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Everything posted by thejokeexplained

  1. you forgot Derick Jeter and Natalie Portman
  2. Over rated? Uh... Without Tweedy there is no Wilco. Correct me if i'm wrong but didn't Jeff start and organize the band?
  3. It's the best venue in Ft.Worth besides Bass Hall. It has a bunch of rock history too, everyone from the Stones to Hendrix has played there. The last show i saw there was Beck and the Flaming Lips a few years back. There is not a bad seat in the house and the acoustics are very nice. You will not be disappointed. I only wish they used it more. It kicks the shit out of any small venue in Dallas except for maybe the Fair Park Theater. For some reason bands and promoters like to book Dallas. Ft.Worth is like the step child and the funny thing is Ft.Worth is cleaner, cheeper to dine or drink or s
  4. Your right M Ward is the 22nd of Setp. I have tickets to the James Gang next Tuesday was the source of my confusion ... I'll be taping the gig and the guy that turned me on to M Ward and wanted me to tape has my ticket for the M Ward show. Maybe we can meet up at the show for a drink and some Wilco talk? I'll be there early as i can get with a drive from Mineral Wells.
  5. I love them all, but for me it's gotta always be the next one!
  6. i'm about to find out just how bad Denton is. I have M Ward at Hailey's next Tuesday. Bar gigs are far worse then standard shows because i don't expect him to hit the stage until around 11.
  7. I agree, although it was not the drive to a Dallas gig that was the bitch it was the drive home from the gig that i despised.
  8. I'm by passing San Antonio which is about 100 miles closer to me for the Wichita gig because of venues. I have talked with other tapers who said Sunset Station is the single worst venue they have attended because of it's metal roof and close proximity to a operating rail road track. The tape will tell the true quality of the Cotillion as a venue.
  9. http://www.thecotillion.com/information/general.html The Cotillion is a special events facility in Wichita, KS that features concerts and dances by nationally known performers on a regular basis. Built in 1960, The Cotillion is a 28,500 square foot building with a maximum concert capacity of 2000 persons. The unique circular design of the building has large wooden beams supporting a 24 foot high domed ceiling over an 11,000 square foot floating hardwood maple dance floor and a stage that features a distinctive neon lit band shell. The Cotillion (11120 W Kellogg) is located at 111th west and
  10. looks like Jeff shaved for the solo gig?
  11. Ticket info up!!! http://wilcoworld.net/tours/index.php
  12. How about "Boctoberfest" in Shiner Texas on Oct 14th? http://www.shiner.com/bocktoberfest/
  13. try this link... http://wilcoworld.net/contest/winners/01.php
  14. can someone post the link to the photos please? i can't seem to remember where to find it. I originally found it in a wilco world email but my computer must have swallowed the e-mail and i can't find the link on wilcoworld.
  15. I just noticed another Texas date on Wilco World! OCT-13 SAN ANTONIO, TX SUNSET STATION i guess a Saturday Austin or Oklahoma date in still possible for the boys as they have to go North at some point to get to Wichita they also have a PA. Date up too. OCT-20 LATROBE, PA CAREY CENTER GYMNASIUM
  16. I might be too drunk to tape by the time the band hits the stage ... Yes you can be assured this show will be captured
  17. M Christine, i was doing that same jig for Wichita when i saw it too. And when the show for Norman, OK is published another jig will be in order. BTW that Wichita venue looks pretty cool! a ton of history and a cool band shell behind the stage. http://www.thecotillion.com/information/general.html
  18. Seriously "planetchad" i had to go to Wilco World to make sure you weren't fucken' with me! I just want to say besides the Bass Hall in Fort Worth this is the best venue in the metro-mess. The Bass Hall is more of a opera house and is probably more suited for a Tweedy solo gig or maybe even a Autumn Defense show. But full blown Wilco? This historic venue is the shit! Everyone from the Stones to Hendrix had played here back in the 60's. When i was in Highschool in the late 70's early 80's the metal bands toured here. I saw Ozzy with Randy Rhodes once and i saw Rob Halford drive a harley on
  19. What about the upcoming National Champions in football at the campus of T.C.U. in beautiful Fort Worth Texas?!?! OK maybe the football thing was a stretch but the boys will love Ft.Worth and we deserve a show! And as far as i know they have never played one here.
  20. It might not have been so horrible for you oceanman... Bob evidently had some pull with security because he just showed up at the barricade. Everyone else that had that good a spot for Wilco had to endure the 100 degree heat all day with little water and no piss breaks because of the hassle of navigating the crowed to do so. I believe Bob must have been the only person in the park that day dressed so dapper that was not a performer. But now that i think about the little jig he was doing during the Wilco set, he was performing!
  21. I got this picture two years ago at the ACL as Wilco was on stage and it was killing me not knowing who it was... Is this Beatle Bob? http://tinyurl.com/jyxlk
  22. after finding this link i see they are opening in Dallas. http://www.drdogmusic.com/shows.shtml
  23. I have Dallas tickets but had not heard who was opening the show. should i plan on taping them too if they are opening here? I'm not familiar with their work.
  24. i would guess it would have to be a song from a earlier release than YHF. As much as they toured Being There and Summerteeth i would think it would have to be a song from one of those two releases. My guess would be Misunderstood from BT or any number of songs they play the shit out of from Summerteeth.
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