of the store front centers I visit have pretty embarrassing names anyway. LouieB
  12. How about a report back on your experiences at any of these stores. LouieB
  13. Yea at least, but I guess people relate to Jeff more these days. The site asks if we want a real EP. I would. LouieB
  14. I heard Say You Miss Me on WLUW this morning. Damn those were the good old days. LouieB
  15. Todd- Not really. My job is fairly bureaucratic, so I don't interface all that much with the actual nutrition field and I am not a trained nutritionist. I visit schools and daycare centers to make sure that they are following the federal regs, which includes the types and amounts of food that is needed for the ages of children and the program involved. LouieB
  16. Nutrition Monitor, but only for 9 more months. LouieB
  17. I listen to the radio on the car and sometimes CDs. LouieB
  18. Two Cow has been channeling UT for their entire career. Good choice. LouieB
  19. Still reading Proust, but now on book five. LouieB
  20. I have been suggesting that the vinyl revival will peter out sooner than later, but so far I have been somewhat wrong. I have also said that the death of the CD is premature (that I will stand by.) The vast vast majority of people out in the real world don't even know that vinyl records are still being made and really don't care. Only a small number of people (like us) care about vinyl records. The mania will continue for awhile because a new group of youngsters will get interested and buy turntables for awhile and then give it up. (The above post about turntable problems is probably the b
  21. I have bought so many extra copies of the CD/vinyl/CD that I guess it doesn't matter any more. I just hope the 30 some minute Star Wars isn't 30 bucks though. LouieB
  22. The movie is excellent, or I remember it as being,so as well as having seen it a few more times over the years. It somehow seems like it would resonate even now, what with a bunch of idiots running for president. LouieB
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