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Everything posted by ZenLunatic

  1. Let me see what this could stir. I will rank the popular organized religions in order of best to worst. IMO. 1. Buddhist/Taoist 2. Hindu 3. Christianity 4. Judism 5. Muslim 6. Scientology (just added to list)
  2. Man, with that much going against them, I dont see how they aren't more exposed. Why cant anyone take them down? It's been 17 years since that article. Probably the biggest cult out there. I'm sure there is alot of good it does, because how else could they recruit, but overall it looks bad.
  3. Sounds like a cult. I think the principles are good, but people turned it into a cult. I just wonder if there are any uncultlike followings in scientology.
  4. That story is so stupid, it cant be true. I may believe some misguided person may have said something like that but in no way is that what is being taught in the religion. Every religion has its way out there fanatics, you shouldnt confuse that as the religion. The teachings comes from a sci-fi writer so a fanactic probably got all messed up and said something like this is what I figure.
  5. This is just probably someone making something up to deter people from the religion. Completely BS.
  6. Scientology comes off weird but what bad has it done? It seems to be in line with any other religion promoting goodness and well being. That video is pretty bad though, probably can only be understood by a long time scientologist.
  7. I'd like to have sex with her. Then have a cigarette, then kick the shit out of her.
  8. It's too late for me, just bought a Playstation 3. 40GB version for $300. Nice price. Spiderman 3 looks crisp. Also upconverts regular DVDs. The games look so nice also. Pretty happy with my purchase. I was a HD-DVD fan all along, but really felt the Warner news was huge so I defected also. HD-DVD, I think should have won because of price and technology but seems like Bluray made the right moves. Now that I picked a side, I really hope Blu-ray doesnt screw up in the ending parts of this battle.
  9. Toshiba's HD-DVD makes a move. I guess here comes everything they got. Slashin prices. I think this is a last attempt at saving themselves and dont see it working. I already see bluray players and discs coming down. Amazon is having a sale right now. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/hd_dvd_price_cu...MWu8MM2s5kjtBAF
  10. I agree after seeing Welker throughout the season, he has alot of talent and is a great player. Well worth it and important part of the offense. His stats dont say it all.
  11. That's the route I'm thinking of going. Wondering if I should get the 40GB or the 80GB. Looking for deals.
  12. HD-DVD is done. That settles that. Blu-ray here we come. I knew the format war would be decided soon. Get ready for price drops now consumers can go out and feel secure about the technology.
  13. They say it's a first time in living memory. Is it a cool beautiful gift or a sign our planet's environment is fucked up? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080111/ap_on_...S_h5VrNzF8DW7oF
  14. I really like that song. The whole feel and lyrics.
  15. Leno is annoying and a dork. I think old people on Social Security is his audience. Conan rules and I cant wait for him to take over the Tonight Show. Letterman is a classic, still good. I dont mind Jimmy Kimmel but he is on too late and no HD.
  16. I just saw the first episode. It was interesting and Gene Simmons is the SHIT! Fun to how powerful these people can be.
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