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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. It helps to hear that you've had the same experience and to hear about the problems with the Touch. I was already not inclined to go in that direction, so this helps in the decision-making. I haven't heard any hints or rumors that Apple is even considering bringing back the old classic iPod, although it sure seems like there's a market for it. The only thing I can think of is that they want to drive more traffic to streaming services. Bastards.
  2. Alas, it looks like my 160gb classic iPod is nearing the end of its lifespan. Despite the fact that it has no wireless or Bluetooth capabilities, I love being able to have my whole music library at my fingertips. I also subscribe to several podcasts and used to sync up my iPod with iTunes every couple of days, so I always had everything I wanted available to me in the car, in the office, etc, without having to stream and use up battery life on my phone. But. . . I guess everything comes to an end. About a week ago my computer stopped recognizing my iPod, so no more syncing up. I took everyth
  3. Re a Cruz/Fiorina ticket, shame on me for making disparaging comments about peoples' looks, but I can't imagine looking at those particular faces for 4 years!
  4. Another Man's Done Gone Funeral Home What Light Lamp Store You Are My Face- Human Simulation Software for Robots
  5. That's what I mean, Lost Highway. It's gone on so long that it starts to feel normal. But it seemed really unthinkable less than a year ago.
  6. A Box Full of Letters is a digital archiving service.
  7. Wow. Just take a few steps back, take a deep breath, and think how utterly bizarre it is that we are seriously going to have Donald Trump as a presidential candidate.
  8. Craig, I don't know when exactly you'll be visiting, but Jeff Tweedy is playing his annual benefit concerts at the Vic Theatre on May 13 and 14. These are always tons of fun, so if you'll be around that weekend you should definitely go.
  9. I assume it was Jeff on Thirteen, not Sammy? Although that would sure be fun! It was nice of you to post. Since it was a private show you may not feel free to answer, but if there were any particularly funny or illuminating tidbits passed along that you could share, I for one would sure love to hear them!
  10. They're coming to the NorVa in July. Just got my ticket yesterday. (I saw the Black Crowes at the same venue a few years ago.) CRB will also be at Mountain Jam in June. Looking forward to both of these shows.
  11. Good to see you back on the case! They sure pulled out all the stops for this show.
  12. Wow, I just heard from a Japanese friend who was there that Jim O'Rourke joined the Tweedy band for a couple of Loose Fur songs. I don't have any further information. Oh yeah, and Sue Tweedy posted on Facebook that Sammy was planning to sing Thirteen again, so maybe that happened too. I hope someone who posts here was at the show and will post a full recap in the After the Show thread.
  13. And besides all that, I would just feel bad about not voting.
  14. I'm not sure I understand why a candidate's personal motivation to run is more important than the values he or she espouses. The whole cult of personality thing is baffling to me. Vote for the person you think has the best ideas to move the country in the direction you think is correct, regardless of the person's charisma or personal reasons for running. Of course, it matters whether that person would have the political savvy to get things done too.
  15. I like cranky, irascible Jeff, and I love this interview!
  16. Further word from Jeff about new Wilco album this year, and another mention about a new Loose Fur project. And speaking of loose, Jeff was in a particularly garrulous mood, I thought. http://fasterlouder.junkee.com/wilcos-jeff-tweedy-anybody-that-thinks-about-dad-rock-as-a-critical-term-is-an-asshole/858505
  17. Marc Maron did a short writeup about this living room show on his blog http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=c6e3c362af0fe1f2bf727ac27&id=012fbb5937&e=922550416e For those who don't want to read the non-Tweedy content, here's what he had to say: So, the other night I was invited to someone’s house for a party. I don’t usually go to parties but this was a friend and business associate and… Jeff Tweedy was supposed to play an acoustic set in the living room after dinner. What? This seemed like a pretty highfalutin party to me, almost awkward in my mind. A guy just pays to have one of t
  18. Totally geeky side note: I think the outro music they were playing at the very end of the show was Finally Bored, the title song from a 2013 album by The Blisters, Spencer's band.
  19. I don't think it's just you. I've got this streaming on a couple of devices and it's choppy on both. Still a treat to hear, though.
  20. It's working for me on Tunein on my phone. Can't get it to work from my computer though. Edit: Never mind--just started working from the station's website on my computer too!
  21. I saw them on this tour a couple of weeks ago, Nice voices, and I really liked Sara Watkins and Anais Mitchell.
  22. George Saunders has mentioned being inspired by this song before. Here's a link to the article in context: http://www.chicagomag.com/arts-culture/May-2015/George-Saunders-on-Why-the-Humanities-Matter/
  23. They did that in 2012, not in Joe's Field but in the Hunter Center. It was a charity event. Lots of fun in a very crowded room, despite poor sightlines and not so hot sound quality. Edit: Sorry, knotgreen and I crossed in the mail!
  24. Don't let us get sick Don't let us get old Don't let us get stupid, all right? Just make us be brave And make us play nice And let us be together tonight --Warren Zevon
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