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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. I will sheepishly admit that I bought 2 lbs. of the coffee--one for me, one for a friend--and it's very good. A lighter roast than I'm used to, but once I got past the fact that it doesn't hit you with the impact of Starbucks Italian or the like, I find that I'm enjoying it. I make it in a french press pot, by the way. I did feel kinda stupid for buying it, but I was getting something else from Kung Fu and it's only a little bit more than what I usually pay for Starbucks, and of course there is the cool souvenir bag. OK, it was not my most financially savvy move, but so what?
  2. Just saw this on Facebook. the Handsome family will support at both shows. Damn, I hate to have to miss these shows. To me, "So Much Wine" is one of the finest covers Tweedy's ever done--it fits so beautifully with his voice and his delivery. Maybe they'll work on some other collaborations and bring 'em on over to the Berkshires in June. Would be all kinds of awesome.
  3. Oh dear, we never tire of novelty, do we? I was doubled over in laughter trying to picture you in the shower practicing your technique before taking your show on the road! "Taint" the simplest concept to grasp, I would imagine.
  4. Terence Simien is lots of fun--should be great for a cruise. And Taj Mahal can be wonderful, but don't talk too much during his performance: I saw him once waaaay back when and he stopped in the middle of the show and walked off because, in his opinion, we were "the rudest motherfuckers" he'd ever seen. It shut everyone up!
  5. The list is not ranked in order of importance. There are some interesting selections, though I've not had time to check all of them out.
  6. Glad you started this thread, Donna. I wanted to do the same but might have been too drunk. . .er, SHY. . . to do it without your prompting. Anyway, happy new year to one and all!! It's kind of crazy to think how much a part of my life you guys are, when I don't know most of you and will probably meet only a select handful of you in the future. But crazy as it may be, I want to tell you all how much I look forward to reading what you have to say every day. Yes, I love the band and that is the main reason I log on here almost every day--and sometimes multiple times during the day--but you guy
  7. I saw a fair number of good shows this year, considering that where I live (Norfolk, VA) is not exactly a hotbead of musical activity. So yeah, you've often got to hit the road to catch the good stuff. Here are my favorites of 2010: All the Wilco-related shows are at the top of my list--I can't choose a favorite--3/29 at The National in Richmond, Solid Sound in August, Tweedy solo in Charlottesville on 12/8Phish at Ntelos in Portsmouth, VA 6/15--my first Phish show. I now kinda get what all the shouting's about.Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings at the Norva, Norfolk on 5/9--this was a fun, high
  8. I know that's the original lyric but it didn't sound like that to me in Jeff's version. But now, upon re-listening, I think you're right. Thanks.
  9. Sounds pretty good to me, sort of like Cassadega-era Bright Eyes. I know lots of people find Conor Oberst annoying and I understand that, but I like him. I saw Bright Eyes in Atlanta at the Fox in 2007--the tour where they were all wearing white--and it was a great show. Gillian Welch and David Rawlings opened and then joined the band for a few songs. Looks like Bright Eyes is touring starting in March. If you haven't seen them live, I'd really recommend it.
  10. Aw c'mon, you know he put more thought into it than that! Well, maybe not as much thought as I put into it, I'll give you that. . .
  11. Interesting point about Jeff's singing "Wilco and me" in Lennon's "God." When I first heard it, I also thought, hmm, why didn't he say "Susie and me?" But upon reflection, I think what he did was absolutely perfect and completely in keeping with the tribute to John Lennon. John and Yoko were, for better or worse, strongly identified in the public mind as a unit--inseparable, them against the world often. For John to sing that he believes in only himself and Yoko, well, that was perfect--for John. When Jeff covered the song, he obviously thought about how to modify those lyrics to make the t
  12. I love this. Had seen it before but had kind of forgotten about it. They look like such good friends and they clearly crack each other up. Plus, have you ever seen two such unpretentious stars? Pit stains and all.
  13. It's so hard to pick favorite moments from that show, but yeah, this was definitely one of them. (Although I have to say, it was nice to actually hear Jeff sing that song when I saw him in Charlottesville last week. You almost forget how good it sounds when he does it himself.) Also loved that Jeff said right afterward--at SSF--that it sounded like we might've done that before! He said that next year they'd publish a list of songs as possible singalongs so we wouldn't "have to" do that one again. So I think we need to start a campaign to decide which song should be the new official singalong f
  14. In the grand tradition of rock 'n' roll, he was "asked to leave," I believe. Must've been homework conflicts!
  15. It's definitely not an expensive event, all things considered. Yes, there aren't many hotel rooms in North Adams proper, but within a 7-10 mile radius there were plenty in the under $150/night range. I understand the camping was good as well, and definitely affordable. Plus there was shuttle transportation, parking was included with your pass last year (I think), and there were lots of inexpensive restaurants around. The whole town could not have been friendlier or more welcoming. And the tickets were just ridiculously cheap for an entire weekend, IMO. Edit: Oh, and re whether it's going to
  16. You'll have to tell me all about it. I'm heading off to work now. Barely managed to get showered with all the hullaballoo today!
  17. Just a reminder that the Blisters (with Spencer Tweedy) are scheduled for 5:00. Should be great fun! (Unfortunately, that one I'm gong to have to miss--unlike last night's, which I didn't HAVE TO miss but did).
  18. Just FYI to all. Last year I stayed at The Willows and it was a very nice, albeit basic, kind of place. If there are rooms still available, I'd recommend it. The owners were very nice and accommodating, and the price was right--about $125 a night, if I remember correctly. It was in Williamstown, about 7 miles away from Mass MoCA, but very easy to get to and from.
  19. Hotel bookings are f'ed up is how. I just PM'd you, by the way.
  20. I was trying online and couldn't get it confirmed, so I called the Holiday Inn reservations number (central reservations). The guy at first said nothing available, so I moved it back to a Thursday arrival, and he supposedly found 3 rooms, one of which was non-smoking. Then, before he could get a confirmation number, the non-smoking room disappeared. So that's how I got 2 smoking rooms, with arrival a day earlier than I really wanted. But still, the Holiday Inn is where I really want to be, so even if I have to get there a day earlier, no biggie. This is all, by the way, after several hours o
  21. After a few false starts, I was able to secure 2 rooms at the Holiday Inn and I am thrilled! HOWEVER . . .they are smoking rooms, and we would greatly prefer non-smoking. (I just found out that one of the couples has a severely asthmatic daughter.) Is there anyone on this board who has booked one or more non-smoking rooms at the Holiday Inn who would be willing to exchange your reservation for mine? The rooms I have booked have 2 queen beds in the room. I'd love to find 2 non-smoking rooms, but would greatly appreciate even one. I've checked with the hotel directly and they definitely said
  22. Oh JOY!! This takes away the cruel chill of winter and fills me with hope for the spring! I'll be brewing up some Wilco coffee and offering up to the music gods to have this be as good as last year. What can they do to top themselves?
  23. I could kick myself for forgetting about this. And I was home all night too, just putzing around. Did anyone actually record this in some way that could be duped or downloaded? I hate to have missed it!!
  24. Just generally, I am blown away by that kid. It's hard for me to imagine that he's just 14 years old. He's every bit as good a writer and photographer as he is a musician, too. He's like a wise old soul inhabiting the body of the coolest kid you could imagine.
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