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Everything posted by cooperissup3r

  1. i wasn't much of a fan for a while, and i kinda of groaned the first time i heard them start it up, but i must admit i just love it. for all the reasons described above.
  2. hey if anyone knows where i could find an old Kay 6533 Archtop and could PM me, that'd be quite amazing. Any condition is fine.
  3. my friends and i had a huge rock band marathon this past saturday, and my one friend who love wilco and i were discussing how great it'd be to have at least I'm The Man Who Loves You on there. I'd like to see At Least That's What You Said on there as well.
  4. great album. been listening all week. top this cause they should be heard by more people.
  5. album. totes mcgotes. yhf is so cohesive, and that's what makes the songs. i kind of think those songs should all be played in the same order. it just feels better thataway.
  6. someday, some morning, sometime is real purdy.
  7. anyone else here ready to do new mixes? i've been working on one...
  8. paul simon got mentioned twice i guess?
  9. 9-14-07 - Palladium Theater - Dallas TX 5-12-08 - Stubbs BBQ - Austin TX 6-15-09 - Bricktown Events Center - Oklahoma City, OK
  10. good to see someone else reppin' 'em. they deserve it. Darkest Hour is really nice. they're on tour with Bowerbirds right now. i'm seein' em August 12...it's like a dream concert.
  11. oh the irony. that's because they're full of shit. obviously. he can preach about how evil bush was, etc etc etc. but the american idiot tag stray far from the guy who wrote the song.
  12. maybe we should put some parameters on the next version of mixtape trade off. like...under 1 hour of music or something. this is probably just me, but i've always felt a really good mix did it's job in 9-12 songs.
  13. i like it....sorta. gonna have to grow on me.
  14. haha, I put For Emma on mine too. Nice.
  15. that was quite lovely. i really don't get how you can't find some kind of joy in that song. feist is super cute, btw.
  16. i got on a thing of just humming or hearing the bassline to A Shot In The Arm alot. And the ending of Pieholden Suite...which is amazing.
  17. you can merge them with MergeMP3...might help.
  18. yeah whenever another group is ready, match me up. i've got ideas a'brewin'!
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