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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. It looks like that part of the interview--with the whole family--was filmed at Mass MoCA, and Sammy and Sue were both there. Remember that Sammy had executive producer credit on Sukierae too.
  2. I don't know about that, but he was in the Low Key video.
  3. Yes, wasn't that the coolest thing? In fact, I was talking to some friends yesterday about the festival and it hit me once again just how many special events or moments there were--aside from the music that is of course what we know about going in. Glenn's Immortal Flux, tthe book signing, the beach ball prank, the mini Wilco stage in the galleries, the timeline. . . . and I know there's tons that I'm not even mentioning. I've been going since the first year and it amazes me how they keep upping the ante every year and makiing this such an utterly cool and inclusive event. Wilco really does
  4. Just for the record, my comment about audience applause was intended as a general musing, not a complaint.Just wondering about others' thoughts abut this specific issue. Completely agree that it was a glorious weekend. I'm always astounded by how much thoughtfulness and love go into the planning for Solid Sound by the band--and I guess its management. This is a fantastic event.
  5. Even if it was a predetermined decision--and it might have been--I think we all agree it was a stellar show. After a show like that, why shouldn't the crowd show the love? Clap, whoop, stomp--long, loud, sustained. They earned it. I do think this kind of entitled response is becoming more the norm than it used to be. I remember walking out of shows with my hands aching from clapping so hard and long.
  6. It does have a timeless feel to it, but I'm glad they broke with that particular tradition. It made sense the first year with Mavis and it made great sense the second year with Levon, but I didn't think it made sense in 2013, since that song is not particularly associated with Wilco. California Stars is a more anthemic choice, I think, if they're looking for a traditional closer.
  7. Did anyone else think that the applause seemed a bit weak? I don't think that is why they didn't play the 2nd encore but I do kind of wonder about it. It seemed like the audience was feeling "entitled" even after the main set and didn't applaud as long and loud as they should have, and then after the first encore it seems that people just expected there wouldn't be a second encore. At least that's how it seemed to me. I remember at one of the Winterlude shows Jeff somewhat scolded the audience for not giving it up like they should have, and he talked about adhering to the conventions of a rock
  8. Right on. That rain was nothing. Especially compared to what was forecasted this was nothing more than a mist. I loved the groovy new arrangement on Kingpen. And a few new flourishes on Impossible Germany. Pat was particularly on fire tonight I thought.
  9. Ditto. I called it vacation brain, but we all know it's really Wilco brain.
  10. The museum is open for business on Friday.there might be an admission charge. I don't remember for sure because last time I was a member of the museum so it was free
  11. I would say get there as early as you possibly can on Friday. There is so much to see in the museum and the galleries and once the festival gets rolling you'll be hard pressed to find any time to explore it. I would take advantage of the beautiful facility itself, as well as the food and drink.
  12. Sounds like a great idea. I'll throw something in my suitcase. Because I'M PACKING NOW!! Yay!!
  13. Hopefully we'll get there early and set up a table, but obviously we're all there to enjoy the festival so the table will not be continuously manned. I'm thinking it will be sort of like a base camp, and anyone who needs a sit down break can become the VC greeter-in-residence.
  14. It's definitely a good idea to make sure you like and/or follow the Solid Sound stuff on your Facebook and Twitter accounts. In the past they've had lots of fun sets or events on a popup basis. Music as well as things like Jeff in the dunk tank. I always seem to miss them unless I just stumble upon them. Also, an external battery or power supply is almost indispensable if you're inclined to keep up with social media, take a few pictures, etc. Unless you enjoy sitting on the floor near the gift shop where you can find some electrical outlets to get recharged.
  15. We need the equivalent of a like button on here. Nametags, which you are free to use as literally or creatively as you wish, should also be available.
  16. But then just a couple of frames later when Nels comes over and gives him a hug. Awww, sweet.
  17. No, there are no extras--I think what people referring to is the separate 5-minute segment where they're practicing and then performing Cut Your Hair. Can you download or stream that segment from the UK? And re the closing song, it was nice to have it be a surprise, and it was the most perfectly fitting one, so I won't mention it here. You know you're going to buy this, so just do it! Git on the damn bus!
  18. Yes, you looked great! It was cool to see so many friends in there.
  19. Wow, that looked like real anger. Interesting that they left that in the footage.
  20. I downloaded the 1080 file but I bet that doesn't sync up with iTunes. Do any of you know if any of the available formats will be able to sync up with your iTunes library?
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