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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. No, we need more of this, not less.I love this thtead.
  2. Oh good lord, what a song. Reading that first analysis I was sure the person had it about 90% "correct" and I thought everyone saying it was just about pot were just being snarky. But now that I read it from that perspective it makes total sense that way too. Could Jeff possibly have intentionally written the song in such a multi-layered way that it could justify that many valid interpretations? I don't minimize the music's contribution to the feel and meaning of the song--it's obviously gorgeous and haunting --but it just blows me away to think how well it works no matter which lyrical mean
  3. Just a thought--why don't those of us who are doing the Hotel Monaco deal see if we can get someone at the hotel to maintain a list of people who want to meet up, along with room numbers and contact info? The first person to get to the hotel can ask to get the list started and everyone who arrives subsequently can take notes about the previous arrivals and add their names to the list, if they choose to do so. It's a pretty high end hotel and I think they pride themselves on customer service, so I don't think this would be too much to ask. And we're Wilco fans after all, therefore by definition
  4. Oh, I just love a thread like this. It's what I wish we did more of on this message board, because I think there are so many layers and density to Jeff's songs and the music, and the songs really hold up to scrutiny. Unfortunately I don't have time right now to jump into the conversation but I really appreciated the analysis. I've always loved that song but have felt the last line to be a little jarring (pun NOT intended) and maybe just added for shock effect, which has always bothered me, because I don't think Jeff generally does that. So it sort of marred the song for me a little bit. Now
  5. While the tickets are $113 through Mass MoCA, and it IS a benefit show so the money is going to charity, I can understand where that's a little steep. My bet is that there are some tickets on the secondary market--or will be--that are less expensive. So any fan who wants to go to the show probably shouldn't give up hope just based on that $113 price. By the way, I sent Heart Full of Holes a PM.
  6. I really see nothing wrong with the use of this Wilco song in this commercial. To my mind, a lot of what might bother me would depend on the details and the context. I would not want to hear "She's a Jar," for instance, used in a commercial for a jar of pickles. Neither would I want to see "How to Fight Loneliness" used in a commercial for an antidepressant. Etc., Etc. But a jaunty tune like I'm Always in Love? And it's not even Wilco performing it--it's just the song/tones. Really, what is wrong with that, unless you live in a cave and think all commercial enterprises are inherently corrupt
  7. Got a room for you, Carrie. . .
  8. Same here. If there's a bunch of interest I can take the overflow, since I also have a membership.
  9. Yes, I've been searching for a link but can't find a thing. Would really appreciate it if someone could post a link.
  10. Aaaand. . . it's sold! Congrats to the lucky buyer, and what a characteristically great thing for the Tweedys to do. Y'all make it so easy to stay in love with Wilco, since your hearts are so obviously in the right place.
  11. Can't believe no encore. You think they just didn't air it?
  12. They're getting some really nice closeups and camera angles on this stream. But I want Jeff to shave and lose the hat next time I see him!
  13. Same here--my browser closed and I refreshed and bam!
  14. All right, I'm a little slow here. Is Wilco at 5:00 Eastern? Or 6:00?
  15. Oh, you lucky Minnesotans. I'd love to be at that show!
  16. Anybody seen Mavis on her current tour as an opener for Bonnie Raitt? They're coming to a nice venue locally (nTelos Pavilion in Portsmouth) on June 13, but the tickets are really expensive and I'm feeling a bit tapped out. Plus, I've seen Bonnie many times--always a good show, but still--and Mavis is just the opener. But I'm open to persuasion if someone gives the show a rave review.
  17. OMG! This translates as a men's hairdresser, and just look at that buncha dark hair on the floor. It's obviously not John's. Think Jeff will be sporting a new look? Buzz cut, perhaps? But seriously. . . cool! Thanks for letting us know.
  18. I'm late saying thank you to Carrie (smells like flowers) for calling me wise in any respect, considering what a bad influence I was on her (slightly) more abstemious ways. And considering the fact that I practically passed out on her sofa! It's nice to know I still have the ability to express myself rationally when I choose to. But it's a lot easier to think rationally than it is for me to actually behave that way when Wilco is involved.
  19. Yep, I was going to suggest good ol' Sooutoftune.org. But there's also this site http://www.thebarnpresents.com/setlist-jeff-tweedy-vic-theater-chicago-il-33112-5727.html which has MP3s.
  20. That review bothers me because I do think some of what's being said is valid. It's a well-written review from someone who sounds like she's an informed fan longing for the "good old days." I can understand missing the messy looseness of the band's early shows. But it's sort of the same problem as the diehard Uncle Tupelo fans who wanted the band to stay stuck in time. They've evolved, and there are tradeoffs when you've got such gorgeous staging and lighting and complex arrangements and virtuoso musicians. You just can’t fit everything you want into a 2-hour show. You do sacrifice some intim
  21. YAY, Carrie!!! And a big thank you to IRDB, who is obviously much more persuasive than I.
  22. I love the internet. I realized I'd never heard Tweedy singing I Threw It All Away so just decided to look for it on www.sooutoftune.org, and voila! Just filter down to 1999, artist Jeff Tweedy, and there's the whole Lounge Ax show.
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