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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. No sadder than me doing the same thing. . .
  2. Thank you, Calvino! If you are able to do it, I'll send you my address. I have a feeling this will be an especially good show since it's for the hometown crowd.
  3. I am SO bummed that I have to work while this is going on! If someone figures out a way to capture the live stream PLEEEEEASE let me know!
  4. OMG, funny! All these pictures of this booby babe, interspersed with the occasional soulful, mournful looking Jeff. I can't stop laughing!
  5. I found a gold bracelet--really heavy, solid gold--in the backyard of a house I was renting, near the grill. I called the landlord but it wasn't theirs so I kept it. Also a decent sized bag of pot once near a curb as I was walking to my car.
  6. Atticus, my brothah. I just posted this yesterday in another thread. "Actually I have grown to absolutely LOVE Less Than You Think. I don't always listen to the whole thing, but I usually do. The lyrics give me the chills just thinking about them "A fist so clear and climbing / punches a hole/ in the sky. . . " There's something about that line that just causes my heart to leap into my throat. Seriously."
  7. Click in the link just above my post. She includes a direct link to the video.
  8. That was fascinating. Admittedly, I know nothing about creating animation, but reading about the process makes me appreciate the video even more. She's also a very good communicator. She references Spencer several times. I wonder if he was the one who recommended her for the job. Back when Spencer used to blog actively, he would often write about people he admired in the world of photography, typography, design, etc. He has a wide-ranging curiosity about the visual arts, among other things.
  9. Thanks for finding and posting that. It's really surprising to me that the writer, who had an in-depth interview with Jeff 9 years ago, never posted it online until now. Maybe Uncut didn't have an online presence then?
  10. Is this where I get to say OMG YOU ARE ALL IDIOTS! JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION YOU HIGHY MESSED UP FREAKS!!1!!!11 I've been waiting for this moment. . . .
  11. AM: It's Just That Simple BT: Why Would You Wanna Live ST: My Darling YHF: War on War AGIB: The Late Greats (it kills me to put that on the list, because I love it, but I guess I love it a little less than everything else on AGIB) SBS: Leave Me Like You Found Me W(TA): You Never Know TWL: Open Mind
  12. Geez, this is the only place I'm known as a fount of positivity. You should see me at work! I will, I will, but I have to give this some thought. I definitely have a few less than faves.
  13. Are you able to call Kung Fu? They're a somewhat mom and pop organization, it seems to me, and maybe they could work out something for you. Also, aren't you coming to Solid Sound next year? Maybe just get the download now and buy the physical product when you're in this half of the world.
  14. Actually I have grown to absolutely LOVE Less Than You Think. I don't always listen to the whole thing, but I usually do. The lyrics give me the chills just thinking about them "A fist so clear and climbing / punches a hole/ in the sky. . . " There's something about that line that just causes my heart to leap into my throat. Seriously.
  15. Yes, it's been announced as a double album. Also, just to clarify, on the Kung Fu store in a couple of instances they refer to the CD as a 2-CD set and in others they just say CD, so I called the store to make sure, and yes, there's only one version of the CD and it includes 2 discs. There's no "bonus" or "deluxe" edition of the CD.
  16. AM: Passenger Side BT: Misunderstood MA: California Stars ST: Via Chicago MA2: Remember the Mountain Bed YHF: IATTBYH AGIB: Wishful Thinking SBS: Impossible Germany W(TA): One Wing TWL: Dawned On Me This was really an eye opening task. Not that I'm really surprised when I think of it, but there were so many albums that contained so many of my favorite songs that I feel terrible committing to just one. And, as worlrecordplayer said, I reserve the right to change my mind daily.
  17. Anyone notice that the image on the t-shirt is very similar to JeffTweedy's Twitter profile pic? Excpet for the substitution of a cat's head for Jeff's head, I think. Even the swatch watch.
  18. I know we're not supposed to post youtube videos but try searching for Tweedy Ottawa and there's a very nice video of Jeff singing Jesus Etc. It's remarkable how attentive the festival crowd is.
  19. I just saw Obvious Child and really loved it. Jenny Slate has come close to getting on my nerves in the past--veering a little close to too twee for my taste--but she was really good in this. It was a romantic comedy with a very indie twist and full for fresh, funny and poignant observations.
  20. I got that sense too, initially, but on rereading it I'm not so sure. This is one instance where it would be great to have this as a video interview, because body language and inflection might really be informative.
  21. Oh, how wonderful for you, Mariana!!
  22. Aw jeez, you crazy lucky Chicagoans.
  23. The whole site looks a little odd right now. It's probably being worked on.
  24. There's a radio show called Out of the Box on the local NPR station. The host specializes in new and alternative music. So during tonight's first set he played Summer Noon off the new record. It was the first time I'd heard it in anything other than a live version. It sounded very sweet.
  25. That's cool. Thanks for sharing that info!
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