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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Keep checking on here for extra tickets that may pop up. It looks like the first weekend's tickets are the hardest to find, so you might have more luck with the Monday, Tuesday or Thursday shows, depending on how long you're going to be in Chicago. Also, all of the nights are available on Stubhub, with prices that aren't astronomical, especially on the weeknights. I hate Stubhub as much as the next person, but sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Glad you're making it to Nick Lowe. If all else fails, we can meet up before that show for sure. As for drinks, just remember that I'm a lightwe
  2. But that IS a cool t-shirt. The XX that looks like a W with a reflection, and the midnight blue color....it's moved to the top of my Wilco shirt favorites.
  3. A group of us took over a bed and breakfast about 20 minutes away from Lockn', and it was perfect. A nice room to come back to at the end of a long day, a little partying late into the wee hours, sleep in late and drive on into the fest each day. One of the big advantages of VIP, I would guess, is closer parking lots, since it seemed like it was a half mile of lugging crap from the parking lot to the festival each day. It also took me forever to get the lay of the land--I was totally confused the first couple of days, but then again I have a lousy sense of direction and I was also a bit chemic
  4. I seem to remember some long ago interview with Jeff where he described the A.M. songs as "sturdy." That sounds like a good description of why we like that album so much. They are just solid, energetic songs that really hold up. It's also probably why we all still love it and also why most of it don't consider it our favorite, since they ventured out into more precarious, complicated territory in later albums and developed into the adventurous band we love.
  5. I agree with Worldrecordplayer on pretty much everything, including the fact that you should go ahead and book a room for Solid Sound now if you're even halfway thinking about it. You can always cancel that room if you decide to go to Lockn' instead. I didn't mean to sound like such a grump about the VIP thing. It's just that I'm not a big festival goer and the ones I've gone to (Newport and Solid Sound primarily) don't do that. I'm enough of an egalitarian to bristle at things like VIP sections, although I gather that the economics of putting on a big festival mean that they're a given. But
  6. The two festivals aren't remotely comparable. Lockn' is huge, many more big name acts, much more of a jamband vibe, and 4 full days long. As I recall there were a couple of price points for the fest, aside from the Lockn' 'Lumni prices which, as you discovered, are now closed. I think they had super early tickets available at around $250, then they went up to just under $300. They didn't offer single day passes until much closer to the fest dates. I think they also offered 2-day and 3-day passes at some point. It was a lot of fun but it had much more of a big festival feel, in both good and ba
  7. Whoo! I've got some culling to do in what iTunes syncs up to my iPod. I'm just about at capacity. Tonight's homework!
  8. I'll let someone else weigh in on the technical aspects of the mix. All I know is that they were clear as a bell, the crowd noise was not distracting and the band sounded very "on" for all three nights. Best $27 I've spent in a while.
  9. Just jumping on the bandwagon here about the Roadcase recordings of those Port Chester shows. I didn't go but I bought all three MP3s, and oh my God they sound so great!. I'm working late tonight and have night 2 cranked up in my office. I thought no one else was here but a guy from an office down the hall came in and asked what I was listening to. Of course he had never heard of them but was interested in finding out more. Inadvertent proselytizing, one convert at a time. . . ..
  10. Or you could do what I did...buy the vinyl from that company that had the good price, then have buyer's remorse about not getting it from Kung Fu so I could get entered into the drawings and get the T-shirt, so place a second order for the CD/shirt bundle. On second thought, maybe no one else should follow my lead.
  11. This was posted on the Car Talk website: LAME JOKE OF THE WEEK The Late Night Lecture An elderly man driving erratically was stopped by the police around 2 a.m. and was asked where he was going at that time of night. The man replied, "I'm on my way to a lecture about alcohol abuse and the effects it has on the human body, as well as smoking and staying out late." The officer then asked, "Really? Who's giving that lecture at this time of night?" The man replied, "That would be my wife."
  12. Spencer, who hasn't been blogging much lately, recently contributed a piece to the website The Talkhouse, which is billed as a place for musicians to talk about musicians.. http://thetalkhouse.com/music/talks/spencer-tweedy-tweedy-talks-run-the-jewels-run-the-jewels-2/ Based on this, I don't think anyone is going to be accusing the younger Mr. Tweedy of Dad Rock-ism anytime soon!
  13. These are impossible choices. I just switched my vote from New Moon to Honey Combed, but I could change my mind again tomorrow.
  14. Oh my gosh, your work is most DEFINITELY appreciated!! I certainly can't speak for Yaz Rock, but the way I read his post was just that, as an obviously dedicated and professional taper, you would want to maybe make these tiny modifications in your description, just for the sake of getting the details 100% accurate. (I'm also not vouching for the accuracy of what Yaz posted--I don't know about the correct spelling of Port chester either,) Anyway, speaking for myself and many of my friends, we are all extremely grateful to you for everything you do, and I really don't think you were being dissed
  15. Speaking of which, I just posted in the Winterlude thread that Nick Lowe will be playing the Old Town School of Folk Music on Sunday, 12/7, one of the in-between nights during the residency.
  16. I just found out that Nick Lowe will be playing at the Old Town School of Folk Music on Sunday, Dec. 7, one of the "off" nights during the Winterlude residency week. I just got a ticket at Table F, seat 1--looks to be right up front. The seat beside me was also open about 30 minutes ago, and there are still some other scattered seats available, but apparently they're selling quickly. Tickets are just $40 + $5 fee and they'll be held at will call. For anyone who doesn't know Nick Lowe, he's a lengendarily great singer and songwriter, He also opened for Wilco on a long run of shows a couple of
  17. Fresh Air did a terrific tribute show today, including an interview they did with Terry Gross in 2001. Plus a live interview with "esteemed producer" Doug Berman. It was touching and also funny as hell. Those guys really knew how to live, and there was apparently very little difference between their on air personas and who they were in real life.
  18. Glenn's drumming is always a pleasure to watch. He's just so fluid--it looks like his sticks are extensiions of his arms. I was so glad to actually be able to see him at the Raleigh show. Being on the lip of the stage I had a great vantage point to really view him up close.
  19. I'm not at all sure about this, but I think certain venues are very restrictive about allowing recordings. It may be that The Ryman wouldn't permit a Roadcase recording to be released.
  20. Nice! Thank you for posting. I didn't get to hear it live but I appreciate the excerpts.
  21. And when they release a new album they probably won't have such varied setlists because they'll have new songs to promote. We are just in an incredibly wonderful sweet spot right now, I think, with the 20th anniversary, coming back together after an extended break and no new material to drum into our collective consciousness. You can feel their joy at being together again. It's just a great time to be a fan!
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