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Everything posted by LouieB

  1. NO one remembers that that Bush administration agreed to leave. The Bush administration started a war with the intention of cutting and running from the get go. Why Obama gets stuck with this is beyond me. LouieB
  2. Joe's Garage is okay, but Shut Up and Play Your Guitar (box set) is somewhat better. LouieB
  3. Busy today? If you are home or out riding in a car in Chicago, tune me in doing a fill in slot on WNUR.org at 4 PM central time. (Or 89.3 FM in Chicago.) I am going do an R&B Flashback flashback. This is not scheduled, but the Lotus Beat is off so I am going to substitute my old gig for 90 minutes. I have some great music lined up by the greats, the obscure, some old school R&B, some soul, some blues, some soul jazz, and some gospel. Oh screw it, here is my tentative set list to hook a few people. Nearly all of this is on vinyl (for you purists). Instrumentals Funky Butt – The
  4. Finally decided to look at this list and honestly there is not much to complain about here. This is really a post WWII list in general and ignores the great songwriters (like Cole Porter, the Gershwin brothers, etc) of the the great American songbook era. As usual it is just a Rolling Stone click bait kind of thing and nothing to get to upset about. LouieB
  5. Has anyone mentioned that Trace is being reissued? LouieB
  6. Get whatever albums you can. Most are worth having and listening to. (Absolutely Free is great.) LouieB
  7. And we thought texting while driving was bad.... LouieB
  8. I feel so badly for Kevin. Here is a really talented guy who's career went off the tracks and has never been able to get it back on. He now plays with a group called the Chamber Strings (occasionally) that isn't the band we know and loved. LouieB
  9. Yea, it is a real crowd pleaser. You are right, rather than the heavy ensemble playing that goes on most of the time, this gives Nels a real chance to show his stuff (and not simply shred or play against Jeff) and then be joined by the other two guitarists, playing beautiful counterpoint. The song itself is secondary to the rolling out of this solo, which is nearly it's entire reason for being. I like watching the crowd too, because everyone goes nuts. LouieB
  10. This show is gaining steam. We are on again on August 22. Will post up what we are playing closer to the time. LouieB
  11. As long as we are RIPing people. the great Bobby Emmons, pedal steel guitar wizard has also passed. This guy played with everyone and anyone who was in country and other kinds of music. LouieB
  12. Cassettes do have hipster cachet, but that's about it. I have bought a few in recent weeks, but they are also not going to be back in any large amounts in the future. LouieB
  13. Not R&B but doing the Classical and Beyond Show again this Saturday August 1 at 1 -4 PM on WNUR.org or 89.3 in Chicago. This week we are doing modern American composers. There will be lots of John Zorn, Samuel Barber, John Harbison, Philip Glass (covering Alan Ginsburg's words), Mason Bates, John Corigliano (covering Bob Dylan's Words), John Adams, and finally Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music done acoustically (just a bit of this.) We have a couple other shows worth of music ready to go, so the next few my friend John and I do will be similar. The Zorn is in the modern classical vein, not
  14. The entire Wilco nation is listening to Star Wars as digital files right this minute. I also have the Wilco LPs but you can't listen to them on your phone, ipod, car stereo, or boom box. Having followed the CD vs LP argument for years I still think it is kind of BS. Yea, I like the way LPs sound too, but a CD played on reasonably good stereo sounds perfectly fine. Listening to Star Wars on my phone isn't the same as listening to it on a stereo, so I am not really doing it that much (and now know I am totally behind the curve on identifying individual songs). I guess I can wait a couple mo
  15. Not really, That's what buying LPs felt like in 1989 and look what happened. Lots of CDs are being sold, I have at least two CD players connected to my stereos, a boom box or two and CD player in my car. Just wait, CDs will be back. Oh yea, and when Star Wars is finally released so people can buy it, what do you think is going to actually sell more? LouieB
  16. I opted for a nice cheap deluxe Richard Thompson 2 CD set which came in at less than ten bucks. I totally understand that vinyl costs more than CDs, that's a given, but the mark-up on this stuff has gotten kind of silly. I have dozens of Thompson CDs and LPs so this new one on CD will just have to do and considering how rarely it will be played, the CD will be just fine (although it would have been nice on LP.) LouieB
  17. I just went to get a copy of the new Richard Thompson. At 37 bucks I think I will wait awhile and maybe opt for the CD. It's not like this is the guy's first record and probably not even close to his best. I always like supporting the Tweedy produced artists, but getting their LPs is starting to be a very costly proposition. LouieB
  18. Eleventh Dream Day kicked some serious ass Friday night. Not bad for a bunch of old folks. LouieB
  19. Wait, Dave Bloomfield and Highway 65? What are we talking about here? Nel's solo on Impossible Germany got the attention of festival goers who were not really that into Wilco at Pitchfork. He lit up the entire set as far as I was concerned. LouieB
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