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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. I hear you. I certainly didn't mean to imply that Spencer is in a league with Glenn yet. I imagine that he'd find that laughable too. But I do think he has the ability and the instinct to develop to that level. Whether he has the the determination and the desire to do so are open questions. He hasn't even gone to college yet!
  2. Repeat of the most recent ACL--after Whole Love--appearance on now.
  3. I'm at a house concert with Chris Smither. This guy is way underrated. His songs are really clever and well constructed. I wonder why I've never been that aware of him before now?
  4. Welcome back, Lorne. I (almost) always enjoyed your posts too, even when I disagreed with you. Hope you stick around. And as for Crow's remarks about our imminent demise, I could quote Pogo "We have met the enemy and he is us." I love this place and I think there are quite a few other people who do too. We can make the place what we want it to be.
  5. That's Josh Goldsmith. You may have noticed that when Jeff was on Parks and Rec, Josh played the other half of the reunited Land Ho! Oh, and I saw a live stream of some kind of musical side project he did with Mikael a year or so ago. I forget what he was playing, though.
  6. Didn't happen. Ridiculously long meeting at work went even longer than usual, and at a certain point I had to let go of the frustration and just say "a 2-hour road trip is not gonna happen."All turned out great, though, with unanticipated local happenings coming to light.
  7. You know, you've pretty much summed up my feelings. Including who I'd most prefer to stay attached to the band. The only thing I'm considering--and this sounds like blasphemy--but is it possible that Spencer could evolve into a satisfying replacement for Glenn, if that should happen? Honestly, that kid has chops. Of course, he doesn't have Glenn's depth of experience yet, but I honestly think he's the real deal and we'll later be saying "I saw him back when"
  8. Neko Case in Richmond tonight.
  9. Did this already get posted? Apologies if it's a duplication. http://acltv.com/2014/06/21/jeff-tweedys-solo-acl-new-music-classic-tunes-and-a-perfect-audience/
  10. Just doing what I can to preserve the collectibility of the record. Got any more you want me to melt? No really, it's no problem.
  11. Maybe someone who's recently signed up for @jefftweedy on Twitter?
  12. Warped, twisted, out of shape. . . I dunno.
  13. I know--bake 'em in the oven between 2 pieces of glass, right? No thanks. I'll send 'em to you or Lou, though, if you care to take a crack at this.
  14. I bought this from Kung Fu and it arrived nicely packaged just a few days later. $15 + shipping, but I bought a couple other things as well, so I don't remember what the actual shipping was for just the one item. This was after having bought two of them at the DC show, then leaving them in my car to warp beyond any possibility of repair. Just a warning to anyone who's as careless as I am. If anyone wants to try to repair two very warped records, let me know. I'll mail them to you and if you fix them we can resell them as "special restored limited edition vinyl" copies!
  15. I'll refrain from making any horny old woman jokes about the relative value of 10" for $15.
  16. As an example of how much I look forward to Paul's reports, I stay up way past my bedtime breathlessly awaiting The Posting of the Setlist after every show. When it's late, I get a shortened night's sleep. And after reading the initial post, I drift off to sleep fully expecting the the next morning I will awaken to the more filled-in report which will send me off on my day with a smile. So yes, Paul, we are reading and we have our rituals!
  17. Ain't nobody gonna be bitching about the setlist over in this corner. It's been so long since I've seen the boys all together on the same stage that I'll be grinning from ear to ear no matter what they play. And rusty? Impossible! More likely fresh and newly inspired.
  18. Given that the last date on the European tour is November 15, and knowing how the band usually doesn't tour over the holidays, I suspect Lockn' will indeed be the only 2014 Wilco appearance. I suppose they could announce something for the first half of December, but it sure is looking unlikely. Tickets still available for Lockn'.
  19. It is going to be a glorious gathering of the tribe--and reunion of Wilco--at Lockn'. So excited for that festival!
  20. At least it was a woman yelling. Usually the "I love you, Jeff"s are men.
  21. Wow, that sounds like an incredibly loose, fun evening.
  22. Persistence pays off. Who would have guessed that a theater tour, a winning personality, and patient waiting in line would get you this beautiful reward? I'm so happy for you, Sandy, and I hope tomorrow night's show is just as awesome. I'm hoping for even more colorful details when you wake up after a nice long sleep, filled no doubt with a certain dreamer in your dreams.
  23. I know at least one person who won tickets in the lottery who will be there, and another who might just get in. Those beeyotches better tell us all about it!
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