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Everything posted by dannygutters

  1. I Lived there for 4 years for school and maybe I was completely out of it but there wasn't one, some bar cover bands and whatnot. And it's not like I wasn't looking I'd drive up to chicago or down to indy for shows all the time. Though that was 2003, maybe Its gotten better?
  2. This is true, I tried to go to the venue to get FLight of the Conchords tickets the other week, I was around 15th in line before the sale started , sold out by the time I got to the box office around 20 min after noon, apparently they are just running a ticketmaster location and their tickets come from the same pool the online folks use. That really got me steamed, venues should at least hold SOME tickets at the box office.
  3. I haven't really enjoyed a ryan adams album since Heartbreaker I think my morning jacket sounds like the poor man's neil young I probably don't like the arcade fire because I saw them open for somobody when they were nobodys and said This is shit. Roots Revival is on the way back! 'Dance' Music is Boring You're just Pretending to like 80s music I LIKE dylan's self portrait.. mostly
  4. Based on the reccomendations in this thread I went with the Pro-Ject Debut III , it's wonderful. http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?sho...=29828&st=0
  5. Have british people not heard of The Band? jeez.
  6. I'm kicking myself for missing Justin Townes Earle, I just kept putting off getting tickets and missed it, ah well. I'll have to pick up his album, I got the Yuma EP a bit ago it's great. And speaking of Paul Burch, that guy is great, he hasn't been to chicago since I'v ebeen into him tho, ah well indeed.
  7. This is an interesting thought. Are we genetically selected to expect a specific kind of story and resolution and when we don't get it the story is 'difficult'? A similar quote on storytelling I remember from an Interview with John Hodgman (topically it was a 9/11 anniversary talk, but the whole thing is here: http://www.mcsweeneys.net/2006/9/11hodgman.html), he says: "The second lesson plan that I had in those days was a very lazy assessment of storytelling's function, beginning in the oral tradition, when it served a civic purpose aside from getting you invited to cocktail parties. As I
  8. well the patent is real... http://books.google.com/patents?id=sSd9AAA...8RdRI&hl=en
  9. I prefer landing on water to Everybody's Rockin'. Tho I love the wonderin' on that recent live release.
  10. I guess this is strap related, does anyone know where to get (or what do you even call) the old style of thiner strap you see on blues players and newport folks? for example, like dylan: or http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/music/images/...dhouse2_gal.jpg
  11. This is false. The brain is very active when reading and in a much more passive mode when watching tv.
  12. I got a shrimp boat record from my neighbor's garage sale. It was way warped tho so it didn't play well... I'll ahve to check this out!
  13. I would suggest emailing the people at the woody guthrie foundation. They are all quite nice and helpful folks, even nora herself will respond, but the guy in charge of research and quastions is Jorge Arevalo. http://www.woodyguthrie.org/archives/staff.htm and post anything you find out!
  14. We all know bob dylan invented alt-country in a basement in 1967. Duh!
  15. yeah emil's tabs is a good page, That would be an excellent addition here, whoever is admin would only need to load the wiki software onto the server (something like wiki.viachicago.org) and we could create the pages by pasting the scattered tabs from around the forum into it. the beauty of wiki software is the ease in which anyone can edit. There is some markup syntax if you want to get fancy, but really it's not any harder than posting to the forum
  16. are you against the pitcher's confrence too? It's all about tension man. Like a guy who brings a beer and a bottle opener on stage and sets it on the floor to his side.
  17. for a good steak try one of the Argentenian steakhouses, like Tango Sur.
  18. If only Alan would get nominated for president, then Obama could beat him again by 75% like in the senate race.
  19. yeah that seems odd to me why there would be these huge pick guards on something with such a wide neck that you're probably going to be picking on. Did you ever see that guitar carter stanley used to play? It had a huge pickguard, covered pretty much the whole face.
  20. Has anyone played or owned one of these? they have like a classical body and a wide neck and some funky big pickguards. I think i've seen jeff with one before. Anyway, I may have an opportunity to pick one up (early 60s), so looking for thoughts. It looks like it would be good for fingerpicking kinds of things and maybe like a nick lucas? http://www.nancy-g.com/g-jpeg/f25n1.jpg
  21. the song is by pavement, is that your question?
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