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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Good for her! I miss her around these parts.
  2. Yes, he said he accepts it as real and said he has also felt that way about other artists. He said (I'm paraphrasing of course) it's all about what resonates with someone else. He's grateful that people feel this way but he said he never stops questioning what differentiates those like himself who've found a modicum of success with people who constantly strive but don't succeed. He said it's not a fair world sometimes but also that it's probably true that some people have more natural talents and gifts than others. I can't recall how he said this but he talked about how a good song conveys a
  3. For me this was an absolute dream event. First, I totally love "American Movie' but had only seen it before on DVD at home, and it was such a treat to watch it on a big screen in a nice theater with an engaged audience. (If anybody hasn't seen the movie, you should remedy that ASAP. It's just great--by turns hilarious, heartbreaking, infuriating and poignant.) So just seeing the movie in this setting was lovely. Then after the screening the moderator introduced Jeff and told us that he had brought along a very special guest--none other than aspiring filmmaker and photographer Sammy Tweedy! T
  4. I'll reply in more detail later when I have more time, but for now I'll just say that it was fascinating and satisfying beyond my wildest expectations!
  5. I really want to go to this festival. I just have a feeling it will be a special one.
  6. FYI, I bought 2 tickets to this because they were cheap and I had hoped that a friend of mine might be able to make the trip with me. She can't though, so anyone needs a ticket PM me and you can have the spare at face (around $15-20, I think). As I recall they're good seats--maybe 10-12 rows back, center.
  7. Well I made a 3-hour trek to Charlottesville for Beck and I'd do it again. My first Beck experience. He seemed determined to deliver a high energy fun show and he did.
  8. I got a tweet about this yesterday and it said Jeff would be doing a short acoustic set after the Q&A. Gets betterer and betterer!
  9. Forgot to post this yesterday but I saw Robbie Fulks at a house concert last night. He was with a trio consisting of another guitar player and stand up bass. They were excellent!
  10. Jeff got some real curveballs thrown at him tonight. The obscure/rarity ratio was high, as were the number of quieter songs requested by,as he put it, "depressed people". It's always so great to see him at these shows, though I do wish he had reached down into the first 3 rows stage right and scooped up some of the inane chatterers.
  11. Very nice framing job. I really liked the posters for those Winterlude shows. I got 4 of them and got pretty standard Michaels Arts and Crafts frames on a buy one get one free sale. But they were sort of weathered looking, driftwood-y frames and I thought they complemented the artwork nicely.
  12. I can't seem to get the emoticons on this ipad but...rofl. And yes, this isn't like a show that's been promoted. I would never have heard of it if I hadn't heard that Jeff conversation with Marty Lennartz.
  13. Well, we don't want to disappoint him, do we?
  14. Just heard about this today http://povertylaw.org/events/carryitforward Jeff discussed it in a short interview on XRT http://wxrt.cbslocal.com/2015/05/11/hear-wilcos-jeff-tweedy-call-in-to-wish-marty-lennartz-luck-on-his-first-day/
  15. I'll be there, Andrew. Looking forward to seeing you. Just don't call Jeff an asshole again! Or wait a minute, it was him calling you an asshole, wasn't it?
  16. Somebody got this wrong. It DID play at the Big Sky Fest for sure. I know a guy whose film was also premiering at that festival and he and his wife actually saw the Wilco movie.
  17. The Replacements tonight in DC. Excited!!
  18. I am really hoping we hear something soon. Even if it sucks as a film--which I hope it doesn't--it's still something that would appeal to at least a few of us out here. Is it possible it's so bad they can't find a distributor?
  19. That was the show that was live streamed. I had just recently seen them in Richmond, VA, and my enthusiasm was at peak level. I was participating in a group chat while listening to the stream and I remember hearing Jeff talk about "Mass Mocha". I knew nothing other than that but I remember making a snap decision that whatever this was, I was doing it.
  20. Wow, you spoke for a lot of us. Well, certainly me. Thank you for saying it so well.
  21. You'll be fine, Mariana. I used to have to make a trip to Phoenix and Scottsdale in August every year. It was usually over 100 degrees Fahrenheit in the daytime--sometimes as much as 115--and it was hotter than hell, but like everyone says, drink plenty of water and wear sunscreen. If you haven't been to that part of the United States, you might even fit in a side trip to the Grand Canyon or Sedona--Sedona is closer to Scottsdale. Both of them will take your breath away...in a good way!
  22. Ryan Adams tonight at nTelos in Charlottesville. For anyone who lives anywhere near Charlottesville, I have a spare ticket. GREAT seat--third row near center--because my friend is sick. PM, text or call me if you're interested. 757-287-9871. Tickets are $55 face and the show has been sold out for ages. First come first served. Edit: Spare ticket has been sold.
  23. Must've been some show last night. Everybody's sleeping in. . .
  24. I've read it before. I think this was repurposed from another source.
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