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Everything posted by LouieB

  1. This is sad, but compared to the musicians who have been dropping of late, this is not unexpected. LouieB
  2. Well Sparky may not agree, but then he agrees with very little that has any basis in reality and hasn't been back since throwing the bomb which is this thread. I have to mildly disagree with this guy, although ONLY mildly. Street theater is freedom of speech and nothing most of hte demonstrators did was much more than "fight for their right to party" (whether it be political or otherwise). So while it inconvienced a bunch of folks, burned up a bunch of governmental resources (which could have been better used somewhere else), evidenced a power struggle between the demonstrators and the polic
  3. I thought Thayer did well too. At this point the Cubs are going to have a hard time getting the tax breaks THEY want. LouieB
  4. Really. They can beat the Cubs but not the Twins? What's up with that. Thanks..Thayer, not Traub. Saw him in the crowd on Sunday with a bullhorn. Now what is HE going to do? Back to that boring day job I guess. edit-Oh nothing like a good ball game between the leader of the protest and the police that hauled off and jailed and tortured him for a month or so. Oh wait that didn't happen. LouieB
  5. Naturally, otherwise I would not show up for these events myself after all these years. One would hope it helps, so i still go. Not all the time anymore, but when I can. Makes sense. It would be 43 in Portland in March. Gotta love Sparky's ignorance of Chicago weather. I mean it was cold yesterday, but hasn't been that cold lately. Actually the folks interviewed on the TV were extremely and movingly gracious. Andy Traub (or whatever his name is) had to be characteristically bellicose. because that is his role, but really when all was said and done, both sides engaged in the requisit amount
  6. Who knew Portlandia was a police state? Where were all the hippies and hipsters when THAT was going on? LouieB
  7. How about if someone here starts a UT tribute band. That might just as good as the real thing at this point. LouieB
  8. Kinda cynical but both feel good when they were done. Even the demonstrators felt really good about how things went in Chicago. They felt like they had been heard and felt. In a sense the movement now can take credit the same way the movement in my day also took credit for ending the Vietnam War. In this case the war IS ending; that's exactly what was announced at the end of the meeting. Of course it isn't ending immediately and under the same conditions that the protesters want, but clearly. not on the time schedule they (we) want. This is not unlike the numerous anti-war protests that w
  9. There are always agent provocatures, but frankly not all that much has happened here. All day roving bands of protesters when from location to location without too many problem. There are no reports of property damage really and considering everything, there weren't even that many arrests, under 100 at the moment. There was plenty of room for control issues between the police and protesters creating situations where some arrests were going to occur, it had to happen. I mean no Haymarket bomb or anything like that. Just a bunch of pissed off people, mostly young, who want to be heard. This
  10. Thanks, but had my buddy Carter who I sell LPs with dragged my lame butt downtown. I had been to the Woody Guthrie show, as mentioned, and Morello made a point of saying we all had to get out and do something so I did something. I must admit I am a bit of a "jaded Idealist" as my bro-in-law so accurately and oxymoronically called me. I have seen this all before many times; tons of groups all with a different ax to grind, some tortureously blaming issues on NATO that don't really apply unless you figure that NATO represents all the evils of the capitalist system. Had the organizers not baited
  11. I would mostly agree, but there are some interesting ones on the AI disks and many more people have probably not heard it. LouieB
  12. II'll take your word for that because it ain't Chicago. We don't have those fancy light poles downtown, Nor has it been 41 degrees this week unless that is Celsius in which case I don't think it has been as high as 41 C either. LouieB
  13. I was at Grant Park where there were very few police, but the march was a different story. A bit of overkill there. Meanwhile the end of the march was a good opportunity for the Black Bloc to get some press and get in a bit of non-planned skuffling with the cops. It was more of a game than a police state. The rest of the city didn't even really care. No one has been checking us at checkpoints for our "papers" and dragging away ordinary citizens for interrigation and torture. These cops were just doing their jobs and were probably more than a bit pissed off they had to work 12 hour shifts
  14. Let's hope its better than the last, but then again it really doesn't matter. For those who need a Dylan fix check out the Amnesty International tribute disks. Lots of fun stuff on them along with some real head scratchers. Either way it is cheap and for a good cause. LouieB
  15. I nearly asked someone from Bloodshot the other night about this, then figured it was a bad idea. Maybe he was just having an off night, too little sleep or something. LouieB
  16. I know VC has become kind of a dull place, but this is ridiculous. I think both guys are pretty busy. Several years ago I talked to someone who was "sure" they were going to play in St. Louis. Didn't happen then and even less likely to happen now. LouieB
  17. I sure hope Mitt wins because my kids sure need some jobs. I know he is just the guy to give it to them. LouieB
  18. Speaking of Donna Summer and Adam Yauch, they both were New Yorkers and died of cancer. Summer (accorting to the net) believed she contracted it from 9/11. Levon Helm probably got his from cigarettes, but yikes!! LouieB
  19. Say what you want about Giorgio Moroder but "On the Radio" is a great song. Emmylou Harris figured it out and did a great cover of it. I suppose it goes without saying, but it is important to point out that Donna Summer got her start singing gospel music. So many great artists got their start in church. LouieB
  20. Nor I really, but two things. Donna Summer was more than just disco and disco was a prelude to much (if not all) the techno/dance music that is still on the radio and in the clubs today. Eno was pretty much right. LouieB
  21. Reagan was a raving commie compared to today's Republicans. LouieB
  22. True indeed. That is more than sobering I suppose. LouieB
  23. Yikes. I did hear that she was sick awhile back but did not realize she was that sick. Very sad. And only a mere year older than I am. I hate this kind of news, plus I liked much of what she did. I was just musing the other night with the passing of Duck Dunn and Levon Helm that both the first and second generation of rock musicians are passing away. I know death is inevitable and all, but Donna Summer belongs to a later generation than that. Very sobering. LouieB
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