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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. You sound positively giddy! I know the feeling. Have a fantastic time!
  2. Nice writeup about Wilco's set and aftermath from the Times Picayune. http://www.nola.com/jazzfest/index.ssf/2015/04/an_abbreviated_but_electrified.html
  3. Ha! I hadn't noticed that it was the hootenanny version of Hoodoo. That would have been funny as hell, to see Josh dancing around while the band was sitting in a semicircle, like "C'mon guys, plug in and rock out!!"
  4. And either I misread the original date or they moved the date for the DC show, but I just noticed today that they're playing on Friday, May 8, which is the day after my birthday. Ticket bought!
  5. Sadly, none of this comes as a surprise to me, and it also explains a lot about why Wilco plays in the same larger markets so often. They are just about the textbook definition of a cult band. The people who their music resonates with, it does so in a big way. Obviously, most of us on this board fall into that camp. But there are so many people who just don't feel the magic. I have no idea what is wrong with them. As to Florida being a tertiary market, welcome to the club. I live in Virginia and it's the same here, unless you're in the DC area, and maybe Charlottesville. I'm not happy about
  6. Interesting! I would never have picked up on it, but now that you mention it, I hear it--around the .58 and 2:25 mark in All the Same to Me.
  7. Hopefully Wilco will bring the good juju to ward off the storm. I hope it's an awesome show for you!
  8. Thanks, guys. I appreciate the tips and am really looking forward to the show.
  9. I've heard and liked a lot of his music, but I know that lots of you--especially Chicagoans--know him much better than I do. He's coming to my town for a house concert and I'd like to get more familiar with his work before the show. Are there particular albums or songs I should focus on? My fingers are poised on the Amazon Buy CD page...
  10. http://torontourbanrootsfest.com/ Lineup looks great, but I don't like the prominence the various bands are given on the poster. I'm starting to feel pretty out of touch. Of Monsters and Men and Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes at the top of the bill?
  11. That's bullshit. I wonder how much of this is negotiated with the bands in advance. If I were Wilco, I'd tell them where they can stick their fucking festival.
  12. No, in Virginia. The closest they're coming to me is DC. It's a midweek show so I can't make it, but it's killing me.
  13. Warren Zevon Carmelita Mutineer Mohammed's Radio Keep Me In Your Heart Werewolves of London Runners up (oof, there are so many) Desperados Under the Eaves Accidentally Like a Martyr
  14. I was looking at the other dates for Wilco. The tour ends May 9 in Atlanta, then there's the JT solo charity show in Chicago on May 15. Then there's this event and nothing else until Solid Sound on June 26. I do believe there's a little time in there for a short solo (or Tweedy band) tour of the southeast. Jeff, make it so!
  15. Well well well, what is this all about, I wonder? I just bought two tickets. The guy at the box office said as far as he knows there is no performance planned following the screening, but this certainly seems like a curveball, especially for a Saturday night. I can't believe there won't be something else announced before or after.
  16. Airline to Heaven, Monday, Via Chicago. (Particularly appropriate if one is flying into the Windy City for a Wilco show on Monday night)
  17. I have about an 11 hour drive from Norfolk. I do it in one day but we leave at 6 AM and blaze on up to North Adams to get in before too late on Thursday night. "A little bleary / worse for the wear and tear". But there's time for dinner and a good night's sleep, then we get to wake up in charming North Adams and spend the day exploring Mass MoCA. I highly recommend spending some time at the museum, by the way. There's so much going on during the festival itself that it's hard to visit the galleries for the regular museum exhibits. If you go on Thursday before the action gets started it's mu
  18. Oh, thanks very much. I like this a lot. I'll check out a bit more between now and showtime tomorrow, but now "I know where I'll be to(morrow)night!"
  19. I have tickets for Hiss Golden Messenger tomorrow night. It's a local show and the tickets were cheap so I bought them on impulse but I'm wondering if any of you are familiar with them. I'll have a busy day and don't really want to waste my time on something I'm not likely to enjoy.
  20. I forgot to post this yesterday but I saw Roseanne Cash last night. Nice show. She did the entire new album "The River and the Thread" in sequence for the first set.
  21. I don't think someone born and raised in this country could possibly say they are not racist in any way. There's too much history, too many ingrained cultural expectations, for anyone to be untouched. In fact, recognizing and accounting for racism--overt, covert, institutional, systemic, and yes, personal--is an essential step in overcoming it.
  22. You're right, Facebook will be full of snark for a long time, but I'm happy that the negativity has simmered down here on VC.
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