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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. MUSIC How to Fight Loneliness Why Jeff Tweedy set aside his Wilco responsibilities for his first solo project, which features his drumming son, Spencer by STEVEN HYDEN ON AUGUST 19, 2014 Jeff Tweedy greeted me at the door of the Wilco Loft as one would expect on an uneventful late-summer Monday afternoon, dressed in torn jeans, untucked dark blue shirt, and Detroit Tigers cap fitfully containing unkempt grayish-brown hair.1 The 46-year-old (he turns 47 on Monday) could be mistaken for just another Midwestern music lifer, forever doing the Thursday-to-Saturday club grind, resigned to living o
  2. Yes, it was there this morning. Kung Fu confirmed there will be one more download after this one for people who preordered.
  3. I have a friend who has decided to go and hasn't bought his ticket yet. He's looking for a 4-day pass. Anyone looking to unload one at or below face?
  4. With the festival just 17 days away, I thought this dedicated thread was a bit overdue.
  5. Yeah, Kung Fu was a little delayed on last Monday's download as well. I Hope we get it tomorrow.
  6. That Port Chester venue also looks pretty nice. For what it's worth, I know no more than otismyman, but I did hear that this will happen from a very reliable source. No specific dates given to me, though.
  7. Oh, I think you've just articulated what it is I find so compelling about the development of the character. This was not a generic coming of age film. It was a very specific development of a specific young artist. I think it follows Linklater's general personal history, but I also couldn't help but think of parallels to young Spencer Tweedy, in terms of growing up in public and being a budding artist yourself. Not that Boyhood dealt with anything at all related to that, the movie just put me in the mindset of an adolescent boy. I really can't keep from gushing over how transcendent this movie
  8. That was a great scene in a movie full of them. I honestly can't imagine another movie this year that will be better than this one. I was talking to someone the other day about how Richard Linklater has a gift for incredibly good endings. Think about the last scenes in the Before Sunrise trilogy. Perfect, all of them: resonant, in character, summing up and also hinting at the future but in a non-cliche way. For anyone who hasn't seen Boyhood, I won't spoil the ending, but will just say that there are at least a couple of scenes earlier where you think they might be the last scene, and in the
  9. Unless Nels cancels his announced shows on those dates--always a possibility, I guess--or Wilco plays without Nels, I can't see how the 12th, 13th and 14th could work.
  10. Just going by what's in the Wilco Related Live Show thread, Nels is playing from Sept. 11-14 and again on the 16th, so that would seem to narrow down the possible dates to Sept. 9, 10, 15, 17 and 18.
  11. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Jason Isbell. Haven't looked forward to a show that wasn't Wilco related this much in a really long time. At The National in Richmond tonight.
  12. Oh no, Lotti has a h8r.And a first timer at that. Perhaps Diddle is Lotti's long lost spurned lover.
  13. I saw this movie for the second time last week and was even more blown away by its brilliance. Once you get past the high concept of watching the actors actually aging over 12 years, the honesty, truth and insight of the scenes sink in with even more impact. I don't think I've ever seen a movie that moved me personally as much as this one did. What an honor for Jeff and Spencer to be on the soundtrack of a masterwork like this!
  14. I saw Ryan Adams for the first time at Newport. I had listened to a fair amount of his music beforehand, so I was somewhat familiar. I really enjoyed the set but I have to say the Ryan Adams fairy dust hasn't worked its magic on me yet. I know several people whose taste in music seems to generally align with mine who think he's great, but I don't feel it. I do feel there's a possibility that I could learn to appreciate him more, so I'd still like to see him in a theatre setting.
  15. I love Marc Maron's podcast and one of the most memorable interviews I've ever heard was the one he did with Robin Williams. Marc just reposted it yesterday. Give it a listen. http://www.wtfpod.com/podcast/episodes/remembering_robin_williams
  16. Has she seen a picture of young Spencer? She might respond to the young eye candy.
  17. I was hoping for the collaboration with Wilco too, but it's a small loss if it means Weir's going to get the help/rest/whatever he needs. Speaking of Lockn though, I think we should start a thread, similar to the one for Newport. I don't think there is one.
  18. Not only an ear worm (which it indeed is) but also a song that reflects Jeff's ambiguous, complicated persona: introverted, diffident, introspective, witty, emotional and guarded. Those aren't all qualities one would generally associate with a rock star, and I really like the simple, lighthearted way this song expresses the contradictions. Obviously, he gets the point across a hell of a lot better than I just did. I also can totally picture Wilco playing this song, especially John and Pat on the vocals. I doubt it will happen right away, but I feel sure this song will make it into Wilco's r
  19. Agreed. It mystifies me why I find his voice so compelling, but I never tire of listening to him sing. There's a warmth and intimacy, a certain soft expressiveness, and I think the nasal quality just adds to the charm. Plus I love the swagger in rockers like Monday and I'm a Wheel. It will be so good to hear him again with Wilco. I love solo Jeff and TWEEDY Jeff, but I've really been missing Wilco Jeff.
  20. I've searched and can't find a link to this whole sidebar article in the current print issue of Rolling Stone, so I'm going to painstakingly type it out here. Forgive any typos, please. [limbers up fingers. . . ] The article is on page 22 and is accompanied by a nice picture that I haven't seen before, of Jeff on guitar, Spencer drumming, captioned "Like Father--Jeff and Spencer Tweedy in Detroit in June" Headline: Jeff Tweedy Turns Solo LP Into a Family Affair Subhead: Wilco leader, teen drummer son make a hopeful record about a painful subject For his first solo album, Sukierae (due
  21. Oh my, so sorry for your loss. I'm going to a funeral tomorrow for the 92-year-old father of one of my friends. That's an occasion for celebration. A whole different thing.
  22. Well, happy birthday! Have a good one, and make a weekend of it while you're at it.
  23. I haven't done a comparison of fees from one site to another, and much of that probably depends on the artist and the venue as well as the ticket brokers fees, but I recently bought a ticket for Jason Isbell on TM that cost me a total of $34.50 for a $20 face value ticket. I later bought two more at the box office itself and each ticket cost $22 (face value + venue fee). Paying 1 1/2 times the cost of a ticket seems egregious to me, but as I said, it may be in line with others. One thing I will say in TM's favor is they make it easy to transfer tickets to someone else electronically. I've f
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