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Everything posted by theashtraysays

  1. +1 Do these guys ever play the same place twice? I saw the Palace show a couple years ago and then the Iroquois show last year. Now the ballpark... must be Venue ADHD. So I guess that if they're "upgrading" to bigger places, I suppose my faint hope of a Lexington show at the Singletary center can be officially snuffed out at this point. Alas. Just have to keep making the Louisville / Cinci / Nashville road trips.
  2. The lameness of your pictures is only exceeded by the lameness of your posts.
  3. I'd put them under the "two good albums" heading. A Rush of Blood was pretty good, imo, and had some level of progression from / difference from Parachutes (also good). Unfortunately the recycle-your-hits machine kicked in hard after that, and they are mired in the bloated land of meh.
  4. And there's some really cool artwork for a jewel case & tray for both these shows on wilcobase.
  5. +1 for VC. Reservations led by Jeff's acoustic guitar has a permanent place in my brain as well.
  6. They are on that Live Planet thingie now on the telly. My goodness they have gotten old since my college days. Sure am glad I haven't aged that much ... I gotta admit Sting does still sound amazing. However I am suspicious that's not really his natural hair color at this point. Stewart seems to be OK with the "Yes, I'm a gray haired rock drummer", which is kinda refreshing. But Sting and Andy are definitely hitting the Grecian Formula pretty regularly. And for the record, Message in a Bottle does not need rap to be a great song, imho. What are they thinking???
  7. Well this has been an interesting little "circle of life" kind of thread, now hasn't it?
  8. I am not in love with the tone of this thread.
  9. I once went to this great little town in the North called Stresa, about an hour from Milano. It's right there on lake something-or-other (there are a gazillion lakes in that part of the country in the Italian Alps) and it's a delightful place. It was a beautiful train ride down from Geneva.
  10. I hereby speculate that on July 22nd at 5 PM CDT Wilcoworld will post 19 additional US dates throughout the South / Southeast between the Sept 16 ACL Festival show and that Voodoo Festival in late October.
  11. Would somebody please enter 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, & 42 into the green screen so this thing will work right?
  12. On&on&on is certainly the one I'd call "heavy" - it's the one that tends to weigh on me the most when I hear it. Not sure if that's what you meant, but that's the one I thought of when I saw the title here. I think Walken is a great little shiny happy love song. I don't hear anything heavy in that one. Of the ones you listed in the poll, I'd have to go with YAMF. Good poll, though. thanks for askin...
  13. did you guys see that picture of him on the new modern drummer cover?? Where DID he get that blue sweater thingie? Not exactly standard rock star attire, now is it? He is such a trip...
  14. Somebody once told me "I don't care what color it turns so long as it don't turn loose."
  15. Amen... and the best part is that as the wisdom sets in, you DON'T CARE ANYWAY. If my 44 year old friends think it's weird that I listen to Wilco, I really don't care. And if my 15 (or 13 or 12) year old kid thinks it's weird that I go to Kroger's in my slippers, well, I don't much care about that either. Oh, yeah - 45 next month.
  16. The thread police told me there's already a thread on Paula Deen. You're going to have to move along, miss. Smile, A-man... we know you're only here to protect and serve. That's why we all love you.
  17. I really liked the parenting category (got 3 of 'em, nary a dull moment), but haven't seen any questions in that yet. So here's a matched pair... What's the most important thing you've learned from having kids? What's the most important thing you want your kids to learn from you?
  18. I thought Holiday Inns were American, not French?
  19. Ditto for me on the Pat-is-amazing appreciation thread here. The poor guy gets the "multi-instrumentalist" tag in the write ups (if he's mentioned at all), which is about the most unflattering, non-descript label I've ever heard. Then he goes missing in a couple of the video's on the last DVD. Certainly gets the prize for most under-appreciated Wilco-ian, imo. But it was great to see him on guitar more on this tour (so it seemed anyway), and vocals a bit. Hoping this thread stays up for a good long time.... 'cause Pat Rocks.
  20. There were also a couple times where Jeff used some mighty big words and seemed quite pleased with himself from a vocabulary standpoint... one was something about worring that the Owl might take away from the "poignancy" of the next number (War on War) or something like that... and there were a couple of others that were amusing at the time but I have managed to forget... anyone recall those? And weren't we like 7 songs into the first set before we even got a "howyadoin"?
  21. Pot Kettle Black was really awesome.... best version I've ever heard. And Spiders was a lot more fun than I recall from a couple tours ago. Jeff seemed to really enjoy diving in to some serious guitar this time on a couple tunes. And I FINALLY got to hear Via Chicago after not having that in the setlist the last two shows I went to. Fantastic version of that too... And a few people have already commented on how good the new stuff sounds - that was definitely true. It was great to see the Owl. What on earth is up with that? And the Bling & the Sunglasses were a treat - please le
  22. Maybe it's just me, but I don't really equate "sad" and "depressing". There are some incredibly beautiful sad songs mentioned here, but I don't find them depressing. Or it could be the meds. Via Chicago, Reservations, and now On&On&On and Patient with Me come to mind. They're just breathtakingly sad IMO, and they will just stop me in my tracks when I listen to them. As for the flip side, I think Walken is probably one of the happiest little love songs I've heard since The Beatles.
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