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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. So did you actually get Jeff? If so, you're the first one I'm aware of.
  2. Sturgill Simpson tonight at the Norva.
  3. I'm really fond of #34 at the Lincoln Theater in DC, possibly for the same reason. Also, Spencer came out and gave me a hug after the show, and Jeff did a great unamplified Misunderstood closer. They did seem in rare form that night in an intimate theater with a very receptive audience.
  4. I'm going to this festival all alone. Boohoohoo. Any of you VCers coming who wouldn't object to a friendly old lady hanging around you, let me know how to look for you.
  5. I didn't really notice that about the sound quality but during that recent Reddit session Jeff said something specifically about the room having a "dead" sound. (I think that was the word he used.) He said they skipped sound check that day and they shouldn't have.
  6. Damn dirty hippie. Enjoy the weekend!
  7. That happened to me the other day. While on shuffle a William Tyler song came up and it was so compelling it made me play nothing but him for the rest of the day.
  8. The Reddit thing went on for 90 minutes. Nels was there only for the last 30 or so. This info was tweeted or something--showed up in my text messages. When he joined he said "I'm here. Gasping to catch up."
  9. Anybody know what this exchange is referring to? [–]MarbleShoes 25 points 12 hours ago Jeff, is there any chance you'd team up with Ryan Adams for a "Watch the Throne" type album? permalinksavereportgive goldreply [–]WilcoJeffJeff Tweedy of Wilco[S] 66 points 11 hours ago Sure, and we could perform it standing on cubes at opposite ends of an arena. permalinksaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]savor_today [score hidden] 18 minutes ago You might appreciate that I saw that same tour inside the Austin Music Hall (~2k capacity for those who don't know) the cubes barely fit ins
  10. Someone replied to Jeff's response "You've got a voice for it too." Great response!
  11. I loved Jeff's answers, both the thoughtful, serious ones and the funny ones. One of my favorite exchanges was when someone asked him how he maintains a personal, intimate connection with his fans now that the fanbase is so much larger. He said: I only worry about maintaining the personal and intimate connections I have with my family and friends and stay somewhat removed from the notion of fans. More of an abstract thing. Till I meet you then I hope we're just two people.
  12. Well, I just postponed my dinner plans for tomorrow night. That's a fairly good indication of my priorities.
  13. Wow, you must be living right! Didn't you also get one of the golden tickets for Solid Sound in 2013? What's your secret, fella?
  14. Well yeah. I wouldn't expect a searing expose! Kim Kardashian he's not. I meant more like a peek inside the creative mind. Yes, there would probably be about 100 people who would find this endlessly fascinating--and I'm one of them.
  15. I'm hoping Jeff's saving up the inside dope on the title for his memoir. (Wouldn't a memoir be a dream come true??)
  16. Could be that some of the young'uns have never heard of the movie or book.
  17. Did you say something to him? I would definitely have started up a conversation after a comment like that!
  18. That's pretty cool. It sounds like we've been to a lot of the same shows.
  19. Funny, I don't think much about packaging one way or another these days, but actually I am very fond of the back view of the cat. And I do HATE the way the lyrics are printed. But, the most important thing is the music, and boy do I agree that the CD sounds SO much better on my car's stereo system than the free download on my iPod. My favorites on the album keep changing. Right now I'm in love with You Satellite. But I've gone through previous favorites including Random Name Generator, Magnetized, King of You.
  20. NPR Music just posted this critique of the list--or the concept of the list. Actually, both. http://www.npr.org/sections/therecord/2015/08/24/433206610/the-one-real-problem-with-rolling-stones-greatest-songwriters-of-all-time?utm_source=npr_newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=20150824&utm_campaign=Music&utm_term=
  21. Seeing Of Montreal tonight in Norfolk
  22. I've been lucky enough to see them live a few times and they definitely put on a good show. They're one of those bands, sort of like Drive By Truckers, where the songs are very different depending on who's taking the lead. David Hidalgo's songs are more ballads, and Cesar Rosas is more rocking Tex-Mex.
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