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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Yeah, with those flowing garments and burqas, it can be really hard to vent them.
  2. Might he possibly have finally screwed the pooch with his remarks about banning all Muslims?
  3. Jeff has said that when he goes he loses, so he'd be better off staying home. Or words to that effect.
  4. Wouldn't it be thrilling to see Jeff and the boys come up to the mic and accept that award for alternative album?
  5. I find it almost incomprehensible that Donald Trump could sustain this level of popularity when it comes right down to nominating a candidate. I never thought he would last this long, though, so I obviously underestimated the meanness and fear of a large segment of our population. It reminds me of when the OJ Simpson verdict came down: I was honestly shocked at how differently blacks and whites reacted to the not guilty verdict, even in my own office. It opened my eyes to just how deep the racial divide is in this country. I think what may be happening now is that we don't fully realize how de
  6. That was a very candid moment, wasn't it? I don't know that anyone has an answer, but to me it looked like a moment of real frustration on Pat's part, which--since the band is so damned accomplished--is something we don't usually get to see. I thought it was very humanizing. It was also really sweet to see Nels giving him a hug afterwards.
  7. Live stream of Lou's show just started. Looking forward to this.
  8. I have a long list of stupid things, including running a bath then going back to bed and dozing off while the water was still running. That one was expensive! But one indelible memory from my high school days was shortly after I started driving. I was 16 and in my old '55 Chevy with a carful of girlfriends. I needed to cross over a 4 lane main road--from one side feeder lane to the other--and miscalculated, causing a couple of cars to slam on their brakes to avoid hitting us. Of course, we were laughing breathlessly, fueled by adrenaline and teenage hubris. But then one of the drivers pulled
  9. Same here. If there's a ringleader for this online bidding group, I would also love to join in. I would contribute proportionately (up to $1,000) and would go to wherever the show is being hosted. I've been to one of these before, in 2013, and it was unforgettable. Sadly, there's no room this year in the group I was a part of. You can PM me here.
  10. It was one of the best shows I've seen in a long time--everyone in that band is so talented and the crowd was with them all the way. Well, except for the guy immediately to my right. I got there about an hour early and ended up right on the rail, dead center, without even trying. There was no opening act so the band came on just a few minutes after 8:00. During the second song this guy pulls out his cell phone and starts having a leisurely conversation with someone, at a very audible volume--right in front of the band! I tried to ignore it as long as I could but finally asked him if he would
  11. He could definitely get away with insulting Bill Nye the Science Guy. He's come out as a pretty outspoken atheist on talk shows, so I'm sure he's on all kinds of Republican shitlists. Maybe if Trump suggested that we should deport white Christian babies with Down Syndrome, that might turn some fans against him?
  12. Dave Rawlings Machine in Richmond, VA at The National tonight.
  13. The book is scheduled to be published in April 2016 and seems to feature two Wilco/Tweedy related bits of content. There's an interview with Jeff, plus Courtney Barnett reflects on Wilco's influence on her songwriting. http://www.npr.org/sections/allsongs/2015/11/18/456191341/bob-boilen-wrote-a-book?utm_source=npr_newsletter&amputm_medium=email&amputm_content=20151120&amputm_campaign=allsongs&amputm_term=music William Morrow, the publisher, is also publishing Jeff Tweedy's just-announced memoir. Maybe his interview with Boilen inspired Jeff to write his own book. Worlds col
  14. This made me laugh out loud. I can imagine the dialogue. Sue: "Jeff, turn out the light." Jeff: "What light?"
  15. Hop on the CTA and get yourself over there! There's still time.
  16. The episode is scheduled to run again at 12:00am (midnight) eastern time on Tuesday, for those of us who missed the original broadcast.
  17. You two make a perfect couple, Joe. I'm so happy you found each other.
  18. Alejandro Escovedo with Derek Cruz tonight at North Shore Point House Concerts. Last show of the season. We're lucky to have this great series here, under a big tent in a back yard, capacity around 100.
  19. I DVR'd the show so I could watch any "good parts" later. I wasn't paying much attention while this was on in the background but my ears pricked up when I heard a melody line that sounded familiar. I rewound to the beginning and thought "what the...??" That was definitely a strange moment.
  20. I'm so happy for you guys halfway around the world. I love the format of the TWEEDY band shows and you just know how happy everyone in the band will be on this tour. They'll be grinning from ear to ear, and so will you all.
  21. I'm sure Jeff knows what a great album Trace is, so why not acknowledge the anniversary of his former bandmate's excellent album? He has no reason to be petty or snarky. I take him at his word.
  22. I hear what y'all are saying and I agree wit most all of it. One thing that always irks me, though, is how Jay peevishly refers to Jeff as "the other songwriter" or "the bass player" or whatever--studiously avoiding mentioning him by name. It's just so childish.
  23. I just got the audiobooks of M Train and also a couple others, coincidentally all female-centric: Hunger Makes Me a Modern Girl by Carrie Brownstein, largely based on a recent Fresh Air interview My Life on the Road by Gloria Steinem, also because my interest was piqed by a Fresh Air interview I guess Terry Gross is doing her usual excellent job of bringing interesting people to our attention.
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