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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. I'm dying to see a trailer myself. There are so many angles they could take with this. I didn't love the "disappearing small town" angle in Ashes, but maybe that's what they've got to do to get funding. I hope it's not too prominent a focus for this movie. At any rate, I'm just thrilled it's finally getting released.
  2. Also, if you're enthusiastic about sone music and have the CD, it's easy to pass it along to a friend to check out, without having to burn to CD or save to a jump drive, etc.
  3. Unless it's something you really have no interest in anymore, I wouldn't sell them. Maybe take them out of their cases and store in a more space saving way. But sell--NEVER. Then again, I have a slight hoarding problem....
  4. I'll put in a plug here for a Facebook page I set up called Solid Sound 2015. It's completely unofficial so it can become whatever the members want it to be. I haven't given it a lot of attention, but my hope was that it could be a place for people who are looking for accommodations, room-sharing, ride-sharing, recommendations, etc. to connect. There are a lot of people on Facebook who don't get on Via Chicago. Feel free to check it out.
  5. I love the fact that Vince's big THANK YOU banner, signed by the fans in line at the last of the Winterlude shows, is hanging on the wall behind Richard.
  6. The song was Pavement's Cut Your Hair. I too was thrilled to see that. Yes, it would be great if they released a Wilco fans version of the film with a lot of extras as well as the regular documentary.
  7. Huge news, everybody. i just got word of this from my friend Gorman Bechard, whose own film A Dog named Gucci will be premiering at the same festival. The long-awaited film will premiere on Friday, Feb. 13. An auspicious day, I'm sure! http://www.bigskyfilmfest.org/bsdff/festival/films-2015/every_other_summer_solid_sound_festival_2013/c/61
  8. Jeremy, you do know it's the end of next month, right? Feb. 28.
  9. I just had a completely random thought, based on nothing but pure speculation. Jeff and Susie are good friends with Fred Armisen, Fred works closely with Carrie Brownstein, and Sleater Kinney is just about to come out with their first album in 10 years. I think you can see where I'm going with this. Now that would be a perfect fit for Solid Sound!
  10. Agree with most of these thoughts about MMJ. Try as I might, I just can't get into them. They're good musicians and I can see where festival management would assume there will be lots of crossover appeal, but this festival occupies such a special niche and is so subject to overcrowding as it is, I don't think they need another "big" name on the roster. On the other hand, maybe the guys really hit it off during the Americanarama tour and will be working on some cool collaborations. I've learned not to second guess their long term vision or to think I know what's up their sleeve. They've surp
  11. What's wrong with me? I'm actually looking forward to standing in that line at the Vic. It's going to feel like old home week, hopefully just a bit warmer than for the solo shows last year. See you all there!
  12. The regular onsale for the Vic doesn't start till Friday but I think jamusa is doing a presale starting tomorrow.
  13. if you mean two nights at the same venue, like at the Vic, then my best guess would be yes. But who knows?
  14. That was a fascinating read. Richard Thompson has some very devoted and articulate followers.
  15. I saw something on Mass MoCA's Facebook page a couple of days ago that seemed to indicate John Hodgkin will be back for Solid Sound this year. Something like "see you in June." Sorry I can't be more specific--I forget how it came up in my FB feed. I hope it's true--he's a great fit with Solid Sound.
  16. From an instagram post: Well, this William Tyler ( @williamtylertn ) album is gonna be a serious ordeal. Phil Cook + Darin Gray + Glenn Kotche + William Tyler = heavy scene. Special times up in WI. And Darin tweeted this morning that he's sorry the sessions are over. So, looks like we've got something exciting to look forward to!
  17. I think you're right. He commented positively about William Tyler's last record. Like maybe they're working on his next record.
  18. Looks like you might get your wish. I just saw something from Wilco on Facebook about possible bundled pricing,, details to be announced. Grumble, grumble--I still think $54 is dirt cheap for such a great run of shows, but I'm a little bit pissed that they're going to be offering a bundled price now, weeks after some of us have already paid full price for all 6 shows. Still, it's not even close to the money I've thrown away upgrading tickets, etc., so I'm not really complaining. Maybe they'll throw in a little something for those of us who already bought...
  19. I have a feeling that if Jeff were to do the choosing, we's be known as The Nerds.
  20. I actually made a donation to Michelle DiGiacomo (Direct Effect) yesterday. It seems like she does very good work on a shoestring budget. If anyone has a spare few bucks to throw her way, I think they would be put to good use.
  21. And Randy Newman has the Little Criminals. Aquarium Drunkards? There's already a good music website using this name, but maybe we could repurpose it. It would just be too sad to name ourselves The Lonely Ones. Maybe we can challenge the band to anoint us with the name of their choice and announce it ar Solid Sound.
  22. Finally got the DL figured out, and so did my friend. Let the wild rumpus start!
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