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Everything posted by LouieB

  1. Yea, Phil is one of the last of the Bebop generation for sure. When Sonny Rollins goes, that's going to be about it. LouieB
  2. I guess someone needs to remark on his passing. LouieB
  3. Sure it is wishful thinking I suppose. Meanwhile we are all comfortably numb with this happening over and over. LouieB
  4. The gospel years are certainly an acquired taste. I did not like any off it back in the day. Now that I sort of accept it, they sound better. LouieB
  5. Interesting. I have the Quinn Tapes, which sound like shit, but are interesting. LouieB
  6. Got yelled at by the last guy who was selling a CD. At least posters are worth something, but really....... LouieB
  7. I recently picked up the tribute album Gotta Serve Somebody (from about 10 years ago), that are the gospel songs done by gospel groups. Much of it is excellent, with the exception of a duet of Mavis Staples and Dylan together which is downright dreadful. Though I didn't care for this material when it was new, I have grown to like it. LouieB
  8. Well perhaps the guy has not been clued in. Let's use this as a learning tool. I was trying to be relatively nice, although I did suggest DTMFA, although I am sure the poster is not at that point. LouieB
  9. I buy everything so yea, I would buy it for sure. Hell of a band. LouieB
  10. Big article in the Chicago Tribune today about this album. I seem unable to post links, but if someone does it might be interesting to people. (I am even mildly interested.) LouieB
  11. I didn't really want to mention that using the word retarded to describe a person is extremely tacky, but it clearly is. Sorry he doesn't share your enthusiasm for the band, but don't feel duty bound to wear it. LouieB
  12. I would think a similar set as Rolling Thunder for the religious period is in order at some point. It is enough different (although controversial) that this should be forthcoming. The fact that Sony/Columbia is issuing various Miles Davis bands of late, would be the model I suppose. LouieB
  13. There is plenty more to release when you consider the length of his career. The Miles Davis releases are occurring long after his death and will undoubtedly continue for decades to come. The Cash and Harrison sessions are widely bootlegged (I picked up a pretty good copy of both together during the last year) but the actual content of these sessions is mediocre at best; they are interesting because both figures are famous in their own right. And when Sony figures they can start releasing entire shows, like the Davis reissues, there will be tons to release. A full release of the Ginsburg s
  14. Indeed. Obama's last year promises to be total chaos. LouieB
  15. Yikes. I guess I won't be getting that although I want it bad. There are only two more major dumps from the Dylan vaults that need to see the light of day. One being the Blood on the Tracks outtakes (obviously) and the other are the outtakes, etc, from Infidels and Empire Burlesque period. With these now seeing the light of day, not much else of major interest seems to be needed, which does not mean Sony and Bob won't put more out there before he croaks. LouieB
  16. Wolf is great. By the Light of the Moon is also good early stuff. LouieB
  17. I was going to mention the Bad Plus. There is also the dreadful Picking on Wilco done by Old School Freight Train I think it's called, Not recommended. An entire CD of really aweful bluegrass versions with some of the worst banjo work ever. JC Brooks is a good one. California Stars is entering the canon as a rock standard at this point. A folk singer out of Cleveland Ohio covers Eisner on the Go. OH yea and Fred Lonberg-Holm did Jesus Etc. LouieB
  18. Actually looking through the complete list of the full version looks pretty interesting, but clearly for fanatics only. Having multiple versions of Like a Rolling Stone would be a real kick I think. LouieB
  19. I can't even really figure out why the Pope is speaking to Congress at all. I know he is the leader of the Vatican which is in fact a country, but I am not sure what this really accomplishes, other than pissing a whole bunch of people off. LouieB
  20. Sick of this yet? I am back spinning classical and modern classical this Saturday at 1 PM central, as usual on WNUR.org. This week (set list not yet nailed down) will be classical type music done by rock and jazz figures. We should be playing Zappa, John Cale, Anthony Braxton, Philip Glass, maybe some Glenn Kotche, more John Zorn, etc. Tune me in for some fun on September 26. Requests? (Will check the microphone levels this week....oops.) LouieB
  21. Looks like he is continuing to clear the vaults. I am sure the 18 disk set will be worth having, but pricey. The Al Kooper book is quite good. LouieB
  22. Thanks. I thought it might just be me. Bands sign stuff for their fans as an appreciation to those fans, not as a way for "fans" to make money off them. There is nothing aggressive or indication that one is a loser for suggesting this. They do it out of love and I am sure don't appreciate signed merch as a commodity. Maybe in in a few years a Jeff Tweedy signature on something will be worthy of this type of attention, but right now the guys are an active band with many more years ahead of them. And not to be coy, we aren't talking about the Beatles here. LouieB
  23. Little did he know that nearly everyone here has gotten stuff signed at one time or another if we wanted it signed. Getting snippy is kind of a bad idea here. LouieB
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