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Everything posted by cooperissup3r

  1. wilco - 9/19-20/2003 jeff tweedy - 6-15-99 jeff & jay - 7-25-99
  2. i'll fight goes down like a really good beer. it's easy.
  3. they're great. saw them in november...really fun concert. sucks they didn't have much of a turn out.
  4. i've always held 3-5-05 as "the" version of that song...i like how he goes right into Mountain Bed.
  5. so i bought the harmonica set that has the multiple harps in multiple keys...and i'm VERY pleased. not only were they really inexpensive, but they sound pretty great, too. they don't have that Bob Dylan "On The Road" piercing sound that just hurts my ears. thanks for the suggestion. i owe you one.
  6. well i messed around with it and couldn't find anything approaching a "good" sound...i dunno. anyway, it's for sale if anyone wants it. i'll make it $35.
  7. Dylan 1961 "Minnesota" Tape. I Was Young When I Left Home is just the best.
  8. i guess i just don't hear that. i'd say 9/10 songs they do sound pretty spot on to what is happening on the album. some are obviously a bit different, but i just don't hear these things people talk about. i guess beauty is in the ear of the beholder.
  9. someone please tell me why being really really really awesome at your instrument somehow makes people like the music less? it's not like they're playing a friggin' Yngwie Malmsteen song or something.. also, Kingpin on there is really fun. it seems a lot of people feel betrayed (for lack of a better word) that tweedy doesn't want to work with guys who don't like to practice at being good musicians. i dunno. griping about how you "loathe amazing technical musicians" always bothers me. especially with guys like Nels and Glenn, who put just as much emotion into playing the songs as they do profi
  10. hey, just so that someone knows....9-19-2003 and 9-20-2003 have various "corrupt" files in them that won't convert to .wav.
  11. a friend of mine who is heavily into the jamband scene and has never heard wilco listened to the new record and is going to see them in july. lucky guy.
  12. i've listened to individual tracks a few times, but i'm going to wait until it is released to really dig into it again.
  13. good pics, and a pretty good review too.
  14. yeah if you're playing it in drop d with a capo at 2, the low E is going to sound weird with the G-shaped A chord. I tend to just mute it or play it like you have written up there.
  15. the riff (on the low D string...the 0/4 slide) is almost exact at some parts.
  16. speaking of O'Rourke, anyone else think Laminated Cat sounds very similar to "the long way" by Jim?
  17. even if i wasn't a wilco fan, i'd say this is one of the best apps available...especially for free. stream all the albums, plus the ashes songs, plus the photos and being able to buy tickets directly through the app? really really really really well done.
  18. in perspective, his life wasn't *that* unfair...he got to make music for a living. while he may not have made the greatest living off of it, he was still blessed enough to get to do what he loved. i don't think he'd say that's unfair at all.
  19. ugh. i hate to hear this. it seems to be official.
  20. It's still weird that he can mute effects without muting his guitar. Pretty cool
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