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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. I listened to quite a bit of it, but there was much more that I didn't hear. What I heard varied between really interesting (to me) and kind of boring. It was snippets of sound--some lyrics, some recognizably musical, some more sonic experimentation--most less than a minute long. I picked up on some familiar melodies, which of course resonated with me more than the more abstract bits. I found the whole Loft installation fascinating and I hope they do some variation on it at the upcoming Solid Sound. It was a pretty popular exhibit and when there are crowds around you kind of want to move along
  2. Thanks for sending this, Sandoz. I was on the fence about getting the vaccine but you convinced me!
  3. It's never been one of my favorites either but the band seems to love it. Seems like it's played all the time.
  4. Whoo--all 6 nights secured, thanks to my especially wonderful Chicago friend who went to the box office. Thank you. Joe and Wilco gods!!
  5. Mickey and Minnie Mouse were in divorce court. The judge looks at the paperwork and then looks down at Mickey. Judge: "I'm not sure I understand, sir. You can't divorce your wife just because she's crazy." Mickey: "I didn't say she was crazy, your honor. I said she was fucking Goofy."
  6. What a cool interview. "Iron Sausage will not perform in the round."
  7. I was just having a conversation with a friend the other day who was remarking that she came to her first Tweedy solo show at the Vic alone and went back home telling her friends that she felt she had finally found her tribe. Sometimes there's a real benefit in going to shows alone, unless you're very reserved. You make new friends who can relate to this niche interest you have.
  8. Just announced on WXRT!! Tickets go on sale Friday at 10 AM through Jamusa.com.
  9. Yes, at least once that I know of, in DC on 6/10. That's Roadcase #34 which was just made available a few days ago. I was at this show and it was a great one. The recording sounds really good too. Now that the Tweedy band has quite a few more shows under its belt, I was curious to see if the playing on this one would sound as good as I remembered it, and to me it does.
  10. Was that the show right after the Mass MoCA benefit show?
  11. I didn't stay for her whole set because we went over to see Jason Isbell, but it really surprised me that she stood there tuning her guitar with no assistance for so long. Had that been our Jeff, there would have been a replacement guitar in a flash. Doesn't Emmylou have guitar techs?
  12. Those of you who are in and around New York City and may be interested in what Richard Hell is up to these days, check out the information below, coming directly from Richard via his mom and sister. From: Richard Hell [mailto:richard@richardhell.com] Sent: Monday, October 06, 2014 9:57 AM To: admin@richardhell.com Subject: I host performance series I’m sending this to a few friends and contacts because I’m not sure the signals would reach you otherwise (since the official ones originate from the Upper West Side), and I want people to come! I’m curating and hosting a series of events a
  13. By the way, the song is "Please don't let me be so Understood".
  14. Hardly Strictly Bluegrass all weekend! Just flew in from Virginia and boy are my arms tired.
  15. I love when Jeff closes with a solo acoustic Misunderstood. He did that at the show in DC back in June, I think it was, and you could have heard a pin drop.
  16. OMG, if there ever was a time when he might consider doing that again, it could be if it were at the same theater and on a 20th anniversary tour. That would be such a hoot!
  17. Oh, Kidsmoke, this is my favorite thing to do. The lyrics on so many of these songs are grabbing me so hard. I love many of the same ones you've quoted, including I'll Never Know. That song is so evocative lyrically. It doesn't seem to get a lot of love on this message board, but to me it's the perfect end to the journey that the album takes you on. Among my favorites in addition to the ones you've mentioned. . . Pigeons Well it's not how they tell it, it's not how they say Your heart's in your mind and your mind's in the way Nobody Dies Anymore I stand where I grew Oh, I hated t
  18. About these sparsely attended shows, a few random thoughts: First, to quote H. L. Mencken, "No one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public." I think about that all the time when I wonder why even so many of my own friends don't succumb to the spell of Wilco and Tweedy even after multiple exposures. Second, in one of the avalanche of recent articles and interviews, Jeff said something about trying not to get concerned about quiet, apparently unresponsive audiences, because he knows that's what he's like as an audience member. He tries to tell himself it's an audie
  19. Thank you for that. That songs gets better to me with every listen. It seems like it would be a hard one to sing, and Jeff's voice really fits it perfectly. By the way, is that you singing You Are Not Alone that came up on Soundcloud right after Love Like a Wire? If so, very nice job.
  20. Introduce yourself, Gornok. I mean, Ron Swanson. I mean, Nick Offerman.
  21. Just announced: Wilco added a show in Milwaukee on 12/3 at the Riverside Theatre. Presale this Wednesday, general onsale Friday.
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