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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Old 97s at the Norva tonight.
  2. Well, that settles it then. And an early Happy Birthday to you!
  3. Yeah, Big Tony said September, and September is rapidly coming to a close!
  4. I love Happiness. Every single bit of it. The "roses...or Tanqueray" line just slays me. But I don't get how "Happiness depends on who you blame" relates to the rest of the song. Can someone who has connected those dots enlighten me? Theories?
  5. Wow, I couldn't disagree more. Of course taste is a very personal thing but these songs on Schmilco are stuck in my head and won't let go. The lyrics, the melodies, and the overall feel of the album have gotten under my skin in a major way.
  6. Still, she's annoying. I don't think she's funny at all.
  7. I wasn't there but I agree with this notion 100%. At least as far as Jeff is concerned.
  8. Wow, that must have been a fun taping. Lucky you! And thanks for the news on the possible air date change.
  9. A bunch of us in line last night were speculating that Jeff might announce the dates from the stage on the final night of the residency, but no...
  10. And Jeff gave a much deserved shout out to Jeremy Roth, the set and lighting designer.
  11. Well, obviously we aren't the only ones spotting the bböp. I remember at Solid Sound--2010, I think--when Jeff was looking around in the crowd for Paul, wondering if he'd moved along to The National. It happens, he said. People break up with their bands. Very glad bböp hasn't broken up with Wilco!
  12. We have a great independent theater where I live that shows small/foreign/indie movies, and it also has a large classic film series that atracts an older audience. I was at a showing in the classic series and about an hour into the movie the house lights came up and an ambulance arrived. An elderly woman who was a longtime supporter had quietly passed away next to her husband. A lot of us there knew her and, although it was a somber moment for sure, it seemed sort of poetically fitting. The kicker? The movie was From Here to Eternity.
  13. I was going to say, I don't think it's a coincidence that this bad behavior occurred at a reserved seat theater show. It's all tied in with the difficulty of getting decent seats at a reserved seat venue. Everything seems to go immdiately to the secondary market and that's where these assholes snap up the tickets. I would be very surprised if something like this happens at the Fillmore, for instance. The diehard fans will be lining up for hours and will be up close, providing lots of good back and forth energy.
  14. Definitely, Security should have removed those people, and I hope they would have if Jeff had given them the nod. Maybe he just didn't want to come off as a prima donna that early in the show, although it would have been fully justified. Good for him for snatching the guy's phone and throwing it! I find it hard to imagine him actually throwing his guitar, though, considering how much he loves them. He must have been truly pissed off.
  15. We should start a twitter campaign. Maron attended a living room show. Edit: I just sent a tweet to @marcmaron, @wtfpod and @jefftweedy. Feel free to pile on. Maybe we can make it happen.
  16. Wow that's interesting. That show can seem insufferable to me but this will be a real reunion show. Both Reggie Watts and Jen Kirkman have appeared at Solid Sound.
  17. You're not alone. It's an inherently insulting term, no matter how bastardized the spelling. Just a juvenile word to use, however it's intended.
  18. Not to be such a cynical girl, but I fully expect there to be no more than 1 or 2 other people at the listening party I'm going to in Virginia Beach. When Star Wars came out they did something similar at a local brewery, with all kind of giveaways including a signed vinyl copy of the album, and my friend and I were the only entrants. I assume there's more interest in bigger cities.
  19. Somebody posted this "review" in the Shot in the Arm Facebook group, and the first commenter said (quoting the article) that the writer seems to have been hopped up on goofballs. Lol!
  20. Oh my god, this has my heart pounding this morning! Thanks for posting, Paul. I hope some folks who were there will chime in soon.
  21. Seeing Chris Stapleton in Portsmouth, VA tonight.
  22. Man, Jeff's "voice" always comes through so clearly in interviews, doesn't it?
  23. When this was first published, Jeff Tweedy tweeted "With all due respect, I didn't see any of this shit coming"
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