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Everything posted by isadorah

  1. we are too. bummer. even more nerve wracking...snow and ice predicted for friday/saturday...NO must be able to get to Philly! edit: phew, accuweather says it's snow wed night, thursday night, ice friday morning and then rain starting friday afternoon. much better!
  2. those giant sea spiders look cool, but my personal favorite is the Leafy Sea Dragon:
  3. did they play "one true vine" already???
  4. this totally made my night. turned a bad day into a worthy day. it's been fun everyone!!
  5. my phone hasn't rung yet. i'm guessing there's an encore coming. but gawd do we have to endure these commentators?
  6. only wilco can open and close with different versions of the same song!
  7. ummm, he didn't didn't he. i'll take it !
  8. i've always hated the gratuitous encore. i'm totally cool with no encores. who needs the show business antics and trickery.
  9. we're all going to scream right???
  10. I'm a WHHEEEEELLLL. oooh oooh oh!! i never liked this song until i heard it live. and then i fell in LOVe with it! ooohhhoh.
  11. the horns are f**kng awesome! can they go on the road with the guys, at least through the DC shows????
  12. ok, i was dancing, singing along. the dog was barking, phew! that was fun!!!! we can make it better!
  13. the thanks i get with horns!!! another one of my favorites! wait what am i saying, they are all my favorites!!
  14. you guys are cracking me up! insideouttalove that picture was well timed!!!! i say 40 nothings! anyone else? who has the pool going again?
  15. the horns are awesome. i was talking to bigshoulders during the break. he was talking to one of the guys in the horn section earlier today and they were laughing because jeff made up the name of the horn section the Tonal Pros.
  16. that was great! did he just drop his guitar???
  17. jeff is too much!!! he's cracking me up!!! oooh too far apart!!!
  18. ok bring on the music. these guys are killing me. anyone get the sense they're making fun of us...
  19. go pee! call our friends at the concert. get some ben and jerry's...
  20. i was thinking the same thing. remember when victoria's secret did a live webcast of a fashion show and brought the whole internet down???
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