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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Well, I saw lots of shows and I would call myself a hippie, but I never really loved the Dead for some reason. I saw Hendrix back in '69 and CSNY and Janis Joplin sometime in there. You know what they say about the 60s though--if you can remember them, you weren't there.
  2. July 3 in Scottsdale confirmed.
  3. Searching through my memory banks, I do believe it was James Brown singing "I Feel Good" at the James Brown Revue sometime around 1965 or so in Norfolk, Virginia.
  4. Mavis Staples y'all, right here in my little old hometown. Can't wait!
  5. I also find it puzzling that Wilco keeps booking these primarily jamband-oriented festivals. Nothing against them, but I just don't think it's the natural audience for Wilco. I was at Lockn' last year and I thought the response to them was underwhelming. And that was after a long dry spell, when the want to see factor should have been at a high point.
  6. Forgive me for playing fast and loose with the thread topic, but wow, I just finished watching NPR's live stream of Sleater-Kinney at the 9:30 Club. They tore it up!! This was the first of a 2-night stand, so if anyone who lives near DC can get there tomorrow night, go. And good news for anyone who might have wanted to see the stream but forgot, they announced that they'll be archiving the show, I guess on All Songs Considered.
  7. My tickets for the two Tweedy shows in Chicago finally arrived in the mail today.. Hopefully yours get to you today or very soon, Madcap.
  8. I was so so so so SO disappointed to not see Boyhood take Best Picture. Birdman was a great second choice but Boyhood stole my heart.
  9. Yes she did. I think Julie Andrews was genuinely touched, too. Her voice is now completely shot so it must have been a somewhat bittersweet feeling to hear her songs done so beautifully by Gaga.
  10. They did do a beautiful job with Glory, as expected.
  11. The lamest Oscar show ever. Is anyone else enduring this torture? Have you maybe found at least a good liveblogging site? I cannot believe how bad the writing is! Edit: OK, I guess James Franco was worse.
  12. I really did have the thought myself!! But yes, you expressed it first. How utterly embarrassing for you if it turns out to be wrong!
  13. Little update on the Tweedy tickets from Frontgate. I just called again and they said the tickets were printed on 2/13 but not mailed until Monday or possibly Tuesday. So, considering weather delays, I guess there's no reason to be concerned unless they haven't gotten here by early next week. Will call would work, too, I guess, but I always prefer tickets in hand.
  14. Yes, I'm concerned too. The Frontgate info page says mine were mailed on 2/13 but they still haven't arrived. We've had some snow and weather delays, but not for the US mail, which is how mine were supposedly sent. I called Frontgate about this a couple of days ago and they suggested giving it a couple more days. They said if worse came to worst they could have them changed to will call. If they don't get here today I guess I'll do that.
  15. I know! The one about the documentary? I thought for sure that was going to be about the lineup announcements. I still have a feeling we might hear something today.....
  16. The difference between Solid Sound and other festivals, though, is that we always know who the headliners are. You might make a go/no go decision on other festivals based on the lineup. I could be wrong, but I don't think many people make a decision on whether or not to go to SSF based on the non-Wilco related bands. I guess that could change if they announce a really big act or two.
  17. I had posted on Solid Sound Festival's Facebook page earlier today asking when we might get lineup announcements. Just got this response: "Soon. Almost there." That was nice to hear!
  18. I'm definitely looking forward to hearing lineup announcements but the most important one has already been made. Two nights of Wilco! Jeff solo! Tweedy band!
  19. That sounds like such a fun night. I wish there were a tradition of doing that kind of thing in other cities. Reminds us of what we know already, which is that these are some sturdy songs, adaptable to all kinds of interpretation.
  20. I probably didn't use the right word when I said contrivances, but maybe cliche is closer to the mark. Actually, I read the article you linked to and the writer compared it to a sports-themed movie. That's probably what I didn't like about it. The whole notion of the tyrannical teacher/coach and the student/athlete overcoming insane odds to prevail...it just seemed completely overwrought. And the frequent tight focus on his bleeding fingers and screams of agony--it was like torture porn. It seemed to me that the movie swung from one absurdity to another. There were times when I was literally l
  21. I have no doubt this is happening, because I got the tweets too, but maybe John Hodgman jumped the gun a little. Links in his original tweet--and in @solidsoundfest's retweet--have now been removed. Still, assuming it's true, Tig Notaro is a pretty big deal!
  22. I think Birdman will win, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was Boyhood. Boyhood was my favorite by a mile. The movie that seems most overrated to me is Whiplash. Aside from the excellent acting, I thought it was an overcooked and unbelievable script. I found myself literally shaking my head in disbelief at some of the plot contrivances.
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