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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. There's a brief recap of the LRS on today's episode of Marc Maron's WTF podcast.
  2. I wouldn't. Cruz is a seasoned politician who is both savvy and evil (my opinion, of course--I assume yours is different). Trump, on the other hand, is such a crazy ass wildcard that I think he would be impeached. Of course, that means it'll be pretty important to see who his running mate is.
  3. Wow, here's the setlist. they definitely got their money's worth--great songs and some long ones too! https://www.instagram.com/p/BCnpfXoDyE-/ I wonder what Mississippi was?
  4. Well, under those circumstances, yeah, I could see that being a good experience.
  5. And once again you've sent me to Google and Wikipedia, thereby expanding my surface knowledge of a genre I don't think I want to know any more about, thankyouverymuch! "The band's style is characterized by extremely slow tempos, heavily distorted guitars, avoidance of rhythm and melody, and alternate tunings. The guitars are notable for their low register, frequently utilising tunings as low as dropped A. Additionally, the band is known for using resonant feedback to create monolithic soundscapes and eerie atmospheres. Percussion is almost never incorporated, with a lack of any discernible
  6. Jon Favreau, who was Barack Obama's head speechwriter, has a very good article in the Daily Beast in support of Hillary Clinton. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/02/26/why-electing-hillary-in-16-is-more-important-than-electing-obama-in-08.html
  7. Jam band fans bitch about any performer that does songs under 10 minutes long.
  8. Oh, so glad you were there to experience this show and report back to us, Paul. Can't wait to read even more details when you fill out the post, but already it sounds like a special night. New song! Jeff on a stool! Lost love! A Long Time Ago! I won't be seeing Jeff in an intimate setting until the Vic shows, which seems so far off, but the anticipation is building. Edit: After you filled out more banter details, I was just thinking that I can totally picture Jeff climbing on that stool and then later, all older punk defiant, he kicks it quietly over. Cool gesture. I'm sure his family lo
  9. Actually Lucinda's drawl on You and I would be hysterical!
  10. It'd be hard to do that. Show droplets flying off his head? Dripping off his fingers? Glenn's a sweaty dude!
  11. Mavis was absolutely adorable on Stephen Colbert the other night. He had her on for an interview segment and then a song. She is just so warm and outgoing, and everybody seems to light up around her.
  12. This shit stopped being amusing to me a few months ago.
  13. Patty Griffin, Sara Watkins and Anais Mitchell tonight. Not sequential but all together onstage apparently.
  14. Widespread Panic tonight at a fancy venue in Norfolk (Chrysler Hall, where the symphony and Broadway productions play).This will be my first time seeing them but it seems like an odd choice of venue. We've got great seats, though.
  15. Just now watching Stephen Colbert, saying "It's time to prepare for the very real possibility of President Donald J. (urp) [Making puke gestures] Sorry, I think I just trumped in my mouth a little."
  16. I got Brooklyn night 2. I don't have the most discerning ears but it sounds great to me. There's a fair amount of crowd noise, but not in a distracting way. It's just that you're quite aware it's a live recording.
  17. Oh yeah, this is a polarizing debate for sure. I don't find Hillary supporters to be as anti-Bernie as Bernie supporters are anti-Hillary, but that makes sense considering the idealism factor. Idealogues are much more likely to see things as non-negotiable and to see compromise and incremental improvements as selling out. It worries me how so many Bernie supporters are demonizing Hillary. It's going to make it hard for them to swallow their bitterness and do the right thing for the good of the country. My hope is that if/when the inevitable happens and Hillary sews up the nomination, Bernie
  18. Lucky you! I'm sure that was a great show, and many thanks for the picture. I see Jeff is still in love with that striped t-shirt. I don't think I've ever seen him wear the same shirt so faithfully. I think he wore it for every single show on this tour.
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yHckRTkcZg&feature=youtu.be
  20. I'm just glad he's off the court. I'm not happy that he's dead per se, although that is the only way other than resigning that someone gets off the Supreme Court.
  21. I completely agree. I'd seen Gillian Welch once several years back opening for Bright Eyes, but just saw Dave Rawlings Machine in Richmond in November. It was an AMAZING show, marred only by the biggest jackass I have ever had to endure standing just to my right who decided that it was a good idea to be on the rail, directly in front of the artist (and right next to me) and call his friend and loudly talk through the first two songs. Those of you who've seen them can only begin to imagine how cringe-inducing this was--directly in front of Dave Rawlings. Fortunately the drunk douchebag left aft
  22. Some of my best friends are Deadheads! Seriously, I was just playing around with the stereotype, not meaning in any way to insult Grateful Dead fans. As to what this guy did specifically, of course it was a dick move. I think what makes this seem so funny is the way he chose to explain himself, along with the futile gesture of returning the cards and license. Like that makes him a righteous dude! As a aside, I lost my wallet at Solid Sound in 2013. I think it just slipped out of my pocket. But it was turned into security with everything intact and even a little note attached. So Wilco fan
  23. Yeah, it's been around for awhile. At some show Jeff introduced Nels as the 82nd best guitarist.
  24. I know. I felt bad making what sounded like a dig on Deadheads. I really didn't mean it that way. But ya gotta admit there's a stereotypical image of a kind of good natured, spaced out Grateful Dead fan. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)
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