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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. I couldn't believe how much I enjoyed this show. I almost never binge watch but I did with the first season on Netflix. I was afraid a couple of times that it was veering off into mawkishness, but it actually seemed brave to me to just wear its heart on its sleeve so nakedly. I'm also really looking forward to season 2.
  2. I just read that Richard Linklater's new film, Boyhood, will feature Hate It Here on the soundtrack. There's very good buzz on this film. Linklater filmed it over 12 years, following the young boy from age 6 to 18. It also stars Ethan Hawke.
  3. This is great news--I am so excited about the new band, and now to know that Scott McCaughey will be there too is just the icing on the cake. I love the interplay between him and Jeff--you can just feel the warmth between them. Also, I've never actually seen the Minus 5--wonder who'll be in the band this go round?
  4. You could call Kung Fu. Maybe they would know.
  5. True, but it does make me think that just MAYBE they'd play on Friday night (Freeport's not a bad drive up from Newport) or possibly Sunday night after the show. How, I wonder, do you find out which aftershow you should buy?
  6. Maybe he really wants to test out the new material in front of an audience of regular people who don't know him at all. Comedians do this all the time--test out new material in front of unusual audiences to see how it goes over with "civilians". I imagine it could be a learning experience. This would be a fun show to catch for sure, but I'll be at Newport too.
  7. We don't need to hear about your personal problems! I think the Stubbs show is GA, so hopefully no one will really get shut out.
  8. You might want to keep trying. A friend was told earlier that Austin was sold out but she just tried again and got one. Sometimes--mosst of the time--these presales are nuts like that.
  9. Keep trying. A friend thought she was shut out but just got one.
  10. I know, but sometimes the stereotypes are true. I would say both statements are about 75% valid. Edit: Not that there's anything wrong with that!
  11. Maybe try for the one you think will be the toughest ticket first. But really, try not to be too upset if you get shut out of both. It happens often and the best seats often aren't even available during the presale. Many times I've jumped on relatively crappy tickets during the presale, only to have much better ones open up during the regular onsale. Good luck.
  12. It really is the most endearing picture of both of them. Maybe I've looked at it too many times, but it seems like a deceptively casual photo that really speaks volumes. Profound, loving, unflinching and honest.
  13. Yet another reason why festivals like Lockn' are such an amazing deal, if you'vee got the stamina to slog through them. $249 for 4 days, with Petty headlining one day. Not to mention all the rest (cough) Wilco x 2 (cough).
  14. Remember that one-off thing he did with Deerhoof just before The Whole Love was released? Here's a link to Behold Jeff Tweedy in the Darkness http://grooveshark.com/#!/search?q=behold+jeff+tweedy And there's this http://www.twentyfourbit.com/2011/08/jeff-sam-spencer-tweedy-are-the-raccoonists/ Interesting experiments, but hopefully this was part of the evolving creative process. Maybe it gives an indication of the direction they're heading in, though.
  15. I got the Milk Carton Kids aftershow too, but wasn't so sure about whether my friend would want to go two nights in a row. Are these things almost always a tough ticket to get? Like, do you think Saturday tickets would be easy to unload if I got them and we changed our minds? FOMO, you know!
  16. I ended up buying from the evil Stubhub so am now locking this thread.
  17. And more details, from Darin's Facebook page: This has been in the works for awhile and I am happy it has now been announced. I am the bassist in long time friend Jeff Tweedy's new band TWEEDY. I have been friends with Jeff since we were teenagers and it makes being in this band an extra special experience. TWEEDY also includes Spencer Tweedy (drums), Jim Elkington (guitar,vocals), Liam Cunningham (guitar, keyboards, vocals), & of course, Jeff Tweedy (vocals, guitar). Making this band extra special is that I've known Spencer since he was born & I've gotta say I am super proud of ho
  18. Yep, I was wrong about Jim Elkington--chalk it up to sloppy googling. I actually wasn't confusing him with anyone, since I'd never heard of him before yesterday's announcement--he was just mentioned in connection with someone from Eleventh Dream Day. But it's good to hear an endorsement of him from one of our musically knowledgeable Chicago area VCers.
  19. Here's a little article from Rolling Stone about them and Jeff Tweedy. http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/kids-these-days-debut-features-jeff-tweedy-production-album-premiere-20121029
  20. Call or PM me immediately if interested. 757-287-9871. edit: gone
  21. I did some reading up on the others. Darin Gray is the bass player from Glenn's "On Fillmore" project. And Jim Elkington is with Eleventh Day Dream. (I remember lots of people really liked them when they opened for Wilco during that recent shrinking tour of Chicaago.) And Liam Cunningham is part of the recently disbanded Kids These Days. Didn't Jeff produce something with them? As for young Spencer, I think he has mentoned somewhere that he's taking a year off between high school and college. Guess we know what he'll be doing with part of that time. He's a brilliant kid and I don't see this
  22. I guess this should be cross-posted to this thread too http://pitchfork.com/news/55244-wilcos-jeff-tweedy-announces-tour-new-solo-album-coming/?fb_action_ids=10203036870335884&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=%7B%2210203036870335884%22%3A787498461274456%7D&action_type_map=%7B%2210203036870335884%22%3A%22og.likes%22%7D&action_ref_map=%5B%5D
  23. So will this really be solo Jeff or will he bring his new band? Let the speculation begin!
  24. Well, I guess this is like Thom Yorke's Atoms for Peace project. But I am blown away--I hardly know what to think. I definitely do not think it is the end of Wilco, though.
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