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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Ha! No, I'm just FB friends with Danny Miller, Sue's brother. He's a blogger and a very interesting writer. In fact, for those of us who are also movie lovers, you should check out the new film-related website he writes for, www.cinephiled.com. And how many times do I have to say it--I am not a dude! What, do I sound like one?
  2. This GA ticket for Friday night is still available and I'll take $60. It would be an easy transaction since I'll be in line early and am staying in a hotel right around the corner.
  3. Stand back from the stage when he tears into Chickamauga--it's smokin'.
  4. If your bravery, strength of character or lovableness were ever in question--and they weren't, by the way--there would be no doubt left now. You are the coolest, most grounded and nurturing person I can imagine, and the outpouring of love and support here and on your FB page is awesome. We are all rooting for you, Sue, and sending all love and positive energy to you, Jeff, Spencer and Sam.
  5. Here's a little scoop, from Jeff's bother-in-law: Jeff filmed the episode a few days after the Grammys. AND he'll be shooting another episode on the show later this month!
  6. Oh my god, I had the same thought.Wouldn't that just be too perfect?
  7. I appreciate your sharing this. It's very sobering--and I don't mean that in a funny way. I'm no stranger to light recreational drug use (mainly pot) but this is an entirely different matter. Very glad you're doing well now.
  8. I took Jules' comment to mean that maybe people stockpile their heroin just like people stockpile beer. You have a few extra dollars right now so you buy up a supply so you don't need to go out to buy it at the last minute. I agree that the nature of heroin addiction would probably indicate that people wouldn't be able to exercise that much self control and would be likely to find themselves using more when they have a ready supply, but isn't it at least theoretically possible that someone could have a lot of it lying around but still use only the same, relatively controlled, amount each da
  9. I'm the last one to say you should wait until the last minute, but I'm with Raspberry Jam. Just look around at some of the more reasonable options--the Willows, the Williams Inn, houses on VRBO.com. There are lots of options out there. Orchards is pretty much the second most espensive place in the area--after Porches--so why start there? Also, it's way too early to get discouraged about lodging. Most places haven't even opened up for booking yet. By all means, don't wait till the last minute, but it's 17 months away.
  10. What a huge loss. He was an amazing actor and had such a vibrant presence. He gave great interviews too.
  11. I would! I'm going to see them in Annapolis on the 13th and would like to get more familiar with songs they're likely to play. Glad you got a good show!
  12. I also have a spare for Friday. So there you go--if you need two tickets, just get mine and Sandy's!
  13. Noooo! Those are all good! Especially the awkwardness of the line from The Lonely 1. Remember, that's from the perspective of an overinvolved fan (yes, I'm looking in the mirror) who would say something geeky like that. And the other two, well, I have no problem with them. They don't strike me as particularly brilliant but not clunkers either. Interesting that what falls flat on one person's ear isn't necessarily the same for everyone. Can we all agree that "turn your frown upside down" maybe wasn't Jeff's finest moment?
  14. I got two kind of deep cuts in improbable places today. Radio King in an independent sporting goods store (where I was coincidentally shopping for cold weather gear for my upcoming trip to the Vic for Tweedy!) and Summerteeth at a local coffee shop right afterwards. I consider it a sign!
  15. This was shared on Facebook today. It's from 1991--a Cambridge, MA area radio station with an in-studio set from Uncle Tupelo. It's particularly cool that the DJ has a current interview with Mike Heidorn introducing it. I think you'll enjoy it. http://headphones.mit.edu/archive/Riding_the_Norse_Horse____1_28_14_6:58_PM.mp3
  16. Blackinton Manor only has 5 rooms. I wouldn't be too optimistic.
  17. I just got my copy from Amazon a couple of days ago. I like all the extras and the booklet. Plus it's interesting to trace the evolution of songs like I Got Drunk and Screen Door from cassette demos to regular demos and then to the version on the album. And the music is just so good, it's nice to have it brought to the fore again.
  18. Thanks, y'all! Hopefully we can break away from the line for a little while and maybe branch out a bit. I'll check out Schuba's for after the show on Friday or Saturday night, too. Things should still be hoppin' around 11 or so when Jeff calls it a night, and I've always heard what a great place that is.
  19. No specific questions, Lou, but are you aware of any major changes to the retail or dining places near the Vic since last year? I'm coming with friends again for the Tweedy shows and staying at City Suites. We esually end up visiting the breakfast place across the street from the hotel, the Italian restaurant down the street from the Vic and the liquor store on the corner near the Vic. Are those places still there? Anything new we should look out for? Edit: I shouldn't have just addressed this to Lou. Any of you Chicagoans, I'd welcome suggestions from. By the way, I had all my cold weat
  20. I bought them all and I really love listening to them. Yes, we've probably all got "enough" versions of all of the songs, and on one of the nights--I think it was night 1 or 2--Jeff's voice sounded a little bit rugged, but I have to say that doesn't bother me one bit. It just sounds real. (I think Jeff even said something to that effect, like "Hey, at least it's authentic.") What I love most about the shows is all of the banter. There must have been a little bit of it cut out--whatever led up to or followed the deleted W(TA) songs, I guess--but there's still a ton of it left in. It was obvi
  21. The most important piece of advice I can offer to anyone even considering attending the festival is to book your accommodations ASAP. Some places are already taking reservations, at least for previous guests. I can't imagine any downside to doing this early even if you're not yet sure you're going to make it--surely no hotel is going to charge you in advance or consider your reservation nonrefundable this far out, and if you've got the accommodations reserved, there's nothing more you even have to worry about for about a year. Festival tickets will be a piece of cake compared to finding a plac
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