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Everything posted by rhino4evr

  1. Ha...listened to this last night and thought the same exact thing and was going to post about how awesome that version is.
  2. One of the better songs on the record for sure. It's not like these songs are terrible, just below standard
  3. Anyone that could dislike poor places of sunken treasure is not someone I could totally take seriously. At least not as a real wilco fan. Those songs Are classics
  4. The Foxygen set was one of the most memorable of the event in my opinion. It was a train wreck in the best way possible. They brought a lot of novice energy to a festival filled with typically older artists. White denim was really great too. And Ira from yo la Tengo performed like he was still 22
  5. So what are your thoughts on Jon Hodgman? Yay or Nay? Personally I liked him at the show, although re-listening to this recording I can tell the jokes are going to get pretty stale.
  6. great article! Thanks for sharing.
  7. Did they have a pro film crew at the other events? Those guys were everywhere during the fest, I know they were real close to me in a number of spots, so it's very likely that I'll be somewhere on film. ha ha.
  8. Wow...this Friday night recording is the real deal, sounds better them I remember it. Lol
  9. Pretty sure it's the same guy that did Sunken Treasure and Ashes of Ametican Flags DVDs, which were both excellent
  10. listened to a few tracks, big improvement...looking forward to my drive tomorrow, will be jamming these all weekend. Happy 4th everyone!!
  11. I wonder if/when we will see the documentary surface.
  12. and not to get too personal, but the album came out in a very difficult time in my life, and having Tweedy (an idol of mine) release a song about people's problems being meaningless kinda of pissed me off. So there is my unhealthy bias.
  13. Walken is probably my least favorite track on SBS, but it's still kind of catchy. Shake it Off isn't all that great, but I like that its an oddball on the record.
  14. i actually like the lyrics of Hate it Here. They are very earnest, much like most of the record. I think the album may have been "too personal" for some people. The album feels like a diary entry, it's fairly straight forward and lacking abstract lyrics, but it's a very emotional record to me. The album feels like an apology record to his wife for all those years where drugs turned him into a demon. It's an after rehab record. The opening line "maybe the sun will shine today" of Either Way sets the tone for the entire record. It's an album about coming into the light again after years of being
  15. To be honest, I'm not sure as we never really asked the local guides any questions. Definitely need a GPS to find this place, it's on a strange side road without much signage. The south side of the mountain has a visitor center which probably has all that info. If you are going to Solid Sound again I would definitely not miss that excursion, as long as you wake up early enough you shouldn't miss anything at the fest. There are also walking trails and waterfalls, but we were running short on time so we didn't do any hikes.
  16. was listening to the audience recording on my way home, and couldnt help but feel disappointed in the lack of bass. I can't wait to hear the sound board recordings. Anyone listen yet?
  17. I know why people dislike SBS, but I absolutely love it. It's such a mellow record. The lyrics are also some of Tweedy's best, it's a very comforting and revitalizing record.
  18. I think You Never Know is the worst song on the record. Not only do I dislike the strange and completely unfitting George Harrison tribute, I find the words to be offensive and demeaning to their fans/listeners. The chorus "I don't care anymore" was pretty much the thesis statement of the entire album. The song is basically saying..."Grow up, your problems are meaningless"
  19. I think I've discussed my disdain for the album several times on this board, so I won't go into it too heavy..but the primary reason why WTA was a failure "in my opinion" is because it seemed completely rushed out, almost an afterthought album. The majority of tracks feel half baked compared to their other material...ESPECIALLY when you compare it to Whole Love, which was rich in detail, and a much more solid album. During the press tour before Whole Love came out Tweedy said multiple times that they "took their time" getting this one right. I can only assume that Jeff himself knows the albu
  20. Seriosuly, the quality of the stuff they had kinda blew me away. They had an original press Kinks Kronicles that was basically Mint condition, and included the original Poster!! Bought it in a heart beat. We had to walk away, as we would have spent WAY too much money if we kept looking.
  21. other highlights - driving through the mountains on our way out of Albany - meeting and talking with the actual artists of some of the exhibts on site. - a formal, deliciious dinner at the Halflinger Haus -
  22. It was our first time at Solid Sound, and obviously our first time in N.Adams, and I couldn't agree more. Not only were the people kind, the city was just pretty and clean as can be. Nevermind that musuem which was not only an amazing place for a concert, but an incredible art exhibit. We stayed in Adams, about 10 mins South of the action, which worked out great because the town was relatively quiet. The innskeeper (Halflinger Haus) even told us a "secret" route that basically made the entire weekend traffic free. We found a place to park all three days on a side road only two blocks fro
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