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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. I love this! Jeff really got around that day. He did that popup solo show (which I missed, dammit), and now we see this. Plus of course the offcial Tweedy set and his guest appearance in Mavis's set. Considering that they only got to spend one day at the festival, it looks like they made the most of it.
  2. I know! I'm disappointed in myself. I keep thinking it's gonna kick in, but it hasn't happened yet.
  3. I know this sounds like heresy, and I honestly can't explain it to myself, but I listened to the whole live stream last night--and watched a lot of it--and it was just like background music to me. It's so weird, becasue I just went to the shows in Portsmouth, VA on Tuesday and Wednesday and thoroughly enjoyed both nights. I mean, they moved me--literally and figuratively. I was on my feet and pretty much dancing all night. But it must be something about the live experience with this band, more than any other, that makes the difference. Maybe it's the lack of quality lyrical content? When I'm a
  4. You need to take a cue from Jeff: "Oh no, I won't jump for joy, I don't. If I get excited nobody knows." But seriously, a Tweedy show is nothing to sneeze at. I would be very excited if one of these shows were anywhere near me.
  5. Second set getting ready to start. . .
  6. Where oh where did you find this? That put a huge smile on my face this morning!
  7. Well, as I said, I'm not a longtime fan, so I would defer to your judgment--you have more perspective on the band and a deeper relationship with their music. I'll just say that I really enjoyed both nights. Last night was lots of locked in grooves, tonight was extended jams. Kind of like that youtube video about what Phish sounds like to non Phish fans. I think longtime fans would probably prefer tonight's setlist.
  8. Will try to post More thoughts later when show is over. But tonight's Phish show (still going on) is totally different feel from last night but still AWESOME!
  9. I don't disagree at all. I actually know him a bit (I grew up with and am still good friends with his sister and mother) and have spent a little time around Richard. I think the book was pretty true to his actual character, which really isn't that appealing, sorry to say. I enjoyed it more for the insider view of that whole scene. Richard had the look and the attitude that perfectly fit with the zeitgeist of that time and place, but I don't think he ever really had the musical chops--or interest, frankly--to sustain a career in music. FWIW, he's a happily married, curmudgeonly writer/poet thes
  10. Oh, a couple more I forgot that maybe don't exactly fit the category, since they're more memoirs, but Patti Smith's "Just Kids" is a totally amazing book--I couldn't recommend it more highly. It covers her early life and her relationship with Robert Mapplethorpe. As you would expect, she's a very poetic and evocative writer. Another one I enjoyed was Richard Hell's "I Dreamed I Was a Very Clean Tramp." It was a very honest, warts and all memoir. And there were lots of warts.
  11. "I'll Sleep When I'm Dead: The Dirty Life and Times of Warren Zevon' was a good read.
  12. I'm not a Phish aPhishionado so I don't recognize more than a handful of their specific songs, but I really do enjoy the live shows, and last night's in Portsmouth was the best I've personally seen. It's just impossible not to move your body when they lock into a groove, and they are great at that. They feed a whole other part of my music appreciation--you just feel this music in a purely kinetic way. I can't wait to hear them again tonight!
  13. Oh, what a great shot, Tim! He's usually got that tight-lipped smile, which is cute, but it's nice to see him looking loose and happy like this.
  14. You'd think I'd be burned out on live music right now after just returning from Newport, but I have tickets for both nights at Portsmouth, VA (tonight and tomorrow) and I'm looking forward to them immensely. If anyone on here is coming to either of the shows let me know and maybe we can meet up. It should beeasier than trying to arrange a meeting place at Newport!
  15. You live in Virginia, right? Are you coming to Portsmouth Tuesday or Wednesday?
  16. Judas! Just kidding of course. They definitely work for me, but I understand.
  17. That's what I tend to think too. But is it possible that she's got potential? I don't have an opinion, really. Just seen her on a couple of video appearances.
  18. Has anyone scrutinized the schedule to see a dead spot? That would be the ideal time to suggest. I've got a shitty internet connection here. Hopefully back to normal tomorrow.
  19. Anybody seen the web exclusive? I'm betting it's Diamond Light.
  20. hey if anybody can post the entire article including the rest of the details about the rider I'd really appreciate it I'm limited to my cell phone and it looks like I have to sign up for Chicago Tribune online to read the whole thing can't figure out how to do it on the .mobile phone. It's taking forever to load..
  21. Yep. that means our man Tweedy is doing his job. And so is the PR department. This is a good strategy, I think, to encourage pre-orders and whet our appetites for what's to come.
  22. I'm very happy to hear this. It bodes well for his headlining set at Newport on Friday.
  23. I agree that it says 20 new songs but I personally wouldn't get my hopes up. I think it was just a poorly worded press release. Especailly if Jeff is also doing a solo set, he would be one tuckered out boy after that!
  24. Sure, why not. Could be of some mild interest.
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