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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Maybe if you're not familiar with Marc Maron's in-your-face, super direct style, you could find his--and Jason's--comments about rich rednecks a bit condescending.
  2. I actually just made plans to see it tonight for the second time. No, you're not looking forward to it too much. It IS that good.
  3. Jeff is really exercising his acting chops (this, Portlandia, Parks and Rec). I guess all those years of us talking about how funny he is have convinced him to spread his wings a little.
  4. It might be that Jeff will be on the 4/10 and 4/24 episodes, since I had earlier heard that he's doing two episodes. Maybe the first one is Leslie Knope and crew trying to persuade Land Ho! to perform, and the second is the actual concert. Just don't want any of us to miss either of the appearances!
  5. That lucky, lucky school--Northside College Prep. Last year I think the auction went for a shade over $50,000.
  6. Looks like the auction closed out at $29,500. The high bidder was tcstan. He was in the lead throughout the auction. Anybody know this lucky person? And can he pack me up in his suitcase? I promise to not be too much trouble.
  7. Good observation. Maybe someplace between the two. That could make a difference in making travel plans. Hope they announce the rest of the tour dates soon!
  8. For DC at least, there was a listing on the Lincoln theater website that mentioned a promo or fanclub presale on Thursday, then the regular onsale on Friday. Ticketfly is the ticketing agency for the show, and like Rusty, I'm also on the 9:30 club/IMP mailing list, but I also did not get a promo code for the Thursday presale. Again, since the show is GA, we'll probably all be OK at the regular onsale on Friday.
  9. You are so right. They sound just like a pretty good bar band with a decent rhythm section. The big difference was all those extraordinary original songs. And, to me anyway, the voice of that lead singer. So raw and yet direct and warm.
  10. Well, having bitched and moaned excessively here and on FB, I am happy to report that I FINALLY landed one ticket to the Tweedy show in DC. This was after literally 90 minutes of frustration, phone calls, etc. Since the show is GA, I wasn't too stressed about it fully selling out immediately, but I have meetings Friday when the regular onsale starts, so I was panicked. I was hoping for a reserved seat show, too, but all indications are that the whole venue is going to be GA. That;s all right with me--lining up outside in DC in June will be a LOT more comfortable than doing the same thing outsi
  11. Shut out of DC. On the phone and with 2 web browsers constantly refreshing. I'm on hold now waiting for a manager. AAAARRGH!
  12. Nick Offerman was on Letterman tonight. He directed the episode with Tweedy and it sounds like it's going to be aired on April 10. He mentioned Jeff prominently. Also, the Strypes were the musical guests on this show and they killed it! Great chops and attitude to spare.
  13. Woohoo--I just won the Phish lottery for Portsmouth, VA on July 29 and 30. I put in my request for these two nights via their lottery system and just saw the debit charge come through on my bank account this morning. I'm not such a fan (phan, right?) that I would go far to see them, but a 2-night stand in a small, 7500 capacity outdoor venue in the summertime right in my backyard--hell yes! This will be right after Newport, so it looks like July will be filled with good music!!
  14. Wouldn't it be lovely to think that we could actually see WILCO again? Maybe they've got something planned. . . she said hopefully.
  15. Oh my God, I saw it as soon as it opened here on Friday night. It was jaw-droppingly amazing!! I'm a big fan of Wes Anderson's movies generally, but this one really takes the cake. I've got to go see it again just to take in all the visuals, but what really surprised me was how outright funny it was! Some of it was what you'd expect--sly, arch humor that not everyone's going to laugh at--but some of it was downright hilarious. This is a movie that really deserves to be seen in a theater, or at least a really excellent home theater, and it definitely can be enjoyed more than once. Are there r
  16. Oops, they left out experimental.
  17. And I am definitely in! As of now I'm solo, but I have a room at the Courtyard in Newport/Middletown--not quite as close as I would have liked, but all I could find on points. I'm still hoping one or two of my previous partners in crime might be able to join me, but no matter what I'm definitely up for getting together with my Wilco buds!
  18. I've already got my Newport ticket just based on the lineup so far, but yes, that would be so awesome. I really think it's a good bet, too, since it's Mavis's 75th celebration on Sunday. Who better to join her than Jeff, who's contributed so much to her resurgence?
  19. Good news for you--they're playing a few dates in FLA in May as headliners! http://www.blitzentrapper.net/shows Easy driving distance. You're welcome.
  20. At the Richmond show BT went on at about 8:15 and played about 45 minutes, I think. I wasn't paying that much attention to the time, but they were excellent. I'm with twoshedsjackson re DBT, though--I really prefer BT even though I'd never heard them before. There was something about their songs that felt instantly resonant, like I'd heard them before, even though I know I haven't.
  21. Did you see that Toronto festival he's playing at? AWESOME lineup!
  22. OK, I only know you guys from your posts. Who's who? Where? Straight answer, if possible. By the way really nice picture!!
  23. If you're getting up close and won't be able to leave your spot, take my advice: wear comfortable shoes, get 2 beers and a water, and don't wear anything you'd mind getting wet and sweaty. And enjoy!!
  24. Drive-By Truckers with Blitzen Trapper tonight!
  25. I assume this is just wishful thinking, but if you've heard a rumor or something, spill it! (Please??)
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