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Everything posted by cooperissup3r

  1. i don't usually like those kinds of guitars...but i have to say, that one is pretty sharp.
  2. give them about 100 listens. they're definitely a "grower" band.
  3. this is one of 5 or so albums that would be getting consideration for album of the year if i did those kind of lists. never gets old (for me, anyway).
  4. well, to be fair, the music is pretty over-dramatic. he's not making fluff pop. there's a lot being said.
  5. that's nice of them, especially after jeff's rather odd comments from that 04 acoustic guitar magazine interview.
  6. don't know if i'd go that far, but it's definitely top 3.
  7. Impressions of the Past is maybe the "underrated" track on there. it's amazing, but i kind of glossed over it at first.
  8. volcano choir - unmap (this one has totally flown under the radar, and i'm a bit surprised, given the overwhelming love for Bon Iver's last record) AC - merriweather post pavilion phoenix - wap wilco not in any order.
  9. an old allman brothers messaged board i used to frequent had a great article on the horrible production of gibsons these days. wish i could find it..
  10. let's not forget that most of the time dylan just started playing and the guys had to keep up with him. besides, don't nit pick. enjoy that shit (guy who nitpicked, not original poster).
  11. thanks for your help. it all seems very confusing. i was planning on getting a Shure 57, but didn't know about the rest. kudos.
  12. i have a huge crush on Sarah...the violin player. oooy vei.
  13. total hidden gem, this one. aww yeah. he's amazing. my favorite jazz guitarist (not that i've heard that many, but i really love his stuff with jimmy smith).
  14. i'm thinking of making a record very soon. i've never done it before...i'd like to do it all right here so i can get a grip on learning how to record for the future. it's mostly acoustic stuff...i'd like to track some bass and maybe multiple vocal tracks. nothing too huge. can someone help me out as to where to start?
  15. going to try to see this this weekend. some guy around here (dallas) was hyping it a month ago, and i looked everywhere for it and couldn't find it. luckily its showing at the angelika now. awesome.
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