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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Grrr....I guess I need to make a call to good ol' Kung Fu in the morning. Another friend of mine is also unable to DL. Must be a case by case problem.
  2. Were you able to download? I went over to Kung Fu and, while it looks like the shows are ready for download, all I get when I click on the DL arrow is a screen showing the name of the show. Has anyone else been able to actually download the shows?
  3. Right you are. I didn't read too carefully, did I?
  4. I was just going to say, you'd think from looking at these lists that the band hasn't done anything worthwhile in the last 10 years. I actually love lots of recent Wilco, but there is a natural nostalgia for earlier versions of the band as well. Assuming the Roadcase recordings for the recent Chicago residency turn out well, those shows should be fantastic. I was at all of them and would be hard pressed to pick a favorite night. There was such a great energy to those shows.
  5. I'm sure others will chime in here, but one site you might want to look at is sooutoftune.org, which has available for streaming most of the shows that are also available to download on Owl and Bear as well as other download sites. So if you want to sample some shows before deciding whether they are worth downloading, check there. And welcome to the community!
  6. Wouldn't it be great if that woman was still a fan and got on here to tell us the mother's side of the conversation?
  7. I've seen most of the bands I want to see at least once, several many times over. BUT there are a few that I have never managed to see who are still alive and kicking.. From the top... Tom Waits Radiohead The War on Drugs Beck I envy those of you who live in or near big cities. If I lived someplace like Chicago or New York I can guarantee that I would have seen all these guys by now. Edit: No sooner did I post this than I thought of three more I really want to see: Lydia Loveless Parquet Courts Sturgill Simpson
  8. The more time I spend with my real family, the more I think my Wilco family IS my real family! Hee hee, just kidding (sort of). Merry Christmas to my Wilco peeps!
  9. The reason for the seems to be a sobering one.http://consequenceofsound.net/2014/12/heres-why-stephen-colbert-played-neutral-milk-hotels-holland-1945-to-close-the-colbert-report/ And after the finale, the only one Jeff wanted a selfie with was the Cookie Monster https://www.facebook.com/wilcohq/photos/a.127996970420.136900.8290410420/10152932289290421/?type=1
  10. Since Roadcase recordings are coming out for all 6 nights, why would anyone want an audience recording?
  11. Wasn't it the most awesome finale? I can't wait to see when someone compiles a list of all the people who appeared in We'll Meet Again. And how cool was it that he ended with a big shout out to Mavis Staples?
  12. That's right--if I can't get a personal invite to the Loft, at least my personal message on Vince's banner is in there.
  13. Random thought...What do you guys make of those people who request New Madrid but pronounce it New MaDRID? I've heard it done several times. Have they ever even listened to the song? Are they just looking at a list of songs? It baffles me every time it happens. Oh, and Susie was there? That's great!
  14. Here's something someone from Via Chicago put together after the first Solid Sound.It captures the feeling of the festival as well as anything I've ever seen. https://www.flickr.com/photos/crackedandhooked/collections/72157624638304347/ The fest has gotten a little more crowded since that first year, but the vibe is still very much like this.
  15. Thanks for posting. It's the young man's 19th birthday today too, by the way.
  16. I was on the rail but just a little farther down. I was right in front of John. Very sweet vantage point. (In fact, when Jeff leaned down to blow that kiss to Susie, for one crazy second I thought he was directing it at me!) There are a lot of the "usual suspects" aka diehards in that picture, though.
  17. Sally Timms and Jon Langford were at Hardly Strictly Bluegrass this year. Their show was wild and lots of fun.
  18. That's a wonderful article, Zuma! The words, the pictures, the sincere feelings you conveyed. Thank you so much for doing this!
  19. That's a good point. I did something similar when I got my tickets to all of the nights at the Riv--posted a picture of them on FB before the event. However, in azs's case, since the events are in the past, I can't think of anything bad that could happen.
  20. Hooray for you! It's probably because of that awesome afterparty that Nels and John talked about at about the 5:00 mark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCnlqdXAA9U
  21. That was Mark Greenberg from the Loft in the photo pit with his phone facetiming Susie in. He was directly in front of me and when I saw Jeff lean down and blow a kiss in the direction of the guy with the phone, I looked down and saw Susie's sweet face watching the first two songs. Then I took a closer look and saw the distinctive bristly hair and realized it was Mark. That was an incredibly sweet moment in an evening filled with them. I don't know how that band could have given up any more than they did tonight--well, the whole run, actually. It just hit me hard while watching them pour the
  22. It is strange, since they even made a video for it. Maybe to cultivate an air of mystery around it?
  23. But it's OK if it's a pretty, pretty, pretty good one, right? See you Friday!
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