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Everything posted by cooperissup3r

  1. I think One Wing may be the best song Jeff has written since 2003-2004. Every time i listen to it I'm more and more amazed by it. Such a pretty song. They really did a great job on it.
  2. this is how i feel too. Bull Black Nova sounds even better.
  3. *insert cool Wilco cred here* i saw them in like 2007 yo. word. yeah.
  4. good idea. i'm almost done with mine...
  5. i think upload would be better, but either is cool with me.
  6. i'd love to. i'm working on one right now, actually.
  7. the coolest thing is when you name drop a band you were in...ie, "kaysettes starring butchers blind".
  8. his fender amp looks like a tweed version of the hot rod deluxe.
  9. i was kind of wondering how they were going to connect paisley and wilco..
  10. I can't really get into Sink Or Swim. Red at Night is pretty nice, though. The '59 Sound is just a really great punk/pop record. The writing is good (maybe a little cliche-filled), and he turns a good phrase every now and then. Great album. "Here's Looking At You, Kid" is my favorite on the album.
  11. i think the new stuff is interesting. i think, for some people (myself included), i'm just more drawn to music like that on summerteeth and yhf, but i think the new album is quite great. it's all just a bunch of meaningless opinions anyway.
  12. there doesn't need to be conflict to have soul. that said, i think the review is about spot on.
  13. it is great. there's some great takes on it from the 05 tour(s).
  14. good ones all....but i was kind of talking about songs in order on the albums that you kind of gloss over for other songs and what not.
  15. I gotta say...My Darling, When You Wake Up Feeling Old, Summerteeth, In A Future Age is maybe the most underrated run of songs on a Wilco album, in my humble opinion.
  16. i think springsteen, at this point in his career, is probably more open to criticism from his fans than wilco is at this point in their career. that last bruce album was a clunker deluxe.
  17. you don't have to apologize. i didn't say it to be mean...i'm just kind of baffled that we're even really discussing their "energy level".
  18. no, that's La Bamba. i think maybe you're suffering from a case of overanalyzitis.
  19. i think they release a single because it's just what record companies do. they release a product. i don't think wilco or anyone at nonesuch thinks that You Never Know is going to make it big with all the kids. it's just something they do for any artist(s) that has any kind of name in popular american music.
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