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Everything posted by cooperissup3r

  1. i know everyone like stage names better, but i personally love this one way more. every song makes me sad in a different way...not a 'depressed' sad, just sad. lovely album. Sheff is a great writer.
  2. i've been looking for one of these for about 2 years...finally found one. wow. ps - this is a 1955 Silvertone S1320.
  3. is feist on jolly banker and i'm just not hearing it? or did i misread that?
  4. if you'll got to edit > preferences > import settings you can set it to rip at like 320kbps if you want a better sounding version.
  5. London and Narcolepsy were my favorite tunes.
  6. Happy Birthday! thanks for the guitar pick, by the way.
  7. i've never been to a 3EB concert, but it was the first "rock" album i ever owned as a kid. pretty solid album.
  8. i think this wins for my favorite record of the year. the more listens i give it, the more cohesive it becomes. one great song after another.
  9. yeah i think it is. i just saw it at barnes and noble and decided to check it out. i'd love to hear his take on "I'll Be Your Baby Tonight".
  10. Pretty nice interview. Jeff mentions he also did a cover of "I'll Be Your Baby Tonight" by Dylan for the I'm Not There discs, and that it was released on as a bonus...anyone know about this, or where I could find it?
  11. well, for what it's worth, he gets compared to jeff for whatever reason...has for a while. i guess maybe there might be some jealousy on his part. very few folks will make a record as good as YHF or Summerteeth.
  12. you've been had! ps - original poster...put eno on loop around the house and be done with it.
  13. i kinda wish they hadn't gone with the whole major label thing. i think they're bound to lose a bit of that gleam with slicked up production and all that.
  14. i like it fine. i know they won't do it, but i really wish they'd release some older live shows.
  15. yeah i'm looking forward to it. the other guys in volcano choir make up the band Collections of Colonies of Bees, and they really have some great records out there.
  16. http://pitchfork.com/news/36179-premiere-volcano-choir-island-is/ new Volcano Choir track.
  17. i could (and do) listen to this about 10 times a week.
  18. cooperissup3r


    i can't wait to have kids so i can just have my own built in band.
  19. lyrics should be lyrics. some lyrics work as poetry. most don't. but that's not the point. lyrics are only a part of the equation, where as poetry is the equation.
  20. tweedy's solo version is just really great.
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